Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
A Promise Fulfilled
Like orphans left to wander streets without mercy
Man who wandered from loving bosom of Father
Wandered in strange places of great discomfort
Maltreated by malevolent entities who ought not to
Ought not to trifle with things dear to loving Father , yet
Like stubborn vagabonds fleeing from discipline
that springs out of love
Love that in its strictness is protective
Amidst careful hedge of discipline that
protects fragile humans from harm
Man held in loving care, guided through
Misinterpreted discipline as undesired imposition
In disobedience courted disaster –
Fleeing as they were from a home with caring, loving father
Into defiling places of prowling beasts
Where harm, wanton lust and destruction prevail
Tossed, shredded, mauled and teetered on serrating edges
Stringed as fodder for feeding frenzy of voracious beasts –
How grievous in proportions are these acts of disobedience,
Who are these who
cause strife in holy, glorious presence
Of loving Father who sent forth salvations Lord and Saviour
To redeem his wayward children from strife?
Man made in His Creator’s image crying to His Father
An appeal ringing through ages of affliction
with muffled intensity from abyss of despair
Ringing in Heaven’s silence of deep sorrow at virtue lost –
A cord of unforgotten love that binds
Forever knotting Children’s appeal to heeding ears of mighty glorious Father
How wrung, is agony of Creator’s great love for His own
Who sends relief,
In haste and with a certainty
Redemption’s response forthcoming,
That no other person formed in God’s
image ought to bear afflictions’ curse
In God’s covenant fulfilled in beloved Son; man’s redeemer –
How precious worthy flow
A covenant wrought in innocent blood of Prince of Peace
Humble Son of Man with love in his heart
Descended from glorious throne at Father’s side
That once and for eternity fear’s
deceptive strangle hold is unloosened
And eternal life given omniscient expression
For divine word has assumed life –
Word of faith
A promise fulfilled
That it be spoken and in glorifying Father
Obedience restores man through faith
Who have turned to Saviour of man
Holding unto hem of his garment
Basking in his loving care
Reaching and in being received healed-