Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
Glasgow, Scotland
Just Before Dawn
There is a gap in time between
Passing night and coming day
A forgotten slip of time when silence reigns
A slice of peace when even ghosts and ghouls tired of being lost
Find a place to retire
A time-less void of cessation
When lonely souls who have thought through long night are refreshed
A moment of deeply experienced relief and then, it
is past –
It is that time between what is intended and what will come to pass
Between innocence and regret
A pause in creation’s ceaseless activity
Just before things concealed are briefly revealed and then hidden again
A time of set between before and after, easily lost
There is such a moment of paucity when a sudden insight prevails
And pieces of disparate elements colligate and present an idea in perfection
Just a moment, and then it disperse again-
It is a precise moment of discernment or continuous oblivion
A sudden flash of awareness of a thing
barely seen yet once registered never forgotten
A glimpse into a gap between worlds revealing-