Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
hour devoted to mourning and lamenting the stolen equality of the
weak is nobler than a century filled with greed and usurpation. - A Tear and a Smile - Kahlil Gibran
Certain events of a mainly human nature, catalyzed no doubt by climatic changes and the pressure brought to bear
on hundreds of villages by oppressors, towards the first decade of the turn of the turn of the new millennium led to another
human tragedy of mass migrations and unneeded destruction of life and stability for people living in the Darfur region of
that vast land stretching through scrub and savannah south of Khartoum, the capital of the British ex colony of Sudan. In
our times we had witnessed many such human displacements brought by the need to escape afflictions resulting from wars and
climate changes.
It is an interesting observation that tragedy cries out with such a loud voice and its cries are heard in far places.
Modern communications has brought the world nearer, it has brought tragedies in distant places closer to home, suddenly we
watch drama of intense human suffering playing before our TV dinners and we can’t for most instances turn off atrocity,
upon atrocity, death and catastrophe playing before our eyes. Our stomachs have hardened to suffering, our minds have adapted
to processing televisions’ evening news to intense human suffering captured by television lenses in far away places.
Yet, one thing remains constant, as humans we seek an end to human suffering if we can. So how doe we resolve the need for
optimum quality human habitation. Our place on planet earth as a specie for the most part is a thin layer on the upper crust,
we have been gifted and created with profound intellectual capacities for re-engineering our earth to make it commodious to
our needs, yet much remains to be done and it requires strength of collective engagement to realise mutually desirable ends
for all of the specie. We an assessment to be made it would be degrees of commendable achievements on some part and deplorable
failure in other parts of a common planetary heritage.
Humanity as a specie is progressively evolving to appreciate its collective wealth and uniqueness as Gods loving
handiwork, created in the image of God and endowed with unlimited capacity for realising value out of their earthly endowment.
Awareness of self value and working together as a specie collective to optimise human value and improve quality of physical
existence are two states of progressive realisation, merging at common fronts for social development and diverging ever so
often due to lack of sophistication in managing the multiple common interfaces where human interact, due to strife, misunderstanding
and just plain old stupidity resulting from boorish behaviour on the side of one party in the never ending negotiations of
social intercourse.
I am a worker serving the interest of mankind at a level of responsibility that required constantly defining new
platforms for leaders of the different human groupings to negotiate acceptable for mutual cooperation. Sometimes it was a
simple duality, other times it was multiple fronts sharing a platform of negotiable ends for realising mutually beneficial
ends. On the rare occasion, all of human groupings, are brought together to redefine existing social configurations for advancing
course of humanity or stabilising from slipping from existing attained levels backwards. Each phase is attrited and resolution
is a clarity emerging often as insight enabled though wisdom of divine enablement that results in a win-win situation with
humanity the focus of benefit.
I can afford to deliberate in this open context because I had a responsibility for achieving progressive ends among
ever changing situations which required me to maintain a focus of unfettered idealisation of my purpose and their desired
ends in my task and weighty responsibility. After all when it is all said and done, I am one honoured to create platforms
where humanity presents and is represented at its highest level of intellectual aggregation to achieve desirable ends for
the specie collective.
In my line of responsibility I have seen the harm that humanity suffers when it losses its grip on collective responsibility
of tolerance and abiding by rules formulated to keep society in balance. When those of rules of self governance enforced for
the benefit of the collective collapse often it is as though for a moment that can be a long period of sustained madness humanity
losses its intellectual element and descends into a chaotic state of tearing itself into pieces. Each wound a reason for inflicting
additional hurt till the essence of what is humanity is a shredded, disgusting wounded, bleeding and aching mess. Those in
my position are set to stop the self destruction, to assuage that never ending hurt, ever incremental if left un-negotiated,
lest mankind losses its last semblance of containment and ranks amok in an orgiastic madness of running itself into total
To help heal opens wounds suppurating, I and those who work for mans well being at my level of engagement have
to see, that un-obvious side of positive outcome in every mess that social collapse creates at larger whole societies scale.
To see beyond, between and within, gory savagery of most horrendous kind, for salvation to salvage collectives; to restore human values in social chaos of human despair tottering towards abysmal degradation. To construct
a meaningful image of hope and convey it in possible attainments gradually and constructively realised, that men may clamber
out of states of despair and share humanities unique perch on endowed intellectual progression.
Humanity is intelligent specie whose developmental progress is firmly anchored in their ability to harness creative
intelligence to promote human growth, development and interest on its planetary heritage. It is the creative mind aspect of
humanity that sustains progress and development that enables insight to improve existing states of humankind. And, in so doing
enable newer perspectives for human existence.
Many years I have played these fields of horror, never failing to wonder at depths of humanities bestiality, driven
to extremes of self preservation. In all those times, I have helped men recapture lost hope yet it is only now I have begun
to reconstruct my reality, mans reality from a different point of possible engagement. Working in this high office we have
underplayed true value of human capabilities. Together with my colleagues I have engineered remedial solutions that left hundreds
of poor and desperate humans in tents, in states of temporary existence for long stretches of human life. Lives that have
been wasted because arguments, intelligently constructed and delivered in windy speeches were our tools of trade, as we pretended
to be earths final resolution table. Now, I another in a series of tragedies have struck as regular as a clockwork. Stripped
of its depths and layers of irrelevant analyses, it is simply another occasion of human tragedy played to deadly ends, with
inevitable waste of lives and consequent destabilisation of already tottering status quo. In a flash of inspiration in my
corner office, I decided to engage in a large scale social experiment. An experiment that will bring to bear on one human
tragedy hitherto all capabilities of enabled achievements for human development to change mangled face of tragedy into a great
achievement of human capacities.
I determined to bring colleagues of equal mind set to review this challenge and develop a solution that will enable
achievement of life time proportions. Something, that together we can glow in, when we retire and share in collective effort
of having changed ugly face of human failure, at least in one situation, creating a pattern for system repair, when human
social experiment at civilised existence falls through innumerable cracks opening underfoot of progressive societies.
Humans aggregate under any of many myriad conditions from family groupings coming together to people of cultural
and territorial proximity aggregating to form identified groupings of shared interest occupying a defined territory and over
time form stabilised geo-political identifiable defined from some global determining standpoint of mutually accepted definition.
Within those identifiable territories and geo-political identifiable in this age and stage of human development arise a simple
question around which stability and social progress evolves, how does a society of human employ all the resources available
to them to create meaningful existence for their constituents, both humans and non-humans, there being of course an interdependency
of supportive survival relation between humans and their environment in the widest conceivable definition. While for the most
part the planet can and has existed without its human components, the humans need a degree of supportive environment with
their planetary heritage to make their existence a meaningful one.
Humans can only intelligently interact with their planetary resources in situ to tease out that expected degree
of meaningfulness which they desire; for the most part the planet itself operates according to its pre defined mechanisms
to keep its wholesomeness in its galactic positioning. It’s a mechanism of vast configurations the most of which are
beyond human manipulation, man’s interaction with its planetary heritage is a unidirectional dual passive-active interdependency
of predictable probabilities. The degree of predictability is largely an evolving process of learned understanding of how
the planet works as dynamic geothermal sphere set amidst other influencing heavenly bodies.
Humans for all their seeming inventiveness occupy just a thin layer of the surface of this spherical planet. Fragile,
still intellectually in many respects evolving and far from that heightened level of understanding and appreciation that will
minimise violence and ensure highest ethical restraints in specie interaction are prone to societal wide outbursts of disruptive
violence, no doubt triggered by system failures, at any of a varied level within which society is construed as a reality or
theoretical concept for analytic and evaluative purposes. Critical to system failures have been primarily a seeming refusal
to acknowledge a specie perspective in planetary organisation, which specie perspective seems to becoming more dominant as
intellectual progress advances planetary wide.
In every sphere of human enterprise, whether it is organised service for supporting some aspect of the society,
a profit focused enterprise or a manufacturing setup, processing materials for sale; there are always three groupings that
define collective outlook. There are the idealist, who dwell in a mental world of possibilities to explore; the realists who
define constructs of execution in purely achievable constructs within existing reality and possibilities and the functionaries,
who just do what is required of them.
Who constitutes a particular grouping is more a reaction to variables determining situational realities, that interacting
with each individual mind set pushes orientation towards a particular mental framework as opposed to another. While stable
states may cause an individual to assume passive role of fitting into existing system framework, another person may employ
those stable environments to explore idealistic strivings. Others are awoken from slumber of inactive regularity by drastic
changes in stable states of customariness and are pushed by variables that significantly distort complacent states of existence.
Such persons may not necessarily seek for return to previous states, but certainly push for radical reversal to a preferred
status quo. What is being indicated here is there is no point in categorising humans into permanent groupings of capable and
incapable in determining the states of outcome of human affairs, the flexibility enabled for diverse expression given variations
from existing states for human capacities to give expression to unexpected and positive outcomes is vast and unrestricted.
Phased grouping for meaningful interpretation of transient states in progressive evolvement are meant for temporary expressive
definition of meaningful states.
In my role as a herder of mans’ goodwill, strange as it may sound, it is what I do; we aggregate all of mans
positive attributes set against worst possible scenarios of conflict and extreme positions and manage extremities of opinions
in positions of leadership to agree to mutually beneficial ends. We resolve conflicts, in simplest of terms to enable humanity
as intelligent species in groupings to continue to develop intellectually and explore and manage their environment for collective
benefit and specie growth and development.
In this role, I have now reached meaningful growth of maturity and exposure through experience of innumerable interactions
with decision makers, problem catalysts, passing as weak leaders and those with greater good of human interest at heart, to
and believe from an innermost part of my being that humanity as a whole strives for individual good and society collaborates
by creating conducive environment that maximises full realisation of individual expected ends.
Progress is dynamically engendered when complimentarily and supportive interaction is unidirectional, with individual
and society yearning incremental benefits through enabled interaction. Over time, it has dawned on me that normal men actively
or passively yearn and exult in pro supportive environments where their aspirations are best fulfilled. What is deemed as
aspirations worthy of achievement are an indicative agglomeration of emergent values that each generation of humans have evolved
and cultivated. At their core lies values and ends mutually desirable by most humans, that a value worth can be placed on
its and thus such ends are worthwhile either inn monetary beneficial terms of personally end satisfactory terms.
We who are offered that troublesome seat of honour to steer and position human affairs for constantly improving
states of human decision making states of conciliatory considerations of all opinions interacting to determine our human state
of cultivated relevance, crave and seek to create positive outcomes for society. We do realise that reward of good performance
over and beyond our handsome pay checks, does not come by way of human approval, for often what satisfies one party may be
appreciated as disadvantageous by another party. Overall it is a balancing act of defining highest value, middle ground with
utmost benefit under any given circumstances.
We are poised, with strained nerves, bearing weighty poles, capriciously balanced over swinging ropes of human
civilisation in a steady dance of unsteady swing from one undesired extremity to another extremity, all the time attempting
to retain a centre of controlled balance. Like every seasoned trapeze artist, awareness of constant failure keeps me, and
every one of us sharply focused, for consequences of failure are not traumatic for self but easily plunges society into abyss
of social collapse.
What is deemed as society and what values define such a society is an act of evolving intellectual discourse of
ideas at times supportive other times contradictory, definitively finding influencing determinacy and reflecting how a particular
society gives expression of its highest ideals. It is not enough to deem a particular society, capitalist, welfare or socialist,
there are aggregating factors complexly interacting that define degrees of approximation rather than inevitable end states.
Our societies evolve as a mutually accepted states of interdependency where primary needs of human survival end
needs are increasingly realised within an evolving socio-economic domain of ever increasing complexity that simplifies in
some states of realisation and makes more complex in others, the fundamental nature of human self sustenance, to provide a
safe dwelling place, where food, shelter and safety remain a defining element of stable communities.
Most humans are content to allow their leadership to evolve, working with all accessible intellectual resources
available to the specie to create a viable socio-economic medium within which their basic needs are met and adequate room
for creative expansion exist to evolve fully their potentials in each generation. The awareness that intellectual capability
for defining utmost states of human exist in each generation does not lie per se with a particular leader, rather it is the
aggregation of all projected ideas that enable desirable states is not per se lost on even traditional man. The adage “one
head does not rule a nation” is as traditional a proverb as it can get.
Yet men are tolerable of mediocre leaders hoping that supportive minds in every and any society will provide a
base of knowledge within and understanding within which leaders can formulate a path of meaningful progress for the utmost
improvement of quality of state of their society. When a discerning leader assumes leadership, it is a opportunity for unhindered
progression as these becomes doorways of intellectual discernment opening their societies to maximise their potentials for
all benefiting growth and development. The truth however, is that such discerning leaders are few and far between the steady
stream on close or loose minded averages that without invested engagement by all of any society’s idea generators and
concerned interests tend to derail and inflict abhorrent suffering, setting the clock of development back. A trick task for
all human societies is how to maintain an even keel in their social interactions to ensure that all values that are deemed
as beneficially are all pervasive and all intellectually benefiting enablement find unhindered access to all and sundry in
any society in every generation, as much as possible.
When a group of poor farmers living their simple agrarian existence of close dependence upon nature and appeal to God
to maintain a semblance of organised, albeit traditional, primitive lifestyle become pawns in a power play for religious extremists
and power panderers intent on persecuting ignorant poor and by all considerations already wretched of our planetary heritage.
When rogues and wicked men of ill intent, pillage and rape, burning mud and swish huts, driving humans like wild cattle far
into wild, wind swept desert plains, when their cry rises to heaven and creation despairs at yet another rape of human sanity,
we are those who respond, we in our high white towers of civility and sanitised environments, we are earths, slow emergency
crew, activated to respond to humanities cry of despair. It is my call to utter a commander’s war cry. Forth, to
disarm, wickedness!
Far from gleaming blue skies, 11,000 meters above ground, it was a vast plain, a vast rocky plain, flat almost
without significant rise or fall of the endless landscape of grey rubble strewn edge of desert landscape with a tinge of fading
orange. Not a single tree in sight, just reddish-brown, rocky earth, huddling in groupings were creations rarest life form,
humans, beautiful, rare humans, in rags, not noticeable from so high up, yet their distress could be sensed this far away.
Beneath this vast plain millions of years ago, water had dripped into limestone underground basins of enormous
proportions, buried far beneath the surface soil. In distant times, savannah grassland spread a green carpet, interposed with
three major rivers and hundreds of streams all of which drained into a major inland sea. Climate changes had dried up those
water bodies, dried vegetation and left a bare Martian landscape stretching to far distance. This wasteland has become gathering
place of some of earths simplest people, both by material consideration and educational attainments, yet these have among
them original stock of human genesis. People in this region are among some of earth’s oldest unadulterated human groupings.
Each in his unique way, each in a manner patterned by Creator in locked in a chain of inter-dependency that collectively sustains
specie survival, there are none greater than other, each has a role no matter how insignificant it might seem to play in interest
of specie survival. Production requires a consuming base, consumers depend on a source of products and goods, that much all
acknowledge, stretched to encompass greater social dimensions of specie wide issues, each owes a debt of self survival to
preservation of other. Yet, it requires expansive minds to comprehend such profound simplicity, the rich industrialists need
the poor consumers, just as the not so intelligent need the intelligent to provide those petty gimmicks of technology that
make earthly existence tolerable.
Problems are bound to occur for those set to define a way forward, problem analysis to minimise re-occurrence if
possible, is a minor part of the greater need to see a away out of problem states to states of resolution. Seeing what is
beneficial in dire situations by additive or subtractive processes becomes ingrained in situation analyses. One develops bifocal
perception in every situation, how could these be deterred from ever occurring and how and by what means can a particular
distressful situation be turned to collective benefit. Out of the eater something to eat.
There are no naturally evolving systems that enable an organised system to evolve and define meaningful human societies
where fundamental primary needs evolve to fore and define appropriate leadership behaviour, on the contrary everything indicates
and shows that our best human systems are supreme efforts of highest intellectual engagements to identify and fit together
those identified elements of social constituency deemed as beneficial when commonly made available across board for all in
a society or community.
It has also been evident that not all leaders who by requirement of their responsibilities are mainly articulate
and convincing public speakers are necessarily the best minds in a community (once a society has evolved beyond ascendancy
to leadership by inheritance, a leader can only assume public office by popular consent and assent or by force in less developed
nations which are also a vanishing reality in the presently existing socio-economic landscape globally). The obvious implications
are that successful and stable communities require developing an embracing framework for mutual involvement by all of a community’s
membership to enable optimum projection of all its positive ideas to find an accessible format of articulation for idea “resourcing”
cellar by a community’s leadership. How exactly this enabling environment for idea projection is developed will depend
on unique environments and their structuring; what remains unambiguous is that such structures must find effective mediums
for stable, long term development, such that all the latent ideas and obtrusive aggressive yet not necessarily progressive
ideas must find an easy access forum for expression, consideration and suggestible refinement for community improvement.
Human needs fundamentally share a commonality that cuts across every form of evolved group identity, territorial,
cultural and appearance wise. What differentiates a functional, well managed community from a hap hazard aggregation of humans
sharing a common location is the degree to which in each grouping, collective effort has identified those shared needs that
can be managed from a central source. What is defined as a central source is nothing more than a managing source that is capable
of using collective resources to provide optimum rendition to all of a community’s inhabitants.
Richard Atwater, is an American, from the USA, that is, being from the USA he is not from the other America, yes,
there is the other America of vast potentials constantly seeking to find expression never quite getting its tone; he has been
working in promoting specie interest for decades. A man, whose unitary focus on adding value to existing states set him apart
from all others. He sees from a planetary perspective, conceiving grand images of possibilities beyond existing states. There
are two types of personalities, those who see the whole, perceiving on a grand scale of forests and then there are those who
can see individual trees, shrubs and blades, yet are incapable of conceiving the forest as wholesomeness. Each have their
role in managing collective wealth, however, it those who conceive and perceive on a large scale that conceive dreams and
bring to realisation grand projects, allowing details of execution to be executed by those with sight for detail. Grand projects
can only be structured on sturdiness of eyes for detail that enable stability in quality of precise renditions reducing faults
to a minimum.
We have stood as conductors over the affairs of men, pretending we were capable of changing de-tractable states
of human affliction; focusing humanity as a collective intellectual capacity for progressive growth. Now, we have been a given
a blank state to being to bear all that human intellect has discovered to improve states of quality of existence. Down there
in that dry desert is nature’s sheet of self redemption for all of humanity’s intellectual capacity to redeem
from destruction or to prove again that humans as specie have yet to attain optimum understanding of their shared heritage
on this planet. The afflicted, being shredded by dry, desert winds of affliction are our challenge, how we (the half of humanity
who can tilt the scales of existence favourably at this time) stand up to it, will more or less define our purpose and our
capabilities in harnessing human capabilities and resources to better collective state and bring into being a new community
that our minds can over time chisel as social artefacts set amidst our collective workshop of human socio-economic artefact.
Can we prove against all previous failures that we can create a place of hope for these children of men looking up to us?
Don’t lose sight of obvious fact that we more or less dwell in a self contained, renewing planetary system,
to which our perceived contributions are enablement, facilitating increasing access to potentials for creative applications
to resources that have hitherto undiscovered and immeasurably capabilities to add value to our quality of life. Humans as
a specie have imbued potentials none of which they can credibly claim unitary right of possession. Our knowledge find express
definitions within a defined social setting and are enabled thereof. Otherwise they remain as undiscovered thoughts of no
less relevance beyond individual idle curiosity. It is only when society defines a setting for rewarding our creative potentials
that they assume a value far beyond individual, idle curiosity. Assumed degrees of enabled medium for expressive articulation
of our thoughts define extent of attained civility and sophistication in any human grouping. The more there is on additive,
positive side of scaled acceptability, higher thereof is a society deemed to have progressed along scale of upward evolvement.
Guiding society at foremost helm of its affairs is considered a hard, trudge of facing up to difficulties and challenges
without end. However, worse still are those who look up to solutions to enable daily existence and its challenges from persons
set to steer and guide collective effort. Managing collective resources to yield expected ends without much by way of relief
and support through coordinated effort of local populace to yield these expected outcomes. From another perspective these
are those who in living quietly through failures of those who have chosen to steer society in having failed have foisted undeserved
afflictions on those led.
We will build a dwelling for men, on this vast pristine plain, a platform for proving what human intellect is capable
of achieving in our times. An indication of potentials we have exploited far too little even under pressing needs to bring
to play our collective human intellect to lifting those under pressing need up from primary states of existence to a state
of sophisticated existence. A state of achievable human social condition we can likely enable through concerted effort where
material provisions and social interaction adequately mediated can expand existing framework for improving states of human
existence; maximising as much as possible human potentials for adding value to community development.
These plains mirror human reality; up-front is hardscrabble existence that seems irresolutely set averse to gentrification,
yet, beneath are vast resources of seemingly infinite proportions waiting to be tapped for relief above ground. These desert
plains store beneath, several thousand metres below surface vast limestone caverns of water, from times long ago when giant
rivers drained these lush plains, water had seeped beneath and remains a resource for use above ground. Just as this resource
seems at first non existence likewise that human desire to improve and make their existence more desirable and convenient
lost at first sight of afflictions’ human eye sore.
The soil, in these desert plains is a perfect mixture of loose granules and fine clay, predisposed by nature to yield
some of earth’s best harvest under appropriate irrigation control, a better representation of soil composition of those
between dry desert country of North West Mexico and Southern
United States, a farmers dream come true.
Here are gathered on these vast plains a people waiting and wiling to be educated, trained and made productive,
we, have in our ability harnessing power to steer humanities resources to change and make these desolate landscapes a haven
of joy, where men can thrive and we have to act on that hope.
Day time temperatures in these Sahelian landscape of scorched earth an at times reach 40 degree in the shade. The
kind of dry airless noon time heat that absorbs moisture and leaves a dry lethargic feeling of palpable touchable heat, waves
of walls of heat, toasting sand underfoot and silence reigns in its overwhelming presence, heat overall. It requires a conditioning
of natural environment, controlling it for comfortable existence, mankind has such means and it can be done. In these vast
pristine plains we ought not introduce environment destabilising processes of converting and producing. We need end to end
managed systems that control processes from input to output as managed processes that do not pour damaging results of manufacturing
into sensitive environments. Lessons of past domestication of virgin plains have shown that man has to exercise utmost control
to ensure sustainable habitation in close interdependency with nature.
Finding that clean line of perfect execution where society enables a stable centre around which human creativity
is set into motion, where a defined standard of acceptable provisions become a taken for assumed that important higher level
developments can be coerced into existence adding ultimate value to attained levels of human achievement is a goal that defines
establishment of what is yet but a vision coalescing in our minds to find articulate representation.
Assumptions of a roof, over one head, beautiful, artistic expressions of human communities with unconditional access
to fundamentals of social groupings, that is to say day nurseries where adequate room is provided for childhood development
in standardised settings that optimise the developmental process, safe havens where employees are handpicked by desire to
work in the demanding and challenging setting of child care, through to primary and secondary school systems integrated in
close proximities with communities, expansive, airy rooms with high ceilings metaphorically and architecturally where youthful
spirits find comfortable room for self expression in ordered and managed school systems, safe havens of tranquillity and desired
environments where youth are attracted to be, to discover and be trained, educated to become well equipped citizens ready
to add value to societies’ development are desirable, achievable and worthy of thriving after.
Higher centres of learning where disposed minds can continue to widen their intellectual scope, creating value
in play and work, contributing at highest levels of intellectual engagement to human progress, training centres that at once
equip potential work force with required knowledge training to keep society progressively evolving positively, minimising
damage of detractive social acts, while at the same time acting as absorption zones for redundant labour keeps society on
an even keel. These are provisions that must be well mapped and artistically executed to build dynamically evolving communities
where humans prefer to dwell and have a shared commitment to maintaining. A value acquired for transference to generations
yet unborn.
In building a community of balanced habitation, there is no assumed perfection of a plan carefully crafted and
executed, but dynamic expansion is premeditated while the basic requirements serve as basis for onward development along a
tangent of defined expectations. What are fundamentally required in a functional community? How can they be provided? Why
do so many communities remain barely developed? Who is responsible for his or her next in human specie chain of interdependency?
"We are each others angels in the way that we answer each others prayers and we
can also make each others lives miserable." - Jewel Kilcher
Every community requires a few well stocked supermarkets, simplistic and obvious, a few kiosks and a chain of stores
offering a range of non standardised creature comforts, each has their roles to play in keeping commerce and basic food provisioning
needs met, however left unplanned for a messy, dirty open market, unregulated and primitive will emerge and serve that simple
need of commerce and feeding hungry stomachs.
The market is a needed place for socio-economic engagement where even the most individualized members of society
will inevitable interact to meet and exchange a value based medium for exchange. So it is a good place to start in terms of
what is central to a community.
Education and religion were central to society and for most parts remains central to developing nations, where
missionary educations excel in providing highest quality primary and secondary education. Education is necessary platform
for articulation of knowledge and preparing the mind to become an incisive tool for planetary resource management and social
development. Intellectual capacity is a means for reflecting the creator element in humans. There is a need to understand
the vastness of unlimited potentials amidst which humanity as a specie is set to shift around the building blocks of creation
that surround it, to make possible what may at some point appear inconceivable. That is a social call realised through individual
talent coordinated through effective and efficient community organisation around a central goal of creating public mediums
from collective public wealth where individual and private ideals of collective value can be managed and given inspiration
for expression for ultimate overall benefit.
Which alternative a society or community opts for and realises is a question of what plans emerge to form framework
of social development and realisation of expected ends. Good things that are set in proper balance comes only through highly
detailed planning that leaves little to chance while making room for appreciated additions that enhance basic establishments.
Humanity is a diffusion of dispersed potentials and un-channelled energy finding random and uncoordinated expression.
Organised societies develop organisational structures of leadership that create clear channels for energy, creative potential
and output capacities to find expression in an ordered manner. These organised channels of creative expression enable ordered
emergence of otherwise disparate and dispersed capabilities to find uniform expression in the extent of their enabled permeability
society wide. In those societies where this organisational processes has been optimised growth and development has assumed
an even and manageable process with clearly defined ends. In those societies where this social organisation of potentials
and resources have been left to random expression in poorly configured structures, there is chaos and barely sustained ordered
existence as islands of excellence are set amidst oceans of deprivation and inefficiencies. What under those circumstances
ought to be managed for collective benefit becomes isolates expressions of possibilities that would under the circumstances
never be harnessed for overall benefit. Under those circumstances, as well, humanity never leaves as a social grouping optimising
its potentials at maximum possible levels of attained development; rather, vast resources of creative emergence are let run
waste because of a harnessing capacity on social guiding principles and its manifestations in leadership thereof.
Returning to fundamentals to define essentials of expected requirements that anchor stable social organisation
is a necessity, given that while there are certain obvious standard, operative mode, society tend to be a complex dynamic
fusion redefining itself in response to variations in determinant social mix and influencing factors. Detailing how these
combining social variables can be lined to give expected and predictable ends in social constructs underlie efficiency in
social coordination effort. This is a process in constant adjustment as its complex nature is unravelled through social science
studies and experimental social engagements. For all its complexity, however, there are certain fundamental tenets that define
worthwhile human existence, a roof over ones head, food for nourishment, clothes and energy for giving power that runs machinery,
can easily be counted off ones fingers. To these, can be added value and dimensions to improve overall state of any society
and its physical expression in its physical provisions that support its human and bio-floral constituents.
Any gathering of humans dwelling on long term basis in a shared environment with their resources controlled from
a central source of monitoring require without ambiguity a system of ordered provision of certain fundamental needs that frees
its membership from dispersing intellectual growth potential in basic need acquisitions of food, shelter, clothes and health
care needs. The availability of these basic need provisions is an indication of civility and sophisticated resource management,
in the absence of which social growth is ineffective, unbalanced and ineffective. A poorly regulated dispersion, of shared
resources, creating a splatter pattern of inarticulate improvisations of under appreciated and ill employed resources is an
indicative sign of lack of effectiveness in coordinated management of collective wealth.
Development, especially community development has gone far beyond discovery process on the whole to obvious implementation,
what is happening as far as discovery is concerned is mainly streamlining to improve on obvious states. For most developing
nations, even these obvious states are lacking for the poor and sidelined, which is where concern lies. How does humanity
provide adequate communities for the marginalised to realise their full potentials everywhere on earth?
Places of habitation where nature and humanity counter balance each other in carefully planned pattern of inter
dependency. Where men fill comfortable with their environment and share a commitment to maintain its value worth. There a
few such well planned settlements in isolated pockets of planned effort that alleviate bane of harried urbane existence and
its over build exigencies.
Building communities is a well evolved and fairly advanced process in many places in the world, its benefits must
cover all humans to meet their primary needs, and working out the details at the fringe that limits its overall coverage,
socio-economically, is what remains at the focus of intellectual engagement. Primarily, humans know what they need in terms
of infrastructure and to some degree what extent of artistic renditions they define individually and collective as appealing.
For people in deprived regions, there is a more intricate need of sustainability, both in term in environmental integration
of community projects and system self sufficiency.
We need a habitat for humanity that consoles its inhabitants, a welcoming integration of nature into living space
designed to ease stress of concrete jungles where endless apartments are joined one to the other with a depressing air of
unrelieved tedium. A human settlement requires adequate room for ventilation integrated in its planning and build-up to allow
diffusion of emotions and spatial room for displacement of accumulated angst of social coexistence, at its best this is realised
through natural ventilation rooms of open space with cultivated greens set artistically within communities, places where nature
is allowed a place for diffusing its pleasant healing effect amidst built up areas. These are the roles, parks play and trees
lined boulevards as well, provisions such as gardens and flowers, trees and green spaces, soften overall mechanised constructs
of steel, concrete and glass, enabling a more ennobling and psychologically more desirable human dwelling spaces.
Our designed and built up communities are well taught out efforts to enable urban settlements to reflect sublime
healing nature of our farmsteads conceived at their best possible designation.
The implications of these considerations imply that tent cities are remedial and not long term solutions. Disaster
has an implied implication of possibilities for renewal and re-establishment along improved lines from prior existing states.
Given that disaster struck people are often lacking direction, in some cases resources, onus of reconstruction; of life and
physical infrastructure often falls upon social organisers who by awareness and choice of response strategies for implementation
can rebuild hope on renewed grounds of disasters consequences or rebuild a jumble of despair, re-emphasising a need for further
development in social organisation.
Resource limitations are limitations of mans creative potential held in check by questionable motives. Raising
structures out of dust, creatively expanding from base provisions to elevated states of sophisticated existence is a managed
outcome of human social management, it ian end sorely needed to be met in marginalised communities globally.
Implicit in every society is an assumption that by pooling resources together, collective effort will yield optimum
possible attainable values for every individual in that setting. If this assumption is held to be true and commonly shared
then efforts at rendering facilities and provisions for masses in any society is best realised at highest quality level attainable.
On these vast plains a new ground for fundamental re-evaluation of what things are important in sustaining specie
survival through optimal utilisation of its accumulated lessons of gifted minds defining and expanding new realities that
through these souls desperate in need of support man can rebuild hope beginning from structural forms through legislation
and social reformulation unto desired new states of worthwhile existence. Another chance for man as ‘intelligent specie’
to pool its collective strength to redefine its possibilities under trying circumstances is posed by the need for extensively
widening the scope of humans to be housed in planned communities.
Earth, as a habited planet is a resource base that man’s intellect is constantly challenged to make a value
resource from primary states. In its soils are basic materials to manufacture building blocks for building a new settlement,
its human populace are an intellectual potential waiting for development to contribute their quota to human progress and its
hysteric masses are a social laboratory for crafting new social rules and guidance set within a legal framework for maintaining
a society on an even keel of ordered systems maintaining its human constituents in a ordered and regulated existence. Three
significant levels of planetary states of human existence intelligently linked to be adapted for overall benefit of planetary
Humanity from one perspective are still in an immature state of social and intellectual evolution, a process accelerating
progressively through generations, yet, still not fully capable of coalescing its collective intellectual resources in interest
of each individual life form. Much progress remains by way of specie understanding to enable its primitive instinctual self
destruction responses to be fully tamed to release intellectual energy that will yield overall beneficial end benefits for
specie collective. Yet, much has been achieved in social evolution to enable increasing coalescing of values distributed across
a wide plenary field of diverse interests to be adding at a far more faster rate than has been achieved so far by way of improving
dire needs of humankind, whether it be at individual or mass social need level.
Why is specie self destruction an undesired yet existing blight on humanscape? Will identifying and eliminating
socio-economic elements that trigger society wide aggression minimise and eventually tame wild destructiveness of human nature?
Could that self preservative reactive energy instigated by unprovoked aggression be contained to enable humanity as a specie
push beyond hindering barriers of social evolution?
We who have been set or disposed ourselves to serve the collective interest through steering its expressive needs
in all its diverse forms come to a clear understanding that there are no ultimate perfect states beyond which improvement
cannot be attained rather social states are dynamic states of responding to changing needs, this is important to the awareness
that society at any point ought to have a clear definition of attainable ends within a framework of attainable possibilities.
Operating to attain expression at optimum output level of possible rendition is measurable criteria of expectation attained.
What does any human settlement in our times require to make it a convenient place where humans can find sustainable
existence? The answers should not be so difficult to decipher, in developed country systems, new estates, industrial estates
and whole communities spring from bare desert floors and become desired locations. Old systems and cities have been reconstructed
to make them more sustainable communities and improvements that bridge existing gap between lack and integrated improvements
continue without cessation in communities all over earth. Our answers and strategies can be patched together and enhanced
from all these approximations of desired states of desired living. Fundamentally, we are faced with a simple question, how
to turn this plains into a dwelling place where humans thrive. How do we layer effective social institutions evolved from
ground up, set within existing norms and traditions of those who will live therein and in this process structure progress
and growth in renewed environments, giving them a will to progress and diversify, increasing and multiplying their talent
and intellectual resources and adding to collective human pool?
So, who is paying for these grand ideas? Certainly, not these materially poor aggregation of despair being blown
about by these desert winds. Ideas pay for themselves, for they birth continuity in progressive multiplicity.
In managing human life outcomes at massed social level, set at peak of pyramid of responsibility, we are not hindered
by monetary concerns rather options available for implementation within framework of degree of commitment by decision makers
is constant challenge to be intercepted, faced off and managed to enable implementation. Monetary barriers act as social control
to keep balance of available resources and consumption at primary level of consideration and acquisition at secondary level
of consideration is an after thought in decision making as to resource deployment at our level. We seek to identify best or
most plausibly acceptable responses available for us with respect to a problem and activate implementation procedures for
project realization. Projects that we activate widen existing scope of economic diversity increasing active span of economic
engagement across multiple plenary levels across continental frontiers.
We need to build a functional system that projects new values built on existing awareness that a community is a
self sustainable social mass, integrated into other productive communities spread globally, that communities exist to maximize
human potentials through dedicated leaders who are willing to steer its affairs for common benefit. While these leaders are
not performing their duties per gratis, their input requires a commitment that sets them above the common in terms of willingness
to invest a greater self in their workers than expected of those performing defined tasks according to expected patterns.
The nature of education and values articulated in the new community built from ground-up will emphasize ancient
values of community and introduce new values that support traditional values of mutual supportiveness for mutually beneficial
A community cannot be totally self sufficient but a self contained community must integrate into its planning sufficient
employment enablement facilities to ensure that its occupants have adequate opportunities to add value to their collective
wealth along diversified platforms and possibilities. It ought to be a defined channel of opportunities opening into creative
potentials enabled its human constituents.
For communities being built ground up this assumption requires extending at pre planning stage sustainable employment
opportunist to be integrated into primary maintenance of defined community, service provision for sustainable community needs,
and planned productive ends infused as industrial zones within such a community.
A functional community requires provisions to sustain long term employment at its core, while social dynamism will
suffice to absorb redundant labour. Adult training and post secondary education and training means must necessarily play dual
roles of training and latent labour absorption.
Transportation networks must emphasize use of clean energy and public networks that integrate into a green philosophy
of nature supportive designs that merge unobtrusively into environment.
Self Renewing Communities
A community is self renewing when it is compatibly integrated into its natural environment, complementing its physical
setting, with its human outputs managed not to be destructive effusion unto fragile environments but set within a cycle of
reuse that enhances human life quality employing simple, reliable and sustainable technologies.
In planning and building a contained community with integrated employment avenues planned and built into emergent
community, emphatically highlighting humans as resource unequivocal around which socio-economic resources are structured and
given dynamic spurt for community development, is primary to attracting existing businesses and manufacturing organizations
to invest in community of potential consumers and service users.
Increasing sophistication of appreciation and resource use through education of a community’s human constituents
ties in with fundamental truth that humans remain primary resource in limited supply around which every economic viable activity
finds a means for growth. How a community’s leadership enables its human constituents to plug into existing productive
means remains a third of overall leadership task load.
The remaining two parts have to deal with resource identification and preparatory efforts to integrate the three
broad parts into a functional socio-economic of productivity machinery.
At various levels humans have preferred obligations and duties to fulfil to their specie collective. From simplistic
perspective of benefit accruing to provider of any service or product, there is always unwavering certainty that higher demand
drives price upwards and overall of greater reward to anyone who has anything to offer. Of things created for human consumption,
given relatively large production, available consumers become a factor that cannot be manipulated beyond a certain level.
Thus present existing cellar of humanity lacking from economic disposition are a invaluable resource.
From higher point of social organization and leadership, leaders clarify these need state of mutual dependency
between producers and consumers and potential consumers is a requirement of good leadership and creating appropriate social
medium where potential opportunities can be plugged into for social growth potential is a desired end goal of defining leadership.
Planned developments on a large scale ensure quality of standard in overall implementation that piecemeal, hap
hazard development as is often unavoidable situation in poor and developing country environment results in.
We ought to build whole communities from ground up and set in place necessary social provisions, implemented to
ensure concrete structures peopled by humans purposed assume sustainable growth. It is incumbent on those positioned to accelerate
overall planetary community development to speed up full realization of this task especially in the worlds most needy and
most under developed slums simply because ordered communities with planned communities and their supportive infrastructures
are more environmentally friendly and impose overall less burden on environmental resources
A structured community for example with effective public transportation invites collective use of public transport
minimizing need for individual use of private vehicles, I which case, negative impact of vehicular exhaust on environment
is significantly minimized. That is not to suggest that individual ownership of means of transportation is to be discouraged,
hat is means of free movement within limited ranges that has its benefits. What is being suggested is enabling shared alternatives
that in enabling end goals for a larger mass at one time minimises environmental stress, while allowing individual use of
transportation in less harmful manners and through technology that is environmentally supportive. That is the idea, how idea
transplants itself into realisable implementation is interplay of manifold factors, principal of which is leadership determination
to activate problem solution through mutual engagement of all of a community’s mental and physical resources as well
as engaging willing external partners.
Physical infrastructures set in ordered environments are one part of larger puzzle of interacting elements that
constitute a vibrant, living community. Physical infrastructure is fundamental to evolution of a community from desert, forest
or grassland. Set within dwelling spaces and a supportive, non intrusive service provision structure is a contrived need of
socio-economic infrastructures that enable liveable spaces for effective social dynamism.
Human intelligence requires that we build communities so closely integrated with their natural environments artistically
enhanced to complement and heighten natures sustenance of its biological constituents with input of human kinds most creative
designers, enabling living spaces that given a choice their inhabitants will opt to live in as long as possible and return
to when they travel away. Achieving this in physical infrastructure and socio-economic infusion both materially and interactively
is definitive benchmark of a suitable, sustainable community.
All men in their diverse ways have an imputable expressive indication of what is desirable but most are hindered
by existing social artefacts of social organization to giving full expression of those needs. Those set to coordinate society
to enable its optimal realization at any point become in that sense unitary outlet of any society’s collective dreams,
when they fail society bears on its individual soul, leadership failure of one inadequate person wasting leadership resources
of effective coordination of society to its realization of desired ends.
Maintaining a community to remain clean, green and refurbished provides significant employment avenues even in
highly mechanized and robotic settings. Parks, boulevards, housing green areas, rubbish collection, disposal and processing,
keeping clean public spaces, community properties and business locations are long term job creation avenues. Public transport
that is so efficient it makes redundant for daily, daily runs individual use of private transportation create jobs and all
these are means of generating revenues for any community to manage and expand on its existing resource base in a monetized
Men have a duty to their collective intellectual heritage to add value to their planetary resource rather than
continue in their primitive, clannish foiled protective groupings wastefully destroying one another. It is a requirement of
human intellect to create pockets of shared value in its planetary domain and inculcate a sense of shred inheritance evolving
away from specie self destructive orientation that continues to feed from same ancient aggravation of undesired consequences
of failure in social intelligence. Human groupings ought to employ their intellectual capacities to promote mutual coexistence
at highest possible attainable level at every epoch, collectively pushing specie development, collectively forward rather
than parochial promotion of self interest
Housing and infrastructural property developed by community for its inhabitants are intended for owner generally
with exceptions being made for housing units held in rental trust for unusual cases. Communities maintain their public spaces
through taxes and manage private spaces for a fee. Charging service fees for community enabled services that maintain their
environment at desired levels of cleanliness. More revenues are generated for communities through high quality provisions
that inhabitants are willing to pay tokens to benefit and make use of. Just because a community’s resources are managed
from by a circle of leadership does not support shoddy and below highest level possible attainable service and infrastructural
provisions. Indeed because collective resources are called into play, any public provision has to be at highest level of possible
attainment to ensure that such provisions withstand a community’s most critical inhabitant, with quality and efficient
delivery defining criteria of execution.
What are conceived by collective masses as acceptable are a definition of existing era and its conception of beauty
in architecture and planning, for its human constituents it means a quality of live lived at highest attainable level of human
comfort ease within limitations of existing eras achievements. Simplicity of execution is not per necessity by definition
acceptance of inferior quality existence; rather it is sophistication of eliminating excess baggage through streamlining that
delivers expected ends without waste and excess. A purity of linear rendition that heightens quality of realization in form
and art, indeed it is an awareness of highest possible attainable sophistication in any field of gradual acquisition of intellectual
awareness. A refinement, of highest mind state in situ.
In developing communities social organization follows a gradual process of stepwise developmental process instead
of social jump to bridge basic need provisions, so it is often that one sees half completed shells of cement structures, set
in muddied terrain of un-sculptured grounds, un-tarred roads and over ground electric cables, an obvious indication of temporary
states of suspended expectations that harangue community senses for generations simply because of a lapse in social organization
and capabilities of those set to manage community affairs. It is necessary that projects be conceived within capabilities
of easily acquired resources for project finalization before occupation, this is how communities move forward en mass rather
than trailing in miasma of never ended projects conceived and never brought to full realization.
Access to collective resources should be managed for collective benefit and not hindered through imposition of
restrictions by omission or obligation that bar entry to others who would otherwise benefit from such provisions enabled from
mutual resources of every community member.
Standardization of obvious provisions as basic requirements in any unit of defined occupancy in a community eliminates
human effort wasted in what is obviously a primary life need as far as material needs that support meaningful existence within
limitations of any eras technology. For some human groupings these assumptions are a fact of daily life and infrastructural
provisions for many developing systems that understanding has not worked its way through leadership mentality. Not necessarily
a derogatory observation but a gap in social organization that needs to be bridged. From basic provisions of a home with room
for all its individual constituents, to a well equipped kitchen of ovens, hot plates, fridges and freezers, washing machines
and furniture, are considered standard provisions and indeed they are. In their provisions and regulated replacement, their
provision provides employment avenues that keep a community's human constituents occupied in employment avenues strategically
enabled. Humans remain unequivocally, a community’s most valued resource and every action of community development centres
around its human constituents.
Conceiving dynamic complexity of social processes into simple, resolvable constructs enable clarity of perception
and solutions. -
A community provides foundation for basic life needs for its human constituents to provide a foundation for optimizing
human values and enabling each individual imbued talent to find a supportive medium to give expression to its inherent creativity.
It is that inner strength enabled a medium for productive expression that sustains specie evolution at a wider level. At immediate
point of expression it allows ordinary people to render quality service in work performance. Willing hearts sharing with their
community through their productive engagement with their counterparts in a place where their souls feel at home and their
minds strive to improve.
A community which by its very nature is any grouping of defined identity occupying a defined space on earth irrespective
of nationality of religious identification ought to reach and embrace other well meaning sources of improvements from outside
its domain of influence, for human groupings are organized in groupings with talent and intellectual resources randomly finding
expression. Identifying and employing those resources for specie self growth and development ought not be underestimated for
by dint of such random distribution and circumstantial pressure that drives heightened expression and achievements due to
creative minds to find over expression in one setting and finding less obtrusive expression in another location, one grouping
needs to benefit by taking advantage of what is given expression in another grouping with specie progression set at locus
of attention.
A community housing development are primarily earmarked for ownership for people then have an invested interest
in what is by legal rights theirs. They are willing to work to retain its value aided by social management processes that
aid their efforts and add long term values to each infrastructural investment over long term projections.
Any human community for most determines its outcome and promotes its viability by adapting, borrowing and integrating
improvements in an ordered process of adding value to prior attained states always with intent to add increasing value to
its quality of existence. For communities that have to be developed from ground up, lessons abound as to what is potentially
of best value and utmost benefit, these diverse possibilities have to be analytically reviewed to determine what enables for
any given circumstances a basis for unimpeded improvement and highest possible sustenance for its human constituent given
attained levels of human collective development.
Community leaders ought to reach out for assistance for existing cellar of possibilities with a clear understanding
their human components in need of basic infrastructure and employment are limited, desired resources that corporate bodies
are willing to cultivate in obvious sense of preparing to become consumers of their outputs, and in so doing become revenue
generators for those corporate bodies, in which sense it is humans who are in limited supply who become any producers most
important and most desirable resource, who ought to be sought out, prepared to become potential consumers of products processed
as much as is possible in production centres set within their own communities. Conceived that way, humans set within identifiable
groupings planetary wide become a producers most important target for preparatory development as consumers. Products produced
for human consumption, be they services, material or non-tangible outputs as it were have no substitute consumers if humans
are not able to acquire and make use of them.
At presently, attained levels of intellectual evolution where existing technological developments are for many
parts insufficient in degree of development to suffice at surplus production for planetary consumption, this awareness seems
far fetched but as intellectual sophistication and creative realizations expand to encompass greater capabilities means of
production will attain such efficiency that cultivating potential consumer base will become an critical preoccupation of major
manufacturers and producers.
Re-conceiving problem solution from different perspectives, seeking optimal resolutions rather than middle of road
solutions, believing that collective communal provisions ought to exalt community spirit of shared human values and expectations
become critical differentiators as far as how a community anywhere defines its material and social expression. In most developing
communities large housing estates have been developed with a significant lack of required infusion of green areas, or these
are poorly developed, pre-school, and primary schools within a reasonable proximity of all inhabitants, integrated employment
opportunities and in physical infrastructures, no ovens, fridges and basic furnishings are required by law or provided. Everyone
accepts these as normal though everything in them seeks for alternatives that would make these communities nearer to what
everyone desires but for limitation of idea generation are denied.
Ideas, especially good and worthwhile ideas, find expression across a wide spectrum, bringing more minds within
a strong structure for idea management will lead to insights that a single or a small grouping of isolated minds would have
been capable of. Minds educated, exposed and readied for perceiving problems and developing solutions from a trained capacity
are likely to generate worthier ideas.
A community must organize to optimize its productivity by eliminating drudgery and inefficiencies that ties down
its human potentials in pursuit of easily resolvable mundialities and predispose its intellectual to evolve to add value to
collective human intellectual and creativity pool that way it has an imbued value that can become a resource for wealth creation
for that community through value resourced by other communities who necessarily must resource intellectual and its outcome
from its origin.
Intelligent organization implies that provisions that sustain long term value at expense of minimal short term
investment ought to be identified and pursued. For instance, while most communities in developing systems have not fully warmed
to idea of required equipage of very dwelling space with certain required furnishings, just as it is expected that every public
indoor space must have certain safety and basic provisions for operational approval, so must it be understood that freeing
home keepers and parents involved in raising children benefit and are freed by standardized equipage of all domestic infrastructure
with ovens, hot plates, fridges and washing machines and drying boxes, these enablement significantly free domestic burden
of housekeeping enabling time for other worthwhile engagements.
If there is an assumption that these provisions and changes in regulations by which approval is granted and permission
granted for a dwelling to be legally certified as a dwelling place for humans will come into place with progression in time
and influence emanating from other cultures and communities, it is futile expectation. Whatever far reaching changes that
will impact a community must come from committed leverage to readjust status quo of existing acceptable to radically infuse
change that diametrically re-orients paradigm of culture in evolution. Nothing will change until deliberate effort is made
to change existing states to reflect a higher ideal state reflecting collective desired expectations driven by a determined
community leadership.
Worthwhile ideas, to radically improve human lot abound, and fill every human mind at some degree of sophistication.
It is this assumption of ideal and desirable that drives human need achievement and effort to excel with intent to realize
a personally desired gal with communal impact. For communities, these ideas require a determined leadership to collate and
coerce them into value generation ends for community benefit. From that basic assumption every community has potential ability
to generate self sustenance enhanced by integrating itself into a wider planetary aggregation of defined communities through
value resourcing from other communities for local rendition.
Social organization for community benefit implies collective resource management by a leadership democratically
chosen and responsible to its community from whence it derives its power to realize at wider and all community encompassing
expectations of constantly improving quality of life through effective harnessing of a community’s resource for common
Investments made by a community on behalf of its human constituents are not suitable gifts or provisions temporarily
designated to satisfy a need until an individual is capable of attaining a desired economic standing to acquire a more desirable
outcome. Instead such provisions are collective investment made by community as investments for long term return for collective
for individual benefit, as such they are projects realizable at nest possible end of scale renditions and are intended for
acquisition by those in which such investments are made. A community invests in its human elements that in an open, unrestricted
competitive environment other interests will eventually make similar investments competing for same human elements who are
final end consumers. A community that understands its human value worth will prepare them as potential consumers of unending
productive ends as a society develops and assumes more sophistication in taste and desire for material and service constructs.
Collective representatives mandated to manage a community resources are by designation highest expression of intelligence
aggregating as a grouping within community to maximize all its presently identifiable resources to widen and enable fullest
possible expression of community viability along a multi variable scaling of possibilities. Such a grouping is by its nature
adventurous in creativity, open to discern unlimited possibilities, thriving to widen attained states of presciently possible
and never content with any status quo. Simply, for the reason that it must by its collective engagement be pace setters rather
than runner ups in its competitive engagement with private sector interest that it must also enable a platform for effective
engagement in community development.
Collective representatives ought to constantly be seeking for sources of renewal and growth, in their success becoming
mediums for growth generation in their own rights. Given comparatively vast resources set at disposition of collective representatives
both human and natural resources to creatively manage and made to yield utmost value as resources driving a community’s
growth, it at once imperative that a community not tolerate mediocrity at its nexus of regeneration and expansion and secondly
it is unacceptable that mediocrity and less than highest quality conditionally negotiable renditions ought be accepted by
a community at its features of public expressions.
Living space defines spirit of character of a community and its habitats, open, clean spaces, open to absorb creativity
and its energy, enabling room for outlet of human spirit and its creative genesis arising from interplay of inherited and
environmentally influencing forces, such that humans in such liberating enabled physical engineered spaces are capable of
breathing in abundance of grace; grace in what is accessible in worthy values of nature’s positive dispensation give
room for easy outlet of positive human creative intellect. We must necessarily leave in physical structures that protects
from rain, sunshine, hot winds, and cold nights and provide us with privacy. Most humans left on their own will not be able
to provide adequate infrastructure taking full advantage of attainments of collective human development and intellectual growth
achievements in discoveries and progress in material sciences. Communal effort, through aggregation of resources, under capable
management that can enable provisions that reflect collective human achievement for everyone in a community, than any single
human effort.
Sustenance in communities can only come through structured employment activities designed to provide at large enough
scale to be all encompassing. These are social artefacts of human evolution as social entities, proven as worthwhile and engaging,
curtailing and channelling human energy, resources and potentials to replicate value through productive engagement and social
services rendered, work as presently realized is a social artefact to be made available to all of a communities human elements,
beginning from a process of education that takes a third of average human life, through employee training and slack absorption
training and education opportunities inveigled into any community social organization, work and planned employment facilitated
through any of myriad avenues enable worthy existence both in terms of remuneration enabled through to containing energy that
ought to be harnessed productively as a social value.
Any individual can only realize this at a limited level of expression, such community encompassing renditions are
necessary and can only be realized through communal effort spear headed by insightful leaders in active interaction with value
added human constituents both within and without a specified community. Ideas, especially worthy, community building and growth
ideas must be enabled a channel f unhindered expression, from a simple point of understanding that a community is an integrated
collective engagement feeding to growth on its worthy inputs or disintegrating and falling apart from its internal deficiencies,
it is easy to understand that any community supersedes its individual constituents while incapable of disassociating its fundamental
character to all its individual constituents and their influencing idiosyncrasies and uniformity.
Seen from vantage point of a window side seat on a jet plane, some of human-kinds largest settlements are just
a dot of grey in vast landscape of green or grey and occasional silver lining of a great river shimmering far beneath. A community
is a congruency of all that is human, specie defining, capable of being given expression in material construct, a dot in vast
un-bridgeable gap of time and space, for each generation, for all specie in planetary location, our collective minds ought
to celebrate by contributing to universal acclamation of specie uniqueness in vast seemingly emptiness of universal vastness.
In places where resource management is severely handicapped, lethargy of accepted failure seems to pervade whole
communities stagnating in decay and sublimation of non attainment, a sleepy acceptance of less than acceptable quality of
existence of hacking survival at fringes of extreme primitiveness, where superficial distance between man and beast is a grass
hut and swish walls. What justifies this type of existence beyond assumption of cultural heritage proposed by outsiders is
a detrimental failure of humanity to measure its growth from a planetary, specie wide perspective. Who can facilitate changes
through intermediating action where streamlining urban development and improving rural living standards will add value to
whatever culture there is to preserve while minimizing human mortality rate due to sub standard existence are those strategically
set at leadership role positions between intermediary individual aspirations and social organization at community level that
allow effective realization of mutually desired end states.
Given evident mediocrity and lack of creativity that bedevils community organization by and large in most developing
systems; which mediocrity accounts for slow pace of change and inefficiencies in developing latent talents and values imbued
in raw states waiting for identification and development. A simple example suffices to unravel wealth of untouched values
that a human population of untapped resources constitute. Given three urban slums each with twenty thousand inhabitants, 85%
of whom in each location or area is materially poor, poorly catered for by way of educational provisions, health and employment
generating opportunities and for most of their miserable life cycles are tried down to manual tasks of limited ends and heavy
burdens, how can value be made emergent and sustainable in such miserable circumstances. For good value, add a migrant camp
of 18, 000 war displaced in a fourth location. A refugee camp set amidst some rural location a few miles outside a large third
world city, where provisions are provided at barely survival levels by aid agencies, whose approach are best seen as valued
inputs of agency label self redemption with no long term values whatsoever. While tents and maize powder, emergency medical
facilities and disparate attempts at education for misplaced persons are valued, front line inputs that save lives, they lack
long term sustenance and just about everyone realizes that no amount of good intentions will rebuild shanty towns burnt down
in some disorganized township in some hellish civil war torn nation in a belaboured process of slow recovery. A refugee camp,
where existing future prospects and a way to individual survival for young girls with any look of merit are to walk streets
of misery in cities that give them no relief, courting disease, misery and death for pennies. How in all these circumstances
of human despair differently represented value emerge and from where does investment in humanity as primary resource find
its source of origin?
A community’s leadership has a responsibility for its members, to harness its resources to sustain progressive
evolution of socio-economic growth of that community. They must seek what it has to offer to add value to its existing state,
what to attract to maximize its potentials as a defined human settlement.
A corporate entity has a primary goal of maximizing profit from its endeavours and sustains its long term prospects
of increasing growth uses resources within its means of acquisition.
A religious body has a goal of winning souls and creating a medium for long term and hopefully life term retention
of those it has managed to attract, retained and cultivated to identify with its ideology and belief systems.
All have a vested interest realizable at human level of appreciation.
A community, in its organizing principles conveyed through its coordinating centre of leadership, its socio-economic
determinants and its non feasible spirituality are in an integrated slow dance of value stabilization at a core level of sustenance
and transference from one generation to another.
For insightful corporate leaders, it is not how much a few persons have but how many are enabled to have a choice
of purchasing their products.
For a transport service operator, a bus stop is not defined by territorial limitations but where supposedly human
communities come to an end. Integrating service provision through corporative networking to expand span of business scope
defines efficiency.
A community structures its economy and social organization to enable through equitable resource distribution its
human constituents to through participation sustain dynamic expansion of its monetary economy and game. Social organization
around a monetized economy is a regulatory platform that enhances collective human value by creating a platform for maximum,
desirably, all inclusive participation in a community’s economy. Goods and services are produced for human consumption,
given that for any producer, success depends on increasing numbers consumed, a preparatory provisioning of a community’s
human constituents to have economic whereto-fore to participate is what sustains and enables economic growth.
"So you think that money is the root of all evil? Have you ever asked what
is the root of money? Money is a tool of exchange, which can't exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce
them. Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give
value for value. Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears or of the looters, who take it from
you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce. Is this what you consider evil?" - Ayn Rand
A community’s managers must continue to explore and refine ever newer areas for expansion human capital development
along ever increasing scales to increase vibrancy of community social evolution, along pure economic lines and human value
enhancement. This requires direct engagement and attracting capable investors to support effort at enhancing system development.
Effectiveness in this endeavour implies comprehending and developing from basic and easily accessible to more complex and
integrated engagements. Creativity and drive to achieve are determinant scales of successful effort. Successful communities
are only limited by extent of leadership creativity and determination to excel in enhancing human quality of existence.
Every community has two options of either opening up to absorb all positive values emergent from human creativity,
absorb, adapt it to their needs and grow or close themselves, stagnate in their limitations and lack of growth and peter out.
Proactive engagement to seek and interest in human as essential resources is a complex interaction of several factors that
in existence enable a viable and sustainable economic environment where investments are capable of being absorbed and generating
profits for investors and manufacturers. Identifying what these factor elements are and enabling conducive environments where
they positively interact in dynamic socio-economic environment to generate expected ends is a primary responsibility of community
leaders. Thus, what are some of these basic elements that ought to identified and made active.
For insightful organizers of community given task of steering their outcome, a community and its structured infrastructures,
human elements and their ordered integration into supporting activities that together enable sustenance and viability, become
primary preoccupation success of which enables a community thriving around its human elements with unlimited room for evolving
into ever better states of expression as human settlements. Physical Expression of a community and any human grouping in defined
territorial location is an indication of attained degree of civilized sophistication and degree of democratization. At high
ends of both indicators communal shared properties are maximized and all covering while individual drive to excel in terms
of talent development is enabled heightened possibilities. Group development is not exclusive of humanity as a whole rather
it is a collective aggregation that is all defining. Human distribution and planetary resource distribution by natural inclination
dispose humans to high degree of interaction and integration at multiple levels to optimize their full potentials and realize
their social development at an effective system support level. How interaction and integration are achieved in each changing
age and how shared negotiations are enabled becomes a definitive point of each eras efficiency and identifying where mutual
growth is maximized all beneficially becomes height of each epochs degree of attained social evolution.
Faced with daunting circumstances great leaders inspire beauty in simplicity, turning mud and laterite into hard
rock bricks and melting earth’s dust and rock into metal plates, they draw plans and scale mighty structures, commodious
and spirit dignifying, these are societies that dig deep into earth and bury their iron pipes carrying their waste waters
into re-purification water works for return to earth as clean water for re-use. They cut transportation paths above and below
ground and set parks amidst bustling city centres; they push barriers and boundaries and force nature to yield a place that
dignifies human intellect inn enabling long term tenements in urban developments.
Incapable leaders force failure upon their communities, they have open sewers, stagnant dwellings and decaying
infrastructures, they accept and foist failure as unavoidable, however human intellect defies such acceptance of filth as
unacceptable at any stage of human social evolution and thus humanity cannot by its very nature dwell or be coerced by those
managing social wealth to abandon itself to filth and decay. Humans are reflections of their creator who created beauty in
complex structures of unimaginable greatness, humans ought at all places to give expression to that inner beauty in their
Our social evolutions and their infrastructural expressions are fashioned in stone and brick but not etched in
conception in stone; our communities are pliable, responding to change, constantly being updated to yield revised states of
improved provisions all in light of our restive state for change and improvement. It is a part of humanity’s spirit
to re-conceived reality and create grandiose functional spaces and cute cuts of brilliance all in light of expanding awareness
and intellectual sophistication.
In communities with limited resources, much ought to be made for maximizing value of scarce resources in finest
renditions rather than wasting such resources on stop gap measures of inferior quality or less than ultimate renditions that
scar environment and are irritating reminders of social failure in infrastructural and communal developments.
In developing nations and under developed nations, large communities with a larger portion seeking existence in
non agrarian activities is a norm and a norm that will have to be managed through efficient community development where all
school going age children and youth are integrated in appropriate education systems, inadequately skilled adults are engaged
in skill acquisition and beneficial employment training and capable and task proficient configured into areas of social contribution
where they maximize their potentials.
Human society is a dynamic interaction of changing determinant variables and communities for most part are at various
stages of cycles of community management, improvement and restructuring in response to changing needs and aspirations as well
as making adaptations to reconfigure essential bonding elements of a stable community to generate expected outcomes in human
satisfaction and positioning that society through its institutes and their functioning capability to yield optimum value to
society sustenance. This assumes of course that a particular community has effectively defined its core sustenance institutes
and structured them as standing pillars that give that community a viability of long term sustenance and dynamic interaction
to respond to changing needs.
For most developing communities identification and structuring of pillars that stabilize community existence barely
exist or disparately provided with a total lack of coordination for lack of planning. That planning is not incidentally evolved,
it is a practical response of urban planning and development that takes into consideration the projected growth of a community
and its habitats and develop infrastructure and service provisions that allow the dwellers to live at a desired level of decency
and civilised existence within a defined expectation of what a desired quality of life is and ought to be.
A community has an assumption of permanency; a place where life begins, families find definition and give existence
a social dimension, while physical infrastructure is but a part of the complex mix on determining variables that determine
quality of existence and its impact on any life in that community, for developing communities, there unavoidably comes a time
for restructuring and rebuilding, a time for drastic re-orientation where old non supportive systems are rebuilt to accommodate
changing needs of a society in evolution. Far beyond mere physical construct is a need for a philosophy of community development
that will integrate ideas of desirable social construct made manifest in physical infrastructure and layout. A layout that
supports community sustenance by enabling easy access to facilities needed for meaningful urban, contained existence.
Such contained communities in planning and realisation also eliminate factors that contribute to urban stress (
lower disease and infection through cramped and unhealthy dwelling, violence and crime through lack of employment or meaningful
life engagements for community dwellers) and totally remove slum developments of hap hazard construction and development.
It allows a community leadership to integrate effective monitoring of its area of social spatial management enabling such
leadership to account for its human responsibilities and be capable of being held responsible for their leadership outcome
A worthy example of community development is characterized by Swedish communities, where elected government in
response to national housing crises in the 1970s evolved significant community development worthy of developmental adoption.
Under a socialist government responding to acute social decay occasioned by severe shortfalls in housing needs provisioning,
old infrastructures incapable of supporting a society rearing to burst into its full potential and element as a developed
nation system ejected energy and growth potential through newly planned communities that over several decades has transformed
that nation into a wholesome community based success of high quality existence.
That government mandated a now renowned ten million homes project. With a goal of a home for every single person,
they literally tore down crumbling structures and rebuilt a country that has become an archetype of effective community development.
Characteristics of Swedish community and infrastructure development are worthy of note. With a primary intent to build community
that enhances life and health, nature and human physical movement were given equal attention if not more than just cutting
broad swathes of concrete through neglected natural environments.
That primary focus on building in cooperation with nature and humans as primary concern has led to suburbs of low
population densities set amidst lush nature and each primarily intended to bear a significant amount of its inhabitant’s
education, work, and social needs provisions enabled and integrated at project planning stage. Identifying all those elements
right from educational need provisions at all levels, health, sports, entertainments and cultural awareness development and
sufficient outdoor activities complementing physical characteristics of natural environment and climate determinant factors
has created a unique epitome of human achievement in community development.
An Ideal in Community Planning
Our physical environment is masterpiece of Gods inexhaustible expression of manifest beauty incomparable in His
handiwork, when humans seek to intrude upon that canvass of eternal beauty, they ought to approach it with reverence and a
profound awareness of its unequal beauty and complement nature’s benign beauty in their physical constructs. It is only
within this frame of awareness that community design and development assumes a creative effort akin to works of great masters
carefully rendering masterpieces of timeless value.
In planning and executing successfully a community development from ground up, there is always defining theme around
which designs finds expression, thus linear, worker developments at turn of century English worker housing projects, with
a distinctively industrial mass production focused on providing accommodation, with a de-emphasis on any other concern give
a completely different feel and interface than modern Swedish human focused developments where maximum integration of nature
in human living spaces is the idea philosophy around which architects develop community projects. What is desirable for any
particular community will of course depend on what is prioritized as defining theme for growth and development in any society
at a particular era of social evolution.
In redeveloping slum areas, to build contained communities offering living space and integrated employment opportunities,
issues will certainly arise as regarding how to negotiate property rights and re-accommodating those moved from original dwellings
by ongoing projects. A simple approach will be to re-allocate land to landowners or buy outright their land rights or make
them part owners of redeveloped communities or enable all opportunities that ensure fair negotiations and social stability.
A community is built around its inhabitants; it is not an utopia idealism of living in some unattainable exalted
state. Rather is the matching of exalted idealism of highest quality of existence capable of realization for a any human grouping
matched with practicable provisions of daily existence needs.
It is simply the aggregation of all accessible knowledge by way of technology and human-nature dynamism that enables
development of highest attainable levels of living quality in any location on earth. By its very nature it is in realization
a dynamic interaction of development, needs and ideas finding expression in structured human settlements, in predominantly
urban or suburban settings.
It is not just enough to put brick on brick and jumble dwelling places in a haphazard primary need fulfilment.
That is what occasions slum dwellings, at a higher level of realization, a planned community enables physical rendition of
attained state of human social evolution.
It is of course obvious that wealthy communities find it easier to give expression in realization of grand architect
and admired layout plans for communities. In reverse a modern community construction must imply economic growth potential
in its realisation, such communities in their totality must have adequate provisions to enable long term community economic
growth. How do under developed communities resolve poor or non existent planning of their communities to raise quality of
life? Simply, through efficient management of collective resources enabled by effective leadership orientations that minimize
wasteful, non-coordinated resource application, which normally is evident in slums and in haphazard community developments.
A planned community maximises resource deployment and in its extensive planning ensures that it has integrated
elements of long term survival as a socio-economic viability. Finding balance where residence and employment opportunities
enabled and adequate room for growth integrated is where good leadership makes its mark under such circumstances. In effect,
similar amount of materials are used in unplanned developments, if not more, than in well coordinated implementation of planned
Every social development requires a centre of determination which has collective interests of humans as its primary
focus and a determined coordination of committed leadership prepared to steadily comply with severity of long term challenges
to fulfil a project committed to community development which in poor and undeveloped systems could be of a scale other than
continual and ever increasing suburban growth developments that occasion more developed systems merely fine tuning a process
long began in effective collective resources management to upgrade a society’s standard of living.
A leadership commitment to improve quality of existence of a society does not only spring out of a leaders good
will but a social evolution process that instils over time an expectation of social commitment to improve a society’s
quality of life through effective leadership. A leadership at communal level is effective where optimum, long term efforts
are engendered through committed leadership over long time and succeeding leadership at maximizing quality of existence for
a community, a society and a national grouping through collective social investment and resource deployment that sets collective
rather than individual interest at core of focus.
A community’s leadership under such circumstances exists to serve communal rather than personal interest
and is adequately rewarded in its constituency by progressive overall improvement that is all encompassing. Obvious enough
it might seem, but lack of such fundamental requirement in leadership commitment and resource deployment in developing human
settlements lies at core of planetary misuse of leadership resource in overall improvement of quality of human physical life
quality. Human thus, dwell in severe lack amidst a wealth of intellectual resources capable of effecting definitive improvement
in human life quality if activated and employed to yield expected ends at large societal level.
Standards define expectations to meet and become a measure by which to measure degree and extent of realization attained in any mass social engagement.
For developing systems, are there in existence a basic standard by which any construction of infrastructure ought to be enforced?
Are there enforceable plans within which construction of physical infrastructures find rendition? If such are absent, organized
chaos best defines what is taking place by way of community development as each person defines what best suits individual
view or circumstances rather than a long term conception of standardized development in gradual realization.
Every community has to engender great leaders from within whose greatness are measured in terms of how much they
exceed basic qualities of expectations in using resources available for community development applied to global intellectual
resources to meet and exceed levels of expectations, conceived at individual and societal level for improving human physical
existence. Where a society lacks vision to steer its direction of growth, adequate examples of excellences in attainment are
available in other places and communities all over to inspire redirection and reformulation of social growth end desires.
Inspired leadership is critical to redirection and redefining of priorities for social growth to catalyze pace
of development to improve communal life. Inspired leaders redefine resource management setting a priority on community values
and benefits for all those in a society rather than myopic engagement at maintaining a status of poorly conceived ends and
half measures that give such leadership farcical existence with little direct benefits for deprived members of such communities.
That in developing and poor societies, community existence is a term that represents an assumption of community existence
is a direct indication that communities do not yet exist in such places, rather hap hazard aggregation of humans strewn together
by life circumstances have led to slum townships and communities ought to be developed to aggregate collective interest in
a more meaningful pattern of organized communities, where definitions are made of what requirements are required for coercive
organization of humans in a settlement for optimum quality of socio-economic existence.
To bring this point home, a Time magazine article in June 2007 describes a resource rich developing country in
this terms; This country pumped its first barrel of oil in the 1950s and has since set a record for corruption. The governments
own anti corruption watchdog, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, estimates that between independence in 1960 and
1999, the country's rulers stole $400 billion in oil revenues equal to all the foreign aid to Africa during the same period.
And while a small elite became rich, its members fought one another for the spoils. In 47 years, this country has suffered
a civil war that killed a million people, 30 years of military rule and six coups. Meanwhile, two thirds of the country’s
135 million people remain in poverty, a third are illiterate and 40% have no safe water supply. Then there is the environmental
cost: more than 1.5 million tons of oil has been spilled over 50 years, and the N- delta is one of the most polluted places
on earth. Not surprisingly disenchantment with the nation’s political leaders run deep.
This is a picture of social malaise that occasions societies that have not been able to inspire leadership that
sets to stabilize social growth through communal effort that brings to overall, collective benefit whatever is of value in
collective human specie intellectual evolution. Defining what a society requires for all of its inhabitants to experience
meaningful physical existence is a necessary first step, how its can be realized and activating processes of realization is
what keeps as society’s leadership as social resource of inestimable value.
A community is a collection of living and spiritual space, where working parents and adults engaged in meaningful
occupation that enable a meaningful economic existence integrated within that community are able to provide highest quality
of education and training to their children and wards to ensure long term sustenance of that community. Properly planned and
effectively realized a community is a collective investment of all its occupants who have a stake in maintaining its growth
and viability and will sacrifice to maintain and sustain their community as worthy dwelling places to pass on to their children.
While such places exist all over this planet, they did not spring out of idealism of any particular person, dreaming
on a porch in afterglow of late afternoon sun dipping below horizon, rather they come about through determined people working
together to build worthwhile places where humans give utmost rendition to that imbued sense of beauty which is Godlike quality,
a part of all human, enabled expression in community development.
As planetary sensibility rather than local identification assumes a greater place in collective mentality, gradually
more intelligent and capable humans and corporate groups will expand their sphere of influence to implement this community
idealism benefiting from investment in humans in places which presently are still materially under developed. While this natural
course might take a long time to find significant expression, society’s who have immediate control over their locations
of existence can work harder to improve quality of human physical existence by expounding and giving wider expression to planned
contained communities, which by their very definition and realization are demarcation of development designed to be capable
of long term management and control in terms of degree of lateral growth (which is spatial) while unlimited in vertical development
(which is intellectual quality of life enhancement within any human community).
National development is best not conceived as mega cities where humanity is lost amidst concrete jungles of moral
degeneration, rather, right from conception there is a need to inculcate a sense of belonging among inhabitants who are part
of comprehensible communities designed to meet their socio-economic needs of community existence. Open communities designed
as integrations modular unities in social equilibrium allowing ease of entry and departure to widen individual life experience
as desired by each person is an idea of social evolution that takes its emergence from rural communities to international
economic escape zones where people move to add value to their life qualities. Definition of success is always in terms of
overall coverage of mutually desired benefits and control in terms of social management process that enable constant improvement
by additive and complex geometrical benefits accruing to communities therein engendered.
Contained communities have invested interest of its inhabitants that command a degree of willingness to improve
attained levels of development that far surpasses what a centralized national governmental effort is capable of realizing,
however, initial impetus must necessarily find emergence from a centralized power source that has society’s resources
and ability to distribute those resources. Once set into motion, human competitiveness will push existing barriers of possibilities
and engender a vertical, intellectual driven growth that turns local open air markets into air conditioned malls where quality
and products are likely to have more value and returns to both seller and buyer.
A good idea is once given expression is likely to give birth to a diverse supportive stream that shores up that
initiative positive engagement. Along those same lines assuming existing deficiencies are inevitable will only allow such
failures to detract positive human social evolution along undesirable paths of fomented neglect and failure. Any human construct
that defines human social construct is in a constant state of dynamism; creating room for ease of expression allows nurturance
leading to further beneficial growth, while tolerance of negative social developments allow widespread social decay and eventual
social collapse, when it eventually becomes clear that central sources of government are incapable of infusing change in their
lethargy of failure.
Human intellectual capacities that are under utilized are altogether a loss to human species since whatever benefits
that accrue to humanity as a whole are denied full expression because appropriate communal mediums within which such resources
can be enabled full expression are lacking because humanity has failed at some point and place on its planetary location.
That awareness that causes leadership at one end of earth to assume responsibilities of those at another end to create a climate
that allows socio-economic interaction among different human groupings so that those who have excelled in leadership quality
can become resources that directly add value to individual human life among different groups, will in diverse manifestations
improve overall quality of individual human life as in earlier indicated. Such investments may be significant but whole scale
overall national community evolvement will only come from within defined national and ethnic groupings. This is how humans
are naturally identified, as identifiable groups who must mutually engage to yield overall specie benefit.
However, until then, leadership inspiration ought to be coerced out of lethargic governments to add value to human
life at community levels.
In developing societies, easily accessible examples of well planned, living spaces often happen to be educational
institutions such as large missionary colleges or universities, where nature and good design allow fairly dense populated
communities to find long term appreciated shared spaces where infrastructure and natural environment are amiably blended to
sustain human physical existence. That such communities do find tenuous expression is indicative that transferring such well
planned community development to urban slums will not only improve over all quality of life but with more sophisticated socio-economic
integration of work and l living space set in contained communities, these planned communities might breath a new wave of
revitalization into decaying urban slums and give hope to a struggling people. Slums are desperate living spaces carved out
of necessity for a need for shelter which is inarguably, a primary human need and by their very nature of being desperate
response to hopeless situations; a hopelessness that is consequent on a society’s failure to take account for its environment
and account for its human constituents well being, making slums an expression not of any culture evolved over time and in
response to unique demands of peculiar environments. A slum by its constitution is an aberration against nature, a constant
reminder of social failure and leadership lapse of responsibility. It has no culture worthy of preservation, on the whole.
Wealthy residents of a society define evolving culture because they have resource to spare to give expression to creative
expressions that define a culture in architecture.
When creative intellect gives form to a specie defining idea, ideas such as energy generation, transportation modes,
industrial growth activities, these are not cultural bound or territorially restricted in their capability to add value across
collective social landscape. Whatever puts a barrier to planetary expression of ideas and engagements that improve overall
value of human quality of existence is an indication of failure on specie intellectual resource use. Justifying specie under
development by erudite explanations as to why a part of humanity is so severely deprived amidst limitless possibilities of
life quality improvement is nothing short of encouraging retrogression in human social evolution through parochial adjudications
of non-acceptable states of planetary state, which presently is poorly balanced. A call for readjustment with a refocusing
on specie interest with an intent to maximize planetary resource use, which peaks at harnessing intelligent solutions and
breakthroughs to yield most optimum value possible for each individual specie element. Why, there is such a latency in aggregating
resource yield at this optimum level remains fundamentally a result of global leadership incapability at conceptualization
a specie specific viewpoint, while over emphasizing parochial group interests that in effect yield less than effective outcome
since optimization is attained at group level, with human groupings pitted against each other in a primitive less than efficient
and not sophisticated resource management that creates far too much waste in its wake in maintaining social balance at lower
levels of potentially attainable.
Micro change is attainable at limited levels but planetary change will only become possible through domination
of enlightened minds governing and managing global leadership to govern in planetary interest or aggregation of human grouping
leadership to enable an effective platform for collective planetary development. An effort that has gained momentum following
the Second World War, but failed to outpace its splinter source of emergence and has continued to promote group interest at
expense of planetary specie interest.
Governments, especially in developing societies must come to an early realization that open markets and increasing
efficiency by private sector businesses both locally originating and external will continual sideline governments relevance
as primary determinant of quality of life, eventually government will become a tax collector who may be feeding a redundant
leadership class or an effective mediator setting in places, rules, regulations and platform foundations upon which socio-economic
progress is catalysed.
Society investment in infrastructural development such as contained communities brings government to bear on immediate
problem solutions and successfully conducted enables a long term stream of resources in loan pay-backs and residence mortgages
for civil administration. Governments by taking initiative to build planned communities are investing into sustainable revenue
generating future, where resources aggregated at national level used in building community infrastructure become long term
revenue generation asset for government. A community is developed to be mainly mortgaged to its inhabitants, it is not intended
to be another government endeavour into failed management on state enterprise, rather, it is viable social engagement with
long term economic benefits, directly and laterally, that government finances because it has collective society resources
at its disposal to adequately provide basic community infrastructure that becomes a basis for community development.
It is an investment in human as resources that are beginning and end of a society’s economic cycle, humans
instigate, sustain and consume outputs of overall productive activities in any community or society at various levels of use.
Thus humans are irreplaceable driving mechanism of socio-economic growth. Humans as producers and end users of all production
processes occupy an irreplaceable position in all socio-economic activity schemes, thus, to position each human being to potentially
maximize their additive value to existing mechanisms that power business growth and strengthens economic effort is a task
that most leaders have yet to fully understand and realize, for humans marginally positioned on planet earth. A planetary
perception narrows and focuses global management and widens by lowering artificial barriers that limit full realization of
benefits of human socio-economic development.
For work starved developing economies, there is significant employment generation, of a long term nature imbued
and directly generated from community development and maintenance.
Integrated development which pre plans and details in execution realization of carefully evaluated community planning,
integrates layers of provisions that at one stroke increases long term revenue generation potentials for community developers
through added services and enhancements in any project maintenance and increases employment avenues integrated into each actual
community development project over and above employment avenues created through service and light manufacturing contained
in any community.
In developing economies with low infrastructure capabilities and minimal development of communities, coupled with
high levels of unemployment, especially in urban slums, radical improvements in employment generation can be made through
creative widening of scopes of activity frames within which restructuring and improvement of physical infrastructure is realized.
Construction on such large projects as community development, re-development and urban renewal projects, as well rural life
quality improvements through infusion of rebuilding funds, will not only create long term sustainable employments but will
kick off economic growth through supportive enabled activities.
Existing failures in infrastructural developments by way of far too little at far too slow pace in urban slum re-developments
have by default implied that slum culture is gradually being accepted as a norm indicative of developing societies. It is
an unacceptable anomaly that these societies tolerate disease promoting environment and low or nonexistent infrastructures
in tropical climates where disease thrives amidst hot and moist environments. A society that under values its overall human
resources development and positioning as primary driving machinery in its strive to push beyond existing attained levels of
development has already set an obstacle in its path of progressive growth.
In poorly managed social systems much effort is wasted and corruptible work practices evolve to satisfy fundamental
material needs, basic domestic provisions such as the need to purchase a fridge, have an electric or gas oven, a television
set and a personal computer. If such systems were reorganized so that every working person has automatic access to these fundamental
material needs and majority of healthy adults were positioned to be productively contributing to their societies through leadership
development of employment opportunities through direct local effort, social work creations to mediate employment needs, opening
their societies for direct external investment. There will be a significant readjustment in social systems paralyzed by uneconomical
strife to meet provision of basic needs.
The argument can be put forward that one works to purchase such needs among others, however drawing on examples
from societies such as those of Sweden, where community properties come fully equipped with standard domestic equipage such
as ovens and fridges, and in warmer climatic regions such as Southern United States, air conditioning provided on a large
scale and for all and sundry, not only is cost of equipping being widely spread over such large numbers more economically
but also a boost for manufacturing industries producing these equipments who necessarily must provide product updates and
maintenance replacement parts, as well refurbishing over set times placed equipments. For developing societies such large
scale product placements and assurances of large scale economically significant needs spread over generations is necessary
to attract external organizations to invest in building manufacturing operations in these developing countries to satisfy
employment generation needs. Governments in these developing societies thus need a radical re-evaluation of perceived value
placed on their needy populace to upgrade their quality of living standards as necessary drivers of their economies.
To position a populace to expand their consumer taste from basic needs to more sophisticated desires, no matter
how superficial these desires may be is necessary for employment generation and expanding economic base of these societies.
Such expanded needs will only come through proactive engagement requiring radical re-conceptualization of existing states
to encompass altogether higher states of community development.
Over the last hundred years increasing numbers of subject matter have evolved from prior traditional defined basis
and have become institutions generating sub orders of curricula. Along similar lines, assumptions of what is verifiably economical
and worthy of investment have expanded expansively as human imaginative capacity widens in post industrial societies, where
even mundane food item such as coffee and milk taken in stride in a previous generation as a pick me up workers beverage have
been re-branded into star bucks literally.
Ideas cultivation is behind every noticeable departure from states of stagnation to rapid development in any society.
Massive intervention is sometimes required for critical mass underlying social jump from a state of languid despair to one
of active development and economic expansion. While innovative and determined individuals and corporate efforts will make
an impact on a developing societys social change efforts, it is not sufficient to redefine overall socio-economic landscape
to usher in a more sophisticated state of physical development.
What lessons developing societies can learn is how value can be created out of necessity or as engaged mental creativity
to push beyond pale of mundane.
Planned development aggregates across important value added benefits that are generally not fully taken advantage
in unplanned developments where major variables defining community development are not carefully and publicly detailed and
monitored for effective rendition cross community. Basic provisions such as community waste processing and water renewing
projects require a critical mass of users for economic operation, this critical mass can best be achieved under certain conditions,
optimized in planned communities.
A simple question that underlies this effort at redefining community development, which mainly is weak, poorly
developed, or totally nonexistent in developing societies, is how easy is it to rebuild from ground up new communities? Examples
abound of major community developments in many societies all over. Community development projects are common place and are
a strategic employment and quality of life enhancement tool employed by governments all globally to improve living standards
and widen scope of economic activity. However, many new community developments
are just that communities developed from ground up. No human institutions and structures have permanency build into them,
they have to be maintained or demolished to be replaced by more viable structures in course of time. For most slum dwellers
new communities are rebuilding run down urban settlements must be a package delivered of residence and meaningful avenues
of employment.
Employment creation in one paradigm is socio-economic provision to bolster steady societies. Conceived from that
perspective, governments have to perceive job creation avenues as active direct engagement as incentive provision laws that
invite third party investments. Integrating employment avenues in community projects is a stability effort to maintain social
viability, for in that instance people have a means for earning their keep and keeping their communities sustainably.
It enables communities a means of redeveloping their environment to be more supportive habitats drawing all existing
technologies hitherto, yet it is still a simple process whereby a society props its inhabitants to improve their state of
living conditions and to add more value to its development than a previous state could yield. Humans satisfied with their
primary habitat needs are more likely to add more value economically than those who have to strive to find existence at margins
of despair and futility. Under those circumstances far too much energy in invested in pursuing acquisition of basic life needs
which under effective administration ought to be available to all of a communities inhabitants. In which case a communities
human resources are invested in more worthwhile pursuit of higher needs than a never fulfilled struggle to meet basic living
Planned community development allows ease of provision of communal infrastructures and services and enables use
of critical mass of services users that allow these infrastructures to yield optimum benefit.
Given that each community comes with a integrated sports, commercial, health education and entertainment provisions,
equipped with ----
Socio-psychology of Habitat Design
Community housing development have to satisfy not only a primary housing need but must be conducive enough in its
design to create psychological states of a permanent dwelling place where occupants are willing to live and stay comfortably.
Housing design indicate that there is a general preference for single unit dwellings, and where people dwell in apartment
blocks, less interference from neighbours is preferred. How this translates to design underlies success of occupancy rate,
given option of choice.
Any assumption that community development programs are middle of way, prototypical government investment to be
half way measures for community consumption is misplaced, such projects will eventually have to compete with private sector
investments in housing project developments and must by design and provision enabled at such quality of execution that preference
for acquisition, even, if initially subvented by government infusion of funds will be high. In which case such projects have
long term value and have significant revenue generation for government over long term considerations. A well planed project
introduces innovations that have long term and enduring appeal and sales by concept rather than intermediary need satisfaction.
Thus, why a person would be prepared to invest quality investment to acquire and stay in these community development projects
over and above all considerations should steer project design, realization and execution.
Humanity has in its period of earthly existence evolved technologically, even were this human attainments insignificant
when set against vast yawn universe encapsulating this planetary heritage, yet, it is still significant in terms of value
added to primary states of existence. Each aggregation of humans by way of progressive development and intelligent technological
advancement has been attained to collectively if properly managed and organized as shared heritage would uplift collective
state of mankind. Failures and excuses aside, society leaderships would benefit their societies by adapting these technologies
to add value to their societies as much as possible. These resources are available for use to improve human life quality planetary
So how does a shambling dwelling of several hundred thousands leaving in substandard housing in urban slums become
a well designed modern community with employment opportunities and significant employment enabling service and light manufacturing
integrated in?
That process requires an understanding that redesign and rebuilding designated communities is a first step employment
creation avenue, likely to generate significant employment for a generation and maintenance of structures consequently will
still provide employment for a third of that initial labour force.
It requires a need to use local materials for brick work, street and overall for most of ex-structure work. Majority
of refinement materials ought to be manufactured within, as another means of providing light manufacturing employment jobs.
These include materials for ceilings, light fixtures, electrical wirings, domestic consumer electrical and electronic equipments.
Community development implies a high demand and consequent renovation and equipment replacements will ensure a steady order
for these manufacturing establishments ad infinitum, if these industries are capable of adapting and remaining agile in their
areas of economic activity.
Again, work creation is a play of human intelligence to create a need and develop machineries to provide for need
satisfaction of those created demands and its end result is widening existing span of economic activities while providing
an activity forum for local populace employment. By being able to device and create these activity forums manifold and sustainably,
a society becomes economically viable, creating extra products for exporting to other societies less agile at creative opportunity
generation along disciplined and large scale formats.
What has been attained in any society can be copied, replicated and adapted to more efficient elsewhere, it is
just a question of leadership determination to push existing barriers of possibilities as defined within a local mind set.
It requires visionary leaders capable of seeing benefit in terms of how much values evolves to its populace as first and foremost
Creating sustainable value within a defined human settlement, maximizing its natural endowments, with foremost
value placed on its human constituents, while integrating into a planetary system of evolved socio-economic systems, creates
value at two levels, first, a within society level, where countries such as Sweden have been able to create worthy and by
all considerations watermark socio-economic systems that could be adapted and improved for any developing society seeking
direction. That model puts equal provisions for all of a society's inhabitants as premier priority and then sets sustainable
socio-economic mechanisms of social organization to realise optimum benefits over a long period for its human populace. Effectively
managed this social idealism realized is then integrated into a wider regional and international community of nation groupings.
Most developing societies seem unaware that a system first has to be developed to a certain level of attained development
to integrate itself meaningfully into a sophisticated monetary system that keeps a level of social balance. If a system that
is inadequately prepared and provisioned limits its full potentials because of limiting factors imposed by sophisticated economies
whose only complexity is in maintaining economic balance and keeping control by weighing weaker aspects of socio-economic
system not to be excessively usurped by stronger determining elements constantly defining expressive nature of that fairly
balanced system. It restricts its growth potential by limiting growth at a level of development not equivocated in more evolved
socio-economic systems.
Simply put, what is required in terms of infrastructure provisions, platform of enabled educational provisions,
socially induced employment provisions and aesthetic society development is far too low in most developing societies for them
to be exercise restrictive measures that limit full growth potentials.
Developing societies are not materially poor since all of what constitutes material for development is a gift of
planetary endowment and can be acquired, negotiated for and enabled by other societies who at a higher level of manifesting
intelligence appreciate investing in humans as ultimate resources to advance their economic growth. When Germany builds a
technological institute in Chad or Ethiopia, their understanding of human potential implies that return benefits accruing
to them is unlimited access to new materials, natural resources, human mental capacities and changed environments where exhausted
academicians can not only share and acquire knowledge but also regenerate themselves in fairly controlled environments. For
poor Chad or Congo or Ethiopia, their leadership need to re-conceive their educational needs as not only uni-directional appeal
for assistance from a more developed society but also be able to conceive factual idea that can be sold as an idea worthy
of engagement to a University in some staid city in Germany that would benefit all parties involved by sharing their capabilities
using their needs as a platform for growth and pushing existing attained levels of intellectual capability.
To sale ideas to investors with ready resources to implement and fundamentally change a way of living, significantly
upgrading it requires a mean of idea generation and idea purveying that most developing societies have left untouched or are
incapable of accessing. A company that has capabilities of developing public transportation has as its primary considerations
masses of people in developed communities in need of transportation from a point A to a point B. Foe these organizations,
their operation is not limited by territorial markings on a piece of paper. These are dynamic enterprises looking for masses
of people in urban locations to move and generate revenues in that process. Taken from that point of view, urban train systems
for the Frankfurt region is limited by their leadership imagination and millions of people in need of reliable transportation through
urban light rail systems are their potential market. How developing system societies and urban light rail service providers
can aggregate value provision in potential markets remains a task of leadership ingenuity. Resolved as a win-win situation,
humans benefit and profit generation capacities of a small urban transport network soon assumes a transcontinental economic
engagement. Human deprivations as it is presently is a consequence of effective intelligent idea cultivation and deployment,
which sets human specie as its primary consideration and working from that point is capable of universal ideal projection
for global solutions rather than tribal mentality driven mind sets that dominate global political mind sets at higher leadership
A time will come when human expressive intelligence would have evolved to that point where each human is a resource
of primary consideration, at which point every human life is of such value it cannot be wasted, since value in counted by
what each individual human can enable.
At first glance it reads like a platitude of political inadequacy but a second reconsideration gives obvious expression
more relevance for consideration, where does dissatisfaction with existing social organization in developing gives its most
overt expression? It is at its failure to give widest expression to its populace most fundamental ideals of improving quality
of existence for those living at its margin, which is its majority. Political accountability is towards sustenance of a non
impacting economic system that from year to year denies even that little of collective resource that its populace share from
universal use. Public transport is mostly non existence, where it exists is inadequate, where it appreciable exists, it runs
without a reliable schedule. Public housing is a slapping together of concrete and bricks with no effective integration of
services, entertainment and commercial need provisions to approximate a fully sustainable community, not to mention lack of
effective participation of churches and educational institutions in ensuring adequacy of spiritual nourishment and educational
provisions in these housing projects. So is it human value that is primary of utmost value? Certainly not, because leadership
in these communities are lost in a quagmire of inadequacy that has not been able to generate a clear picture of where economic
policies (mainly poorly developed) sits in overall social organization scheme as against humanity as an end in social organizational
principle and pursuit.
Economic systems are developed to serve human ends and not vice versa and so a failing economy is a call for re-evaluating
where its efficiency lies in regards to adding value to a populace and not a populace sacrificing to sustain the un-sustainable.
To understand that there are no economic policies for which humans ought to sacrifice rather than economic policies constantly
evolving to enable humans exist in convivial societies is a Rubicon of leadership failure over which many of developing nation
leaders are presently incapable of stepping over. Yet, that is truth indubitable. Socio-economic principles are not functional
independent of humans and where such cannot serve human ends are not capable of self sustenance independent of human in organized
This is where economic and social idea sharing which would be mutually beneficial takes its departure point. What
leadership in developing societies lack is implementable idea generation potentials, which itself is a poverty of expressive
intelligence. Worthy ideas that lie unexpressed in dormant minds have no capability of adding value to stagnant systems. All
ideas locked in idealistic minds in these communities must find avenues of influencing expression. These ideas are true wealth
of a society, these ideas must be constantly generated, collated and managed to redefine existing states. That is a necessary
first step to social system evolution.
Education is a means of structuring thought patterns expressing themselves as intelligent ideas that can and ought
to be used to change a society's existing state. Thus, emphasising education as a priority goes beyond enabling a reading
and writing capability but above all a means for idea appreciation, idea generation and idea expression, finding realization
at different levels in a society.
Developing communities offering modern amenities and conveniences would make urban slums in developing societies
preferable dwelling places where if employment opportunities are enabled and far reaching economic policies back leadership
vision quality of life would be at par with those sought after in places whereas economic migrants are not welcomed. How to
integrate employment and urban redevelopment and institutionalisation of nation wide quality of living space requirements
as enforced and enabled laws is a question of leadership adroitness to create meaning within enabled provisions to widen scope
of a society's vision. That vision itself is not far fetched or idealistic but a practical development of integrating work
and improved quality of living, in which process excess production can be exported to less evolved systems.
From a purely economic perspective of a government benefiting from its human resources, poverty and material denial
that occasions living desperate existence in poverty benefits an element in every society, long term benefits at a far larger
scale accrue to any administration of determined leadership that widens scope of possible productivity value coming forth
from its citizenry by improving their overall quality of existence.
What ties together a good plan with long term sustenance is ownership and commitment to work to maintain and preserve
what is worthwhile and primary to a community. A community belongs to tis inhabitants and must be passed on to them after
their being enabled to gain ownership. That invested self will to retain a thing of value is what keeps a community as living
thing adapting and responding to seasonal changes through passing years.
A bicycle path following thirty kilometres of Accra and Tema's Atlantic coastline
will offer a healthy means of family cycling trips, keep a nation healthy and allow a non nature disturbing way of enjoying
these varied coastlines. Such an idea may never be realized unless proper urban planning among a mainly educated populace
gives it credence.
Along same lines a redesigned Accra city centre redevelopment that sets streets outside several kilometre long
inner shopping and business centre with a middle sculptured with cultural images of a nation rich in symbols and traditional
history, with a water way and palm trees, resetting a decaying and shambled city centre to a place where human spirit thrives
will never be realized unless great minds in leadership resolve to bring beauty in architecture alive in very midst of their
urban dwelling places. Who can realize these dreams?
Obviously, nothing that is appreciated as profound and beautiful, era defining and definitive expression of a society
and its people occurs as an incidence of hap hazard development. In every setting, time and era, what emerges as appreciatively
beautiful in expressing human intellect in architecture is an outcome of deliberate effort, and along those same lines, natures
endowments and human needs must aggregate in artistically expressive renditions of expected outcomes in community planning
and development to enable urban slums become redeveloped settings giving full expression to that spirit of man that in mimicking
his creator seeks beauty in his God given endowment. Nature is wasted on man in our days if we cannot coax beauty from that
which by its very nature is pliable for moulding to magnify its very Creator. To seek for and give expression to beauty in
his surrounding is a very human nature to deny its full expression is falling short of giving full expression to human spirit.
At larger level of community development and management, developing nations in Africa have significantly short, while excelling
as individuals in that same pursuit. Since glorious castles set amidst filthy surroundings are loud expressions of a society's
failure to draw all into its period of enlightenment. Will those who have a responsibility for social management dwell locked
away from decaying external world in their prisons of comfort or extend development outward to embrace all and sundry so that
free human spirit is unencumbered to draw an encumbered breath of enabled beauty in its surroundings.
For governments and leaders, a territorial definition is an entitlement that is allocated (irrespective of whatever
forces that carve that defined area of responsibility, it is incumbent on those to whom responsibility has devolved to awaken
to gravity of imposed honour to heighten human capabilities within a given framework of possibilities defined by an era's
attained possibilities) with its resources for effective management, out of that raw bit of nature, a society and its leadership
have a requirement to tease out value and develop it to highest attainable level of added value over changing times. For some
that responsibility is at a community level, for others at a national level, while others must coordinate leadership responsibility
at global levels for planetary change in a positively outward evolutionary direction.
Those who excel in this engagement have shown themselves as capable overseers of allocated piece of creation, value
added to nature's provision has mainly to do with intellectual machinations that manage all of a given resource including
its human constituents to maximize potentials imbued in their piece of planet earth. Drawing on cooperation from other societies
and their own ingenuities some and many societies have excelled and defined unimaginable possibilities for other societies
to follow. However many have also failed to rise to that grand task of managing their allocated resources synchronizing with
rest of human species to edify their planetary gift. Failure is not blamed on any one person or group of persons but is a
manifest expression of a society's collective incapacity to rise up from a state of disengagement where there is total dependence
on nature to learning from that nature and moulding their environments and its resource capacities to yield added value.
A measure of success at this task of social organization and social management process is simply determined in
how near to saturation a society has succeeded in enabling its human constituents to maximize their imbued potentials of adding
to further development of their society based on existing attained standards.
So it has been that from a point in time where kings and tyrants wasted youthful life in mainly meaningless battles
of wanton destruction with intent, often misguided, to satisfy inflated oversize ego. Leading humanity down destructive paths
of military campaigns that laid waste what little progress has been made. Most of these have in only a few instances added
value to collective specie growth. Inasmuch as at times wars were a necessary response to curb excessive tyranny from gaining
un-required dominance. It all comes down to same issue of social evolution, since it takes two opposing parties to engage
in significant differences of opinion that inevitably lead to wars. Which issue is how specie collective has been able to
minimise those primary differences of opinion that give rise to collective ire and push tolerance levels to breaking point.
It is that collective finding expression through leaders defining an era. A leader is but an individual who gains strength
but how many acquiesce to tolerate their leadership idealism. Their authority is very much at mercy of even their very trusted
guards upon whom they depend for maintaining a barrier of safety between them and potential enemies. Yet, a good leader accountable
to his electorate performing at maximum efficiency would have nothing to worry about, since such are collective working with
their society to improve and expand scope of attained possibilities that add value across that society.
When societies become more open to others there is a greater flow of information and awareness as to what has been
attained in other places and open possibilities from jump starting developmental growth from a point of stagnation mainly
for lack of idea and direction as where to progress from presciently attained. Open systems exchanging information are mutually
beneficial if both and all parties create a dynamic interaction of idea generation promoting diversity and change from a point
of awareness. For some developing societies, there is passive acceptance of low level development as an inevitable consequence
of their low level drive and thus there is no effort to push their societies to a point of equality with more advanced systems
where interaction becomes a driving competitive force redefining existing attained intellectual outcomes of human evolution.
Since society mostly is managed by its leaders, leaders with low competence in how to coordinate latent talent and unused
potentials in their societies, significantly impart their individual failure on overall collective, while driven leaders with
a focus on how to measure success from lowest level of a society’s human populace enabled to attain a state of averaged
existence commensurate with a goal of desired social progress is most likely to boost social growth drive in his domain of
What a particular community or urban slum or refugee camp looks like at a particular point has nothing to do with
what any human settlement ought to be. Leaders ought to have a vision of what is desired and change existing circumstances
to reflect that desired change, in which process there present mess with its human dregs afflicted in dirt and lack are uplifted
to a platform of sanitized environments where physical environment harmoniously integrated into nature and its sublime provisions
predispose eager human spirit to celebrate life and its nobility by expanding mind capacity to paint ever more appealing murals
of possibilities on human canvas of possibilities in life filled with interesting possibilities.
Mankind’s present approach to managing and controlling resource use and exchange may have severe shortcomings
but it is not by default imposing failure on expanding scope of wider application of human achievements and intellectual growth
applications, contrary it has an imbued motivational element that spurs under proper social management faster adoption and
adaptation to employ quality emerging from any society open to interaction with other societies.
No one argues with a fundamental assumption that public transport is designed to move large numbers of people in
defined territories, that being assumed there is no argument other than profitable operation to develop highest quality public
transportation network where a critical mass of humans aggregate and live. No thus, assumes that any such human aggregation
would have to evolve through any definitive social epochs to mature to deserve a modern transportation system. What keeps
effective community development projects that eradicates urban poverty and effect rural development programs are willing and
capable leaders ready to raise to challenge of renewing hope through social regeneration employing available resources of
human intellectual development.
Visions to leaders in a human society are guiding ideas set into executable programs steering and orienting a society
in a perceivable better outcome state than presciently existing. Visionary leaders are capable of practical idealizations
of improved social organization that underlie their social management processes, they energize through effective articulation
these ideas into shared values for active implementation pushing their society into higher levels of material and physical
Sustainability of adapted knowledge expressing itself in any format, be it technology wise or socialization processes
that change existing social formats in fashion or any outward expression requires a degree of integration that makes that
initial adoption a process integrated through an adaptive integration process that makes a human grouping owners through a
process of familiarization that makes that idea acquisition process malleable to optimum localization. That assumed optimum
localization implies not a lowering of quality standards but a process of adaptation through integration that highlights perceived
values and making these values capable of further improvement within acquiring environment. Thus a magnetic local train network
to enable public transport has over a period of time become locally familiarized through adaptation that makes marginal and
significant improvements to enhance its capabilities as an efficient transportation mode in its territorial area of operation.
Failure to integrate intellectual growth capacities underlie long term failure of technology and knowledge transfer to developing
societies since these have a tendency to regress to prior existing state of deficiencies when operational challenges arise
and intellectual transferred system improvement elements fail due to a lack of maintenance, sustenance or further development.
What the world needs and what individuals need is a higher standard of living, a great realizing sense of the privilege
and dignity of life, a
higher and nobler conception of individuality
Potentials unlimited abide in just about any human aggregation, for without that potential such aggregations will
have been unable to support themselves through use of their environment and its supplies to sustain their long term survival.
What is required is directive authority that can channel all energy and potentials to become effective tools of admirable
social development and effective social organisation.
An effective community development policy is grounded on long term planning carefully followed and changed to meet
changing needs and more insightful awareness gained through intellectual development accruing on social progress among humans.
While lesser dependence on external sources to satisfy internal needs of a nation free resources that would have to be paid
in exchange for externally resourced needs, even among most successful of human societies, openness to interact and acquire
from other human societies is a mark o f intellectual sophistication and acknowledges that talent that redefines human achievements
can and is randomly dispersed among all humans irrespective of territorial and cultural origins. For developing societies
what this implies is a need for significant lowering of those barriers that lower speed of accessing and adapting intellectual
resources from more advanced systems. A needed resource for their growth needs achievement. Human progress has trend of similarity
that allows late beginners to avoid entrapments o failure and disaster that starters and field definers have had to pay heavily
to understand through experience. Of what use are their sufferings if all that experience and understanding thus acquired
does not serve as guideline for avoiding social disasters in another human groups going through similar processes?
A successful society is one whose leadership is adroit and pliable capable of making use of all planetary resources
unhindered to improve its common lot. Failing systems are handicapped in building unnecessary barriers that act as impediments
to specie planetary growth. While global interaction is a necessity for overall human growth and material needs provisions,
it requires a commitment to openness and sharing through enabled platforms that engender thrust and highlight collective benefits
accruing through interaction and intellectual attainment sharing.
For every individual life is a profound privilege of experiencing God’s creative might, even for those blinded
to belief in deity, life is a wonderful experience of living on a planet endowed with resources that human intellect is teased
to coerce use out of and in realizing that enhance life quality. For leaders set in charge of society, nations and large human
aggregations, of those who excel among these leadership group a fundamental drive to harness collective human capacity to
find those tenets in a society upon which growth and progress are established and find replication, in anchoring their development
to those anchors of progress keep that society in dynamic evolution.
That dynamic evolution is an inbuilt ability to positively evolve as individuals, community and nation at significant
aggregation which indicatively push existing attained barriers of attained possibilities and in discovering new patterns and
processes in evolving systems widen scope of possibilities within which society defines its existence.
The earth is a self contained system, unravelling its potentials and imbued capacities within a close interaction
of intellect and material resourcing. What is conceivably attainable at any given point in any human era is a complex interaction
of factors pushing barriers of previously attained possibilities, driving creative minds focused on perceived problems or
challenges through understanding enabled through careful study of what is and what is conceivably possible to generate new
mediums framing expression of creative output. Amidst all these aggregating factors interacting to define each era and its
attainment of resource use are gifted individual uniquely positioned to push barriers of possibilities ushering in inconceivable
upgrading to previous states of existence. The uniquely positioned mind capable of thinking through existing barriers is the
geniuses that sit at critical barriers where aggregating knowledge is enabled a breakthrough that perceptive mind; linchpins
anchoring human progress in an ever increasing progression of improvement.
Human progress and growth within context of social development is driven by forces that energize change as only
perceivable way beyond existing attained levels of development. Pushing for ever innovative possibilities, the unique creative
brilliance that is given insight to perceive beyond norm and catch a glimpse of something beyond mundane and in ascertaining
its complex composite constitutes, capable fo communicating these constitution and functions thereof bring to men insight
that drastically change quality of life by adding value to primary state through active employment of resources available
to enable rendition of those ideas.
Latency of inconceivable possibilities are given prior expression in creations provisions, as though what is a
basis for conceiving and perceiving what ought to be; a pre enabled possibility waiting to be given expression under right
circumstances and provisions. Mind states ready to see beyond accepted, existing states.
Humans are thus true value around which progress evolves; their minds are resources for invention and creativity
Urban settlements are anything but naturally evolving; these are by designation a society’s most planned
living spaces. It is where successfully realized a definitive expression of that society and what its idea of human excellence
is in human settlement organization.
Conceptualization of what underlies a thriving human settlement invariably will bring to fore critical interplay
between sustenance means and productive tools that enable sustenance. Sustenance itself is easily definable as living space
and victual for surviving as a biological entity. Productive tools are means where urban dwellers are enabled economic empowerment
through employment opportunities in productive manufacturing and service employment to acquire sustenance. A third factor
is cultural and social engagements that provide necessary play means. Play factors are secondary social need fulfilments such
as entertainment, sports, hobby and other social engagements, while not critical for basic survival needs but essential for
organized social existence, which also are important employment generation avenues. These three means or factors at a macro
level define a viable community.
Human groupings evolving into societies with heritage and culture have over time constructed an identity through
how over time they have organized viable dwelling places on their planetary locations. From traditional swish and mud huts,
technology and scientific progress has allowed men to understand their natural endowments and the qualities therein imbued
with progressive insight through time. This has allowed them to use natural resources to build organized spaces that project
an idea of their appreciation of human value.
A community is a dynamic entity of infrastructure and humans interacting to define a unique, self sustaining, living
environment. In which sense it must be in its planning be consciously constructed as having integrated pressure zones that
bend and are open to change in response to changing needs and circumstances as a community evolves and assumes its natural
disposition as reflecting its uniqueness. Communities must necessarily be designed to be easy to reflect change and make adaptations
over and above maintenance if they are to have long term sustenance. Far sighted planning allows community planners to envisage
significant adaptations in technological and social infusions needed to keep a community viable in conceivable future.
With regards to urban slum redevelopments and new community developments to provide dwelling places for a significant
already existing populace, since these are massive financial investment by a society, they must be designed to be capable
of expansion and stabilization over long term without becoming bloated and over loaded. Integrated barriers of community management
must take into consideration critical barriers of avoiding system over load by ensuring on one hand that required significant
number of inhabitants are attracted to maintain residence while diverting excess to other communities.
A society has a need for reinvention of reality and what is defined as appropriate and desirable. Leaders give
expression to this diffuse socially emerging notion that they help form and project as a goal pursuable and achievable. In
the developing of communities, this is required to enable whole era cross over to a new perspective on community image, composition
and development.
A nation, a society or any gathering of people in a defined location especially those that have redefined their societal
reality in a post colonial era, must evolve from a perspective where development and community development is invented to
reflect their changed status. This for some limited part has been achieved by post colonial third world countries, with Pacific rim
countries such as Singapore and South Korea far ahead of
limited achievements among African countries where lack of defined visions has been a major setback not to mention the inability
to adapt adroitly in response to changing eras and their demands. This has resulted in societies lagging behind times and
its opportunities to add value to human settlement development on a larger scale.
That vacuum created by this societal inadequacy in itself is an opening to be utilized if appropriately conceptualized
and taken advantage of.
When masses are forced to migrate to existing independent nations, how do these nations cater for them? That question
is obviously evident in vast shredded tents of canvas and khaki spread over desert terrain or hacked out jungles everywhere
men and women are forced to retreat to seek a safe zone. Resolving this failure in human social organization requires a redefinition
of how humanity perceives itself. As intelligent specie in a universe which is evidently not commonly populated by humans,
there seems to a severe lack of adequacy of response to quickly and effectively moving resources to address and bridge material
lack in human states of existence on earth.
A mass movement of people to a new location opens new opportunities for value creation a rare opportunity that
is hitherto not possible since most societies expand through a slow process of replacement by birth and elimination through
death. When social upheavals cause mass migrations it is an opportunity for infrastructural investment in human worth and
a point of aggregation for machineries that engineer rare human resource into productive machineries and systems that nourish
a capitalist economic system.
To develop new communities and integrate into them wherever humans lack shelter and supportive community infrastructure
and supportive social system of education, health, and employment has in itself enough dynamisms to keep all major capitalist
tools for wealth creation to be occupied in value creation with ever increasing scope for seemingly thousands of years at
existing attained levels of intellectual awareness with overall positive bottom line benefits for humanity as a specie.
Social systems with adequate resources for value creation by way of infrastructure development, health need provision
and human resource management along a broad front has by dint of humanity present needs so many under employed opportunities
fo guaranteeing their future sustenance that one wonders whether clarity of global economic dominance for these potential
organizations is severely stunted by superficialities of human social groupings for ease of manageability. I which case they
natural divisions that play to their benefit are being under employed because these organizations and their leaders are lacking
depth of perspective and long term understanding of the collective bond that unifies humanity as an earthly specie interlocked
and interdependent.
Beneath all socio-economic endeavours lies a fundamental end which is providing services and products for groups
of humans at a specified location in need of those activity and product needs. Irrespective of source of origin, whether east,
west or north, a driving awareness of carving and retaining economic blocs of influence wherever human groups exist thus becomes
the fundamental basis for inter-human groupings business driver. Quality of rendition becomes the final determiner and national
or human grouping leaders are required to enable preparatory environments where externally resources can be deployed to yield
mutual benefit.
A simple example is where economies in Central and Southern America are streamlined to enable infrastructural development
that is adequate to standards prevailing in larger parts of United States to uplift quality of existence of that geographical
bloc of the earth and minimize pressure due to attraction to zones of perceived preference and spreading economic growth along
a dimensional outward growth process that limited growth in a cut off region, while by all considerations significant pales
by comparison to unexplored potentials left unutilized. Overcoming social, economic and cultural barriers that slow this process
down globally is what leaders arte required to resolve by eliminating bottle necks of resource sharing that slows these growth
process down. For it is obvious that where critical resources ought to be obtained ease of access is often not a factor to
resource acquisition.
To stabilize the human state in any society, provisions are required at mass, shared community resource levels,
small groups and defined groupings level and finally, individual primary need provisions. How a society defined these needs
and goes on to enable its fulfilments unequivocally, comes to defined quality of life that social system and its ability to
have a stable, definitive, adaptive society. Predictably growing and widening its scope of realizations to improve overall
quality of life of its inhabitants.
Reinvention Phase Two
In developing country systems, where the pace of provisions by individual investors is encouraging and gives hope
for overall uplift of system whole. There are still accretions of social despair and slums flourishing with no indication
of their being a radical restructuring in these environments. Change is gradual, imperceptible and far too often on the edge
in these hovels of despair. Unfortunately these are where majority of people in these developing nation systems are. A new
perspective of what is acceptable and permissible ought to evolve from leadership because they command resources to make radical
change and restructure these environments. What these imply are simple redesign and enablement of resources to redevelop communities
that are often ramshackle aggregations of temporary shelter that have far often outlived their times. These slums are more
a drain on collective resources in terms of malaria infestation and disease generation emergent from these slums and undermining
collective human resource values and limited national resources spent on health budgets. The society is more likely to benefit
from total reconstruction and development from ground up with new community development philosophies that require rethink
of whole communication systems, employment avenues integrated in these projects and school systems constructed and equipped
to make education a welcome option to selling on the streets and ensuring that enough of thee facilities exist to absorb human
talent itching to be developed as valuable national assets.
In reinventing a community, how those who fall outside economic vibrancy priorily existing are roped and enabled
through resource infusion to become active participants determines eventually long term sustainability of that community.
A community has long term sustenance measured by how quickly and how easily at an initial stage of re-conceptualization, available
humans are ushered and integrated into its effective socio-economic productive machinery. At a later more stable state, the
process of human resource infusion is a predictable replacement process. Efficiency of socio-economic productivity implies
a process of gradual upward progress where more successful people in that systems move towards less active productive roles,
assuming instead managerial roles. The obvious implications, thereof are that unless productivity is altogether mechanized,
growth is stunted by lack of infusion of determinant human factor is socio-economic dynamism.
Developing nations are often typified by islands of prosperity set in an ocean of slums, spilling to overflow on
serrated edges of their larger cities. It is not just enough to criticize, for what is perceivable is obvious to all. Understanding
the pervasiveness of filth in an era where all that can be achieved by way of change of social upgradement requires accountable
factors. Given that these factors are independent of ability resources to deploy. Reasons easily identified are a fatal assumption
of inevitability of acceptance of poverty ad filth to those who by default of leadership failure find themselves in those
situations until they pull themselves by their own bootstraps. A second, accountable factor is a severity in lack of understanding
of how important developed human resources are to a nation’s upward progress. A progress that for most developing nations
stunted for lack of effective employment of potential human resources left to operate at fundamental levels of unrefined physicality.
A third factor is a comfortable relapse into a position of gradual and slow paced growth as compared to gusto of energized
optimism occasioned early post independent era. While this is a natural slowing down, given complications of coordinating
sustained development, yet it cannot be overemphasized that progress of a definitive nature will not occur in treacly socio-economic
A community in a city, a city by its constitute nature has to have character. The character emergent is a deliberate
effort to build art and cultural expressions in a city’s design and design alteration through changing years of slow
evolution. Vibrant cities are governed to adapt and change with generations, rebuilding to maintain architectural responsiveness
while maintaining their identifying landmarks as cultural identities. Emerging nations have to configure art into architecture
and realize it in construction. It is what makes the difference between bland square blocks and living communities where each
structure seems to breath identity and uniqueness. In their effort to build modern communities much attention ought to be
given artistic expression and cultural identity rather than vast stretches of neatly laid out boredom.
Humanity is the spirit of the Supreme Being on earth, and that humanity is standing amidst ruins, hiding its nakedness
behind tattered rags, shedding tears upon hollow cheeks, and calling for its children with pitiful voice. But the children
are busy singing their clan’s anthem; they are busy sharpening the swords and cannot hear the cry of their mothers
Caring for All
A community is a self sufficient settlement providing accommodation; that is dwelling places for all normal and
average taste, educational systems from crèches to professional institutions and employment avenues to occupy and engage its
occupants. This implies a pervasive understanding that humans remain central to all development efforts, the more a community
is able to effectively calibrate its systems labour capabilities and create effective, productive zones for their use in all
beneficial system benefit productivity, the less there is a likelihood that idle labour for want of productive engagement
will become a bane for other citizens through system undermining activity.
A community has to reflect the ideals that it portrays. A large community does not necessarily require a bunching
together of
Teeming masses in desperate, stifling existence. Earthly resource management and employment of such resources to
heighten quality of life requires a departure from crammed quarter’s existence to creation of organized openness where
humans can feel at ease in their dwelling places. This will not come about as a naturally evolving process but a leadership
orientation to give community development highest quality rendition.
Crammed communities often lead men to behave as caged animals, highly strung and too quick to respond aggressively.
Spaced out, well organized communities ensure that men remain in touch with their humane nature, maintaining civility in conduct.
How architecture understands and reflects space and openness lies at the heart of great community design.
Our addition to natures overwhelming or all provisory influence as we interact with out planet to define meaningful
existence cannot be taken for granted or assumed to be insignificant in the light of a the thin veneer of superficiality that
our civilization layer our patches of earth with. Whatever infrastructure mankind puts upon earth to enable a more suitable
setting to interface their dwelling upon earth, it is but degree of flimsy coverings that layer a dominant nature. The closer
and less damaging those infrastructures are in interfacing smoothened settings for human social existence the more likely
are they to be in tune with nature’s dominant nature, and therefore more enduring and less damaging as changed systems
restore or adjust to maintain original states of progressive evolvement.
Nature is a certainty irresolvable in its gradual cyclic processes at play within its unique settings, when man
takes from nature primary materials and bends such resources to their use, they certainly do this with the understanding that
earth is a closed system in cyclic renewal, of both short term and long term processes that pay little regard to what puny
humans do, on its surface layer. When natures natural cycles come into conflict with mans immature oft times play to add value
to their earthly settlements, the overall consequence often is predicated on how close or how far to natural giving these
interplay of mans material growth and natures processes are at point of interplay.
This zone interplay is a point of deep reflections, it sets in proper perspective how humanity manages earthly
resources and how leaders in gaining this understanding lead with a certain insight. The earth will over millennia go through
definitive change and transformations irrespective of how and what we construct as a specie. As intelligent specie, we take
from a given planetary cellar of given resource and manipulate this givens of the earth to render a desired temporary state.
Our intellectual growth is tracked by how much we understand our planetary location, its resources and their capabilities.
The more we understand and employ their potential capabilities, the more we add value to our earthly state of existence. What
is worrisome is what is non- tangible. The non tangible aspects of social harmonization would indicate at higher states of
realization that equanimity of material provisions and its efficient distribution will de-stress social interaction at larger
societal scale and significantly improve the individual existence or quality of life in any era.
While much has been achieved, much remains to be comprehensively integrated into leadership intellect to make humanity
better disposed for its intellectual endowments.
The community is in many ways the fundamental social milieu for effective socio-economic organization and existence
under existing world order. It has by its constitution a significant number of persons living in socio-economic interdependence.
The community has a leader who orchestrates the business and social organizations formed to explore and effectively employ
both material and non-material resources available for development and consumption in that community and its resource accessing
environments. This is basic to any organized humans organized in a defined location. What is consequence on this formative
basis of human communities is a context within which earthly resources are managed to meet human needs. What needs are seen
as essential and fundamental to meaningful existence has to be defined by both community inhabitants and leadership. How these
needs are realized is the challenging consequent on effective leadership. What are perceived as difficulties in this dynamic
process of collective resource management is construable at multi levels of leadership engagement. The light of clarity that
sets leadership’s onerous responsibility in proper perspective to understand that denying humanity in isolated pockets
of material needs of such simplicities as piping purified water through pipes and providing humanity with a decent quality
of life is a reflection on collective intellect rather than a territorial disposition of development, developing or lack thereof.
The difference between piping water spouts through decorative pipes set amidst artistic sculptures, is a slight albeit significant
variation on what is naturally occurring, water flowing through channels carved on earth’s surface. Seeing the simplicity
underlying the seemingly complex is necessary to demystifying the failures that occasion strangulating lack of capital infusion
to break the be numbingly crippling hold of material deprivations that lead to far below expected quality of physical existence
for many in developing societies and the areas of extreme poverty in developed societies.
Replicate Productivity
A community has the multiplicative basis for self generated productive capacity which depending on size and inter-community
interactivity has the core basis for propelling an effective micro economy that drives an effective and growth capable service
and manufacturing activity. While developed economies seem to have a vast industrial, mechanical driven base, it is often
realized that for masses in these societies, basic needs are fulfilled for most part through simple economic mechanisms that
are capable for adaptation and implementation in any sizable community in any part of the earth. The benefits of developing
communities is the ease of efficiency in adoption since system endemic failures can be detected from trail blazers and adjustments
made for more integrated adoption and implementation.
Community development is like all human endeavours a question of what is perceived and appreciated as necessary
and edifying, and worthy of expending limited resources to acquire and make a constituent part of a community. Definitively,
it is what leadership in that society sees as essential to sustainable adding to community development that becomes goal identified
for approximation.
A significant proportion of infrastructure development and maintenance is adequate ground for employment development
and generation.
The more a community develops to provide socially sustainable services the more it widens its employment generation
Core Structures of a Functional Model of an Effective Community
Traditional societies were tied down to basic activities structured around sustenance of life in un-mechanized
societies. As society evolves and develops and integrates into intellectually more sophisticated enablement, not only do these
developing systems have variations to previously evolved economic activities, more importantly there is consequence of a fall
away from traditional activities that result in unengaged labour that needs to find employment in widening scope of employment
avenues that developing society offers. Making use of existing labour and integrating these labour into existing and planned
productive activities is a challenge that every community has to deal with and in dealing with successfully, provide a framework
of socio-economic stability within which further development takes place a log more predictable lines.
A community evolves not only to provide infrastructure that promotes a preferable healthier and materially more
conducive lifestyle but also with an intent to ensure that each community provides adequate means of variations in human activity
frames to ensure sustainable economic means for its habitants.
A community in any society is constantly evolving, albeit slowly and often without obvious indications of change.
In other situations, change is obvious and marked material as well as infrastructural interjections that indicatively usher
in new eras of upward growth. In terms of employment provision in contained communities, the intent will be to merge existing
capacities and widen their scope of capabilities through increasing effective capacities imbued in those traditional skills.
Education and training and
How will a model community operate and what provisions made available will keep it sustainable, along predictable lines
of expected projection. Drawing extensively from Sweden, an ideal in socialism
and capitalism some standard requirements of such a community can be proffered.
Starting from basic needs requirements, a community in a developing nation, starting frm ground up or to be completely
rebuilt, has to begin from well planned dwellings organized as villas or independent housing units, and apartment blocks that
are set within green areas with adequate room for outside activities, safe playing areas for children and sports and physical
activities that include well planned paths and lighted walking zones where the elderly and residents can walk and walk their
Health needs are priority and each community has to have a health centre integrated into an effective hospital
system at larger national level and international level.
Demographic records are necessary in keeping a record of community constituents are and national identity card
systems are best realized through effective provisions made through community outlets. These cars are best provided for every
recorded birth allowing a record keeping system that ensures effective integration of every new person in a community into
a viable productive environment either of learning or productive engagement to support the community’s growth.
A community has to make provisions for long term disable and elderly through medical residences and homes managed
through the health system. These homes in developing systems are not only important in ensuring proper care of inhabitants
but also for creating employment avenues of a sustainable kind.
Pre education for children and infants require high quality day care centres managed through public direct investments
and an opening made available by private investment. Here it is monitoring and inspection to comply by regulations that is
necessary to ensure highest quality of service provisions. This necessarily implies in any situation why government provisions
are enabled alongside private investments. The two sectors are complementary with government necessarily taking the initiative
where needs are more in compliance with social provisions and life quality improvement over and above pure profit motives.
There are no lines drawn anywhere that restricts the government or the private sector to any particular set of
socio-economic activities, while governments operate along the lines of providing a basis for economic participation, in developing
societies they have no option but to engage in extended economic activities over and above what occurs in more developed economies
where government benefits from tax accruing on private sector investments.
Schools and school libraries are integrated definitive elements of any human habitat. Educational systems at all
levels must be designed to be preferable environments where creature comforts are measured in their ample provisions to ensure
that these structures not only a resilient over long periods to yield support to generations to come but also to be environments
that are secure and comfortable enough for young minds to desire to abide to acquire knowledge.
Who pays for education cost? Given that the development of a community is tied to the quality of education and how
best it is oriented to equipping the people in that community to fully realise their potentials as creative humans are those
to allotted productive roles, it is only necessary to ensure that no matter how payment structures are evolved every one without
exception has ease of access to education of any type desired. In Sweden, nursery, primary,
secondary and post secondary education are paid for directly by every one in the community through tax deductions and there
are no cutbacks to ensure highest quality of rendition drawing on developments occurring globally. Quick adoption of technology
and integration into a global network of open creativeness, keeps the system pliable and defining compared to any other system
else where. Internal completion from inter community comparison keeps the inter community school system on the edge, infrastructures
and curricula quality wise.
What constitutes curricula in any educational institution must be coordinated to an international system of educational
standards and local needs to develop human resources to match.
University and tertiary education is enabled through student loans that are structured to enable students to pay
for accommodations in student hostels and alternative residential offerings. Long term spread of repayment on student loans
ensure that post tertiary education employment allows coverage of repayments. Much effort is made to ensure that as many persons
as possible gain entry into specialised training at tertiary levels to ensure that their productive contribution is at a refined
level where quality of input is comparatively high, this has led to a large number of tertiary institutions managed to attract
students from within all regions nation wide and a few external entrants. Virtually every region boost of one more universities
and many training institutions, and every community has at least one secondary and pre university institution.
Public transportation has to be responsive to environmental concerns of minimizing carbon output and the less there
is recourse to environmentally unfriendly fuels the better off the health of a community. Sturdy and reliable forms of public
transportation such as surface and underground trains ought to be employed as deemed necessary. These are capable of long
term development and are bulk movers of large populations. This implies that the more efficient and well evolved a public
transport system becomes, the less a populace is likely to use their own forms of individual transport which has overall benefits
across the community under consideration.
Agriculture on a significant scale is most likely to be outside an urban community, however less intensive forms
of cultivation such as medium scale aqua culture and flowers can be developed as part of a community employment generation
The products of agriculture are what supports a community and how they enter a community, are processed within
a food packaging organization(s), how they are displayed within a market environment for public selection and consumption
are tied in to how a planned community evolves and adds value to its overall existence.
Manufacturing organizations can within reasonable estimation form, territorially, an outer industrial layer on
any community’s edge, providing not only needed products but also from a community labour management perspective employment
means. An idle mass of adult humans ill integrated in a community are a liability rather than an asset of value to that community.
Adult continuation education and training institutes to equip out of work adults with skills and occupy them between
jobs given a supportive social system ought to be seriously considered and matched to evolving needs of a community. Absorbing
excess human resources while transitioning them into other forms of occupation, keeps labour constantly tuned to be effective
resources at all times. A knowledgeable inhabitant has much higher value and potential than one who is idle and unoccupied.
Managing an community requires a critical interplay of social and economic factors evolving around human inhabitants.
Social engagements also form a highly absorbing form of employment generation and have the added value of giving a community
a definitive cultural identity. A community may have many theatres, restaurants, dance clubs and music halls; however in most
communities one will often find one opera hall which becomes an important cultural focus for community cultural sophistication.
What eventually becomes cornerstone for effective and functional communities are commonplace and replicable with
ease, and in most developing nation systems have already been realized through individual initiative at a less than height
of technological capability, mainly through lack of adequate resources. However, for long term developmental needs, there
is need for resources aggregated through national resource managements that can enable renditions that take advantage of attained
collective human intellectual gains. It is at this level that grand structures of durability that eventually elevate whole
societies find architectural renditions.
These socio-economic cornerstones of sustainable community development are obviously available in all matured communities
one way or another, what remains is how these service outlets are packaged and delivered and in what environments they are
developed and given adequate form for further development.
The only difference between an urban slum and a planned community are how architectures defines human existence, otherwise
the desires and means of fulfilling those demands and desires are available in both communities albeit at different degrees
of quality of manifestation. It is the same quality of rendition that markedly affects life in a developing society from that
in a developed society. The human element remains the same. The significance of this obvious observation of course, is that
given a change in leadership mentality, the rough and unorganized elements of urban unplanned development in developing countries
can be and ought to be substituted for well planned integrated contained communities planned to make use of all the available
attained knowledge of humanity and capable of supporting, through healthy environments, employment avenues integrated and
enabled diversification for sustainable growth over several generations. A community is not planned for eternity, but long
term stability in structure will require architectural designs that are uniquely expressive of their appeal through many generations.
Though hundreds of years have gone by since they were built, graceful Dorian columns, of ancient Greek and past civilizations,
require only glass panel windows and wood panelled floors to reflect the grace of artistic architecture in our age. Artistic
combination of open space and human construct must necessarily edify the human spirit. This is the whole purpose of beauty
in human constructions and community development efforts. It is when this is attained at its potentially highest possible
degree of attainment in time and location that a community appeals to its constituents and external dwellers. A preference
for emulation that makes some human communities an ideal. Paris, Stockholm,
New York, Chongqing have all some elements of this appeal. Likewise in present era developments in
contained communities in developing societies, architecture should reflect the human spirit’s search for eternity in
graceful renditions and hope to live past their estimated usefulness.
The Human Essence as the Core of Development
When a central government undertakes a massive project at national level as the ten million accommodation units
that transformed the urban image of Sweden in the seventies and for a hundred years became the material expression of a earth’s
model social support system in a capitalist economy, it was achieved with one purpose; to meet the acute accommodation needs
of a population that had long outgrown its previous gradualist approach to development. The bold effort to redevelop and upgrade
quality of life of a whole nation has over half century become a worthy model for other nations and communities to adopt and
improve upon. The least of all humans are those who stand outside existing provisions and stand to benefit more from its enablement.
A society will broaden to capture the denied on its edges. These are human potentials that have to be brought into mainstream
society and its development socio-infrastructure to be equipped through education, housing and training to become economic
tools adding and enjoying the efforts of the human economic interactivity. An economic system serves to sustain its constituents
and does not operate to provide for some while others are unwilling observers denied its full benefits. No economic system
is a perfect match to any human interest per se but can be managed to respond to changing needs to approximate each individual
ideal as human intellect develops and encapsulates previous domains of impossibility.
Identifying the human essence and opening opportunities for its utmost maximization of potentials imbued and that
adequate training, education and structuring can enable the specie to benefit from underlie the responsibility of any national
government who have management of all of a territories resources and global mandate of other world government to seek and
receive support in developing. The human being becomes and remains the single most important resource a nation has and ought
to manage its collective resource to sustain. It is an error to put before the individual welfare the material resources that
exist to support meaningful existence of the specie. Anytime a parochial interest assumes a seat of leadership responsibility
and fails to manage the collective resource to promote the interest of the collective, it becomes a self serving interest
that undermines the social stability of the society in which it funds manifestation. Such self serving interests are best
removed before they become long term afflictions that waste collective resource in undermining social stability, inflicting
psycho-social damage on collective interest of social and community nurturance.
A community serves its own interest by ensuring that whatever resources are available for its development are not
wasted on unsightly developments. The only way to ensure this is to delineate and enforce guidelines for development that
reflect the heights of human attained intelligence. Unsightly and bare developments on the side of the poor and deprived are
inevitable as these are the recourse left to them; they must be sheltered one way or another and given limitations of a less
than highly evolved monetary economy, patch together structures and build brick walls or mud walls that they can afford. Aggregations
of this human misery in large areas become the combined misery that urban slums carve unto a nation’s territory.
The human entity is by far the single most constituent in any society, indeed anywhere on all of the earth. Everything
has been provided on this earth for human sustenance, no single life is set above the other but every life must co-operate
to work to ensure collective well being. At birth and uneducated all humans possess the same essential skills of basic survival
and primal responses to survive through gather and grabbing survival means. Some basic organizational skills, what sets a
group of humans as civil and intellectualized is what comes out of organizing and transmitting human insights set within organized
human settings o societies to expand the possibilities of living at basic and primal levels. When properly organized and made
sustainable its benefits are appreciated all round and deemed worthy of preservation and further improvement. For those societies
that are yet to fully take advantage of the wholesome benefits of human progress, life lived at primal level is brutish and
desired of replacement by a more effective deployment of human skills to add sophistication and an extended element of benefits
of development to cushion the severity of primal existence.
The human intellect requires a structured environment for growth and development. The community is capable of creating
and generating value through its cultivated humans, who through education can become value added resources that are capable
of generating more creative avenues through which the community finds expression as vibrant effusion of life and productivity.
A community’s leadership is the directive force conceiving and implementing innovative methods of adding value to its
human constituents building on traditional platforms.
What educational systems are to be set in place?
Developments in information technology has ushered in vast possibilities in terms of how to add value to a particular
communities programmed educational system, to enable those studying add far and beyond what their physical locations allows
them. Over the air Internet access and cheap computers means a world wide access to all educational materials made available
to a reading public globally. Education under those circumstances implies enabling a structure within which such vast data
and information is integrated meaningfully into any curricula being employed.
How to measure levels of acquired education to allow judgment to be made equitably by external system standards,
will be building upon existing systems that have shown excellence or adopting them into a global easily accessible way of
testing and determining level of acquired education within an acceptable standard. Local examinations may satisfy requirements
of local educational authorities but international standards such as SAT and GRE are international standards that equitable
determine measurable attained education and that by itself is a standard that allows all human groupings irrespective of territorial
location to ensure that basic requirements of education are being acquired at individual level by all in any defined study
Humanity as an intelligent specie is constantly its scope of capabilities at many fronts, the extent to which these
developments approximate positively and beneficially all of planetary human specie and improve overall state of planetary
state of existence at any one time is a challenge that remains in focus of international governmental effort. Given that any
international or United Nations effort to improve overall human state depends on governments some of which by their very constitution
undermine very survival of human groupings over which they exercise ruler-ship, progress from significant proportions of human
in presently categorized development societies are mainly going to be an interaction between external corporate investors
identifying humans as ultimate resource in corporate profit drive and preparing a platform for growth based on building platforms
for human growth potentials that shore their corporate and business investments, this will most likely start from densely
populated slums where, socio-economic investments, with preponderance on social investments as a prop to other investments
will over long term yield ever increasing profits.
What these props are will vary depending on extent of development attained by some measure of desired level of
human material and physical positioning to live meaningful, modern lifestyle and by their needs keep business returns at a
healthy and profitable level.
Thus, education as a business will require powerful middle men who can create an independent platform harnessing
freely accessible resources available on the worldwide web, while creating value in recording and communication lectures from
major centres of education for transmission and integration into locations where lack of instructors or supplementary access
to information could significantly improve quality of education. By lowering barriers and increasing specie shared planetary
outcome, resource waste is lowered at even higher intellectual engagements such as giving and receiving of lessons. Benefits
accruing are providing and shoring needed platforms that enable businesses to expand their potential market because of common
understanding and appreciation of technology and end products.
However each society, each community must define their primary goals in terms of what educations implies for them,
what of all immense possibilities exist they desire to plug into and make use of and finally how these acquisitions of knowledge
is desired to change and determine their present and future states of being. Possibilities abound for determined leaders to
employ to to continue to add value to positively attained growth while adding to existing cellar of knowledgeable resources
that other societies can make use of. Increasing use and adaptation would continuously widen scope of knowledge base rather
than stagnating at a point of attained excellence.
Community development matched to educational needs require adequate infrastructure to match ideas and curricula.
In place of haphazardly thrown together pieces of lumber and tin roofs, indicative not of lack of resources more so as an
incomprehensible waste in a hurried expression of a worthy idea barely understood, educational infrastructures require massive
redevelopment. From primary to higher level education there is room for development, especially in adequate infrastructure
for primary level education. In the hot and humid environments of tropical countries, a more effective, solar based approach
to climate control ought to be developed and made use of to make learning environments more conducive to effective learning.
A community is a continuum of explorative thinking finding concrete expression. Communities are created as idea
states finding realization integrating into worthy ideas to fit humans into a worthy state of idealized material existence.
From which point of view communities are intended to be zones of inclusion absorbing those who have been left by individual,
self attained developments. Integrated communities are planned to bring meaning to those uncared for and unable to find zones
of meaningful existence in previously attained states. Educational facilities and training institutions in these new developments
are thus designed to be diverse enough to provide areas of maximal inhabitant development and focused enough to be sustainable
followed to yield optimum value in terms of investment of time and resources to turn out persons trained enough to add value
to community and become resources for export.
A community that is organised allows effective monitoring of all its input and output resources and how these output
can become a source for input, the practical mechanisms of an effective, basic organisation. The community has a human base
around which it evolves. Its structures are designed and constructed to maximise human comfort based on the simple assumption
that the human being has been enabled intellectual capacities and abilities that it can instigate to modify its environment
that is a piece of the planet on which it exists and part of its near space to improve significantly an otherwise primal existence
of unconditional dependence on what natures throws at it. Nature is a force that for the most part obeys basic laws of geodetic
and climatic principles responding to its material constituents and placement within a star system. The more mankind gains
understanding of how these geophysical, climactic and stellar locations influence the expressive nature of earth pari passu
its human constituents, the more man begins to understand that the earth or nature is a non emotional mechanical system that
operates along principles that can be understood, engineered and monitored to improve on human physical existence. Earth is
a force of unimaginable capacities that must be understood, managed as a wholesome unity by its intelligible human dwellers
to yield optimum value to each era of the specie.
In the socio-economo-political sphere of enabling that human intellectual upward progression which translates to
an altogether improved quality of life and planetary resource management (which equivocates to responsible husbandry of a
vineyard, prepared to yield harvest and given unto men as the scriptures of both the old and new testament indicate), the
understanding of the time implies that structured effusion from a central source of authority and leadership creates a fair
room for individuals and collectives to engage freely in productive activities within supervised boundaries. Given that no
single source of human aggregation is capable of giving full expression to all the potentials that the human intellect is
capable of giving expression to.
The multiplicity of output in creative generation and geometric progression that is enabled in an open environment
where competition and individual ingenuity serves as a propelling force has been displayed and become accepted as the desired
social milieu within which ideas thrive and gain momentum.
The central government exists as a definer of rules and primary ground definer for society’s progress, more
importantly it serves as a provider of zones of safety for those who lose grip on capitalism socio-economic mechanism, enabling
buffer zones where re-training can be enabled and the elderly, incapacitated and progressively productively passive can be
catered for, for onward transmission to rest or re-catapulting back into productive social mediums. The notion of poor and
material deprived cannot in understanding of human worth value and its scarcity, how long each human lives takes to mature
and how limited time all the investment in training that a life on earth accrues in preparation for productivity. A human
life is the core of intellectual development, its worth conceivable from the level of those set in leadership for any society
is simply invaluable and not to be wasted. Yet, it might take several more generations for humanity as whole to begin to understand
how scarce a resource they are as an entity around which earthly value evolves. In the wake of that understanding wars will
not be worth their cost in lives wasted and integrated planetary resource management will make spread of human lives so thin
that each life will be a value courted to live another moment more.
There are no winners or losers, only mutual benefit in a finely tuned community of enhanced potential realised.
There is no unilateral path to development. Though upward progress, intellectually is desired, it implies an appreciation
of what in the past has been appreciated as sustainable and worthy of preservation. What stand out however is that our communities
are a reflection of the realisation of those goals we have carefully mapped out and followed in establishing to ensure that
human worth is incomparably appreciated in each and every single life.
As knowledge and intellectual development and growth accelerates, emerging societies cannot afford to remain operating
and managing from a position of limited awareness. The discoveries and enlightenments that emerge from rapid intellectual
growth imply that what has been attained previously can by done in a planetary more supportive manner.
While infrastructure development underlies community take off and growth, what remains the greatest challenge of
leadership is how to turn the humans in these communities into effective producers and consumers in the socio-economic chain
of activities that makes the community a dynamic functional interaction if humans and their environments.
Starting from education and training, from basic education to post graduate education and inter-work training,
an educational setting must have the architectural renditions to make them public spaces where the individual soul can willingly
seek for refugee from the masses to acquire knowledge needed to make them achieve their life goals.
Centres of education must have a natural appeal that draws rather than an imposition from which people seek escape
at every opportunity. The spirit that a structure has thus becomes an architectural challenge that when realised makes the
human spirit sour with an inner peace realised, that makes people prefer those environments for extended periods without seeking
alternatives of escape. These places must be the public spaces where people desire to withdraw to loose themselves in knowledge
and widen their scope of their understanding.
IN work environments, larger organisations that develop their own buildings seek to project an element of their
underlying philosophy in the physical structure, otherwise, given a depth of understanding of human existence, an awareness
begins to permeate that all that humans create are intended to edify the human spirit of creative adaptation of nature and
its endowments to add value to primal existence. While a poor development of resource management has made monetary economy
and its profit motives an immaturely understood concept that in its lack of sophistication has become a bane for social malfeasance,
yet at higher levels, it is what edifies the human intellect and its creative scope that finds expression and integration
into the socio-economic mechanism of community development.
At higher levels of conception and idea projection, an understanding of value for resources and uniqueness of human
intellect and its heights of idea conception married to a need for sustainable beauty in rendition in our environments will
mandate a requirement for artistry in material developments open to change and remake in concordance with changing eras and
their needs.
It is at this higher level of conception that a community is appreciated for the existence of humans around which
value can evolve and ideas made reality. Humans in need of accommodation, education and employment are a nation builders dream
come true, these are pliable resources around which worthy idealisms can be made possible, yet many times humanity has not
been able to make this possible. All human beings desire pleasant environments within which they can mature and nurture. It
is only a lack of clear perspective as to task and responsible that allows urban slums and squatters to waste resources of
mind’s left uncultivated and environments poisoned for lack of effective resource management.
When urban slums have huge signs of community developments to be realised, intended to absorb its human constituents,
then, we can begin to assume that understanding of the unique value of human life is becoming ever clearer to specie leaders.
A collection of humans at any place with a semblance of permanency is a potential to be developed to yield optimum value to
any conceived and operable socio-economic system. That potential can only be acknowledged and made a functional dynamic effect
by a source that has resources, power and authority to activate the mechanisms needed to propel a dormant collection of humans
into active forces projecting further the idea of intelligible humans in active interaction with their planetary resources.
Inevitably the longer these is delayed specie wide, globally, the longer it takes for all the undetected minds wasting on
the fringes of humanity to be discovered and made specie resources for developmental growth. This point has been made and
needs to be made again for understanding it is basic to coordinating planetary resources for collective specie development.
Slums are conspicuous in undeveloped parts of every large city or poorly developed communities, yet even more obvious
are the intended projects clearly displaced to give hope of an action process of remediate this sorry state of human existence.
Under development and lack of development in the wake of existing knowledge to significantly improve the quality of human
existence is a poverty of leadership skills as well as unnecessary deprivations on a people who are denied full benefits of
human capabilities because of leadership failure. For the most part what is required for change in leadership engagement,
both within and without to draw resources and willingness readily available to bring change and improvements to regions of
lack and to define qualities of acceptance within which material development is realised. Economic growth inevitably requires
fundamental ground works, that once enabled allow national drive to generate wealth to push growth. Thus, unless human development
assumes a central priority that is publicly displayed on huge signboards close to zones of needed development there is still
a significant and worrying gap of awareness and understanding. These projects ought to be displayed and activated at the edges
of barrios, townships, favelas, slums, cardboard cities; border dwellings of despairs etc, these signs are a sign of an awakening
consciousness to address a problem area in any society and keeps leadership focused on its promises to improve quality of
life through effective leadership for the masses. In their absence, it only means that humanity has not fully grasped its
specie value.
There are varying levels at which leadership operates; the organisational and business leadership operates at a
minimal defined level of making profits through effective management of a business concern. At a more profound and greater
level are those who must prepare a society and its human constituents to be disposed to optimum utilisation of all capabilities
imbued in human development. This is the level of national leadership and associations of national leaders working to enable
integration of resource management at common interfaces of mutual benefit. Failures at this levels impact severely humanity
as a specie and undermine full potentials of the lesser levels of social organisation and its management thereof.
Operating, thought wise at specie specific level and from a planetary perspective requires an insight that far
surpasses understanding at a bare monetary level of social understanding. It requires an insight and an awareness that sets
individual needs within a global demand and supply system, with a perception to realise that wholesome planetary growth and
progress is mutually beneficial and not likely in spreading benefits to weaken advantages of earlier progress attained elsewhere.
Set within this mind frame great minds can create conducive environments for integrated co-operation.
The reward system that enables purchasing power for individuals in any community has to be sophisticated enough
to enable meaningful existence for all humans within a defined region and wide enough in its scope of development to adequately
reward efforts to add to collective well being, no matter how that is conceived while deep enough to ensure that the weak
and incapacitated are not denied their human worth. Indeed, the system set in place to care for them in their incapacitation
is a significant employment source.
In the more sophisticated conceptualisation of rewards and monetary systems, is not per se how much money is with
a single person but what is more critical is how adequacy of purchasing power is enabled everyone else without necessarily
undermining individual drive for success along varied fronts, materially or otherwise. The more a community is designed and
managed to integrate all its constituents into an effective interplay of socio-economic interdependency that is all mutually
beneficial the more likely that society and its communities are likely to be stable and dynamic evolving enough to grow, diversify
and increase along several fronts. Well realised success does not evolve along a few select but spreads across community.
There is a greater and more expanded run for every socio-economic success, given the option of all in a community to participate
than a few select.
Contained communities require a degree of interdependency and self monitoring to ensure that its measured provisions
keep up within its human intellectual push and material need progressions, therefore the input-process-output-back to input
becomes a reality of resource monitoring, resource use and recycling to minimise waste both at intellectual idea generation
and simple material use and re-acquisition to heighten system efficiency.
This implies that adaptability in response to unique environments engages creatively reliable resource management
that is sustainable and ensures a community’s competitive edge. Idea sharing, resource sharing and collective engagement
will not by any means undercut the human need to excel and glow in its success, that is a fundamental nature of humanity and
creates a drive for excellence that cannot be minimised. In an idealistic setting, humans require change of environment that
will still need to be satisfied, it will not mean that just because standards have become globally comparable, the uniqueness
that sets different parts of global diversity apart will be undermined. Instead, it will be appreciated with less danger and
worry, not to mention a pervading sense of guilty consciousness as presently permeates.
In every area of material lack in human society, the core unaddressed areas of leadership task has been housing
adequately the people, in structures that are worthy of intelligent beings sharing space in urban settlements, space that
must necessarily be engineered to be appealing, wholesome and worthy of maintaining over the long run, the second area is
sustainable from the crib education to post graduate and work and between work training equipping willing minds with required
knowledge to be meaningful and willing participants in contributing to the human welfare along the lines that appeal most
to them. The third major area is employment to occupy humans. These arise from community building, community management, community
maintenance, manufacturing and services developed to support needs and create needs to be supported.
Diversifications along myriad lines in these core category areas underlie employment generation avenues for any
human society. At what scale these are realised and those dimensions through which they find manifestation depend on resourced
depths of intellectual and creativity permeating any given society. It is creativity that generates sustainable human activities
that give added dimension to what are considered primary employment avenues and there is clearly no end to what emergences
thereof and how well structured they can be managed to become sustainable pillars of socio-economic organisation.
An effective community development effort is one that activates economic growth for all willing members of that
community and hopefully powerful enough to open new doors for new entrants. A contained community like a nation that is growing
ought to appeal to outsiders and ought to have the means of profitable export of some of its values in terms of products and
services to other communities so that its source of revenue generation is constantly expansive and ever widening within a
meaningful scope of management. This requires a creative capacity to conceive reality from new perspectives, enabling a widening
of scope of opportunities hitherto inconceivable. It does not call for disruptive and meaningless revolutionary upheavals
overemphasising wealth redistribution rather awareness that revolving capital adds more value to overall community wealth
and well being than a few having control over collective monetary resources that are being used by banking systems to support
developments elsewhere. Thus whatever well defined and beneficial means to broaden economic sustainability to encompass a
larger, all encompassing grouping of humanity the better the end benefit in enabled purchasing power through active economic
engagement to all community constituents.
A dynamic community leadership will create opportunities that instigate developments to develop services and manufacturing
activities that community inhabitants are willing to spend their resources on and in that process keep capital revolving and
spreading the wealth effect to cover all. Starting from simple premise of what is, what works and what exists that can be
adapted and then adapting from a creative stance of making the possible plausible, ideas on the minds of a community’s
members can be defined as objective goals to be carefully developed and in being accomplished widen a community’s viability
far beyond the starting point.
What works elsewhere may not necessarily work in another place and a community may evolve to be low rise, simple
infrastructures picturesquely set within its natural environments as pertains in Sweden or a magnificent upheaval of bricks,
concrete and glass rising in architectural overture boarded on both sides by great water bodies as in New York city of Chicago,
yet in both instances, beauty permeates human effort in harmonic relation with their natural environments. Within this structures
come into full play those ideas that when fully realised enable life within this communities to be a celebration of human
intellect for all. It is not a question who owns what, but how many have benefited from a brilliant minds insight. Embracing
every one in that ever widening web of fortune and material well being is what underlies national stability and global quality
of life progress.
Leaders at the rarefied level of society resource management can only appreciate what has been realised that is
all beneficial and how to enable optimum utilisation of that potential good without damaging consequences for the society
and community. How to make a jump from what is to what ought to be, putting in place the structures needed to intellectual
engender, capture and develop ideas that are needed to make community growth possible. No single mind has the ability to perceive
the myriad needs of a people, in the same way the disparate ideas emerging need to be harnessed by a central coordinating
authority to be meaningful employed to collective benefit, be it at global level, regional or national level.
How does a community’s leading intellectual architects deem an employment generation source as worthy? There
are several straight forward approaches available; the investments initiated by private investors have a simple profit motive
as their basis for business development, such efforts are self determinedly responsive to consumer response and competitor
pressures to deliver equal services and products through more conducive channels and approaches. This is how traditional business
operates. The creative efforts to widen existing scope will have to take what is locally available and polish it to become
a more organised approach for employment creation and profit generation. Totally innovative approaches will have to be accessed
for durability employing pre production assessment processes that critically analyse their long term durability as a desired
input to peoples purchasing interest. If demand can be generated and sustained over the long term then an innovative idea
can become a new entrant to socio-economic expansion to a widen a community’s employment generation and economic development
Widening the scope of existing socio-economic activity means in a society like any other effort has its strengths
and weaknesses et within an existing realm of possible ends, its by calculating and identifying those variables that when
factored into a management process of a worthy project and managed sustainably can ensure long term success that becomes the
benchmark for effective idea management through to realisation.
For example, to come up with a snappy name to start a cyber market and allow persons with products to sale is an
idea that may come to a million minds, yet the greater scope of work and idea management that will enable a worthy insight
to become a community resource generating thousand s of jobs and pumping economic vitality into that community requires dealing
with variables that must be identified and factors into a management process to ensure that the idea becomes a viability that
is sustainable over the long term and capable of diversifying when fully established. Thus, from simple concerns of how to
enable ease of access to this cyber market for those who are willing to sale their products in this medium, through to how
to ensure that products are certified as advertised, through to the cyber market acting as the medium for handling sales and
purchases such that sellers and buyers become a source of revenue generation through to an effective means of lessening the
task of product display to product shipment through a reliable and monitorable logistics management company, ensuring that
a minimum delivery time is established for all concluded deals will make an idea a reality that in its implementation becomes
a source of employment in the community serving the world. How that idea competes against existing similar will become the
challenge as ideas grow to encapsulate environments other than those from which they ere initially intended to serve. This
is the pattern that will be replicable for just about any idea that is considered worthy and analysed for developmental implementation.
Ideas are like weeds that when they find footing can spread and cover previously unintended territories, so a cyber
market may widen to become a logistic channel for reliable resourcing of materials for onward delivery to end consumers. Community
leaders must be adept and open in idea evaluation, as well opening doors that allow gems falling off to be captured and made
meaningful resources for a community under consideration. The leadership of a community has to in the first instance in practical
terms be land and resource owners who clear space, lay the basic infrastructure of water and sewerage pipes, build roads and
define laws upon which contractors and business men as well individual can come and build a community along desired lines
of appeal pre determined in well laid out plans. Like in idea management they play these same roles symbolically. Their benefit
are in terms of long term resource generation within viable active economic environments paid for by those who dwell therein,
overseen by leaders elected to ensure finesse of successfully operating establishment.
Massive redevelopments to realign urban reality with urban ideals to enhance quality of life and improve human-nurture
interdependency in high population density environments are nothing new and with more nations emerging to greater economic
prosperity with a vision to rebuild to reflect the human sprit and its desire for beauty in its environments, such redevelopments
ever more commonplace. Urban regenerations and redevelopments are not only for cosmetic value but also a necessary re-alignment
of resource to population pressure such that resource use is structured into system needs with less wastage. Disparate and
peripatetic individual development without a central coordination which is consequent on planned development normally results
in wastage through repetition and the negative impact of poor construction. It also undermines full benefits of recycling
to limit environmental damages. Thus, while it might initially seem that under development is a response to lack of resources
and inevitably inexpensive yet overall it is a failure of resource coordination that costs the society more than planned developments.
For example, in lack of housing policy development and implementation, most developing nations have not understood
the environmental benefits of ensuring that all new houses or communities come readily equipped with electric stoves and fridges.
The consequence is that emerging modern society’s opt for the apparently least costly option of using charcoal fires
to prepare most of their meals instead of using the potential need of providing 21 million plus households with energy efficient
stoves and fridges powered by renewable energy sources to build manufacturing plants that will provide employment and build
these essential kitchen equipments to be paid for gradually as part of monthly rents on house leases or surcharges on energy
bills. Thus lack of idealism and broader conceptualisation in leadership idea generation and taking advantage of intellectual
growth benefits of technological developments means that these idea poor households contribute to massive environmental damage,
through uncontrolled, un-replenishable harvesting of old forests and trees on marginal lands to create energy wasting charcoals.
The society is denied potential employment avenues that building white goods manufacturing plants and the repair centres needed
would have created. These manufacturing plants have long term viability, producing eco friendly products that serve as standard
kitchen fixtures in new dwellings as well as phased replacement over time in existing houses and offices. The jobs that would
be created through repair services are also not created because vision is lost in the accepted status quo, that these are
luxuries while fact is lost on the more inherent cost of not enabling ease of acquisition. This is how leadership narrow perception
undermines collective growth if not identified and resolved.
In the end it does not necessarily matter whether it is government direct investment or private investment, what
matters is that that the socio-economic dynamism is boosted and one society’s most difficult problem areas, employment
generation is enabled another means of resolution. Good leadership will of course ease their burden of responsibility by collecting
taxes on organisations operating profitably on their turf. Thus making that operating environment is desirable zone to invest
becomes their foremost challenge. A challenge that can easily be handled when understanding permeates that majority of humans’
desire increasing creature comfort and how to start of an economic dynamism that sustains the interactive interdependency
that keeps the economic game in play is all that it requires. Simple conceptualisations are needed to come to terms of needs
across a large mass of equally desiring humans.
In the same sense can one begin to appreciate that using climate controlled solar driven air conditions as standard
housing fixtures and required in existing and new housing and office infrastructure by law is not a luxury but an effective
tool to creating employment, boosting productivity through enhanced comfort for those who work and dwell in these structures
and lowering malaria infestation in the hot humid environments in tropical Africa.
How do governments pay for large scale projects and manage their maintenance over the long term. The simple answer
is that these projects are paid for by the communities that they serve and the manner by which cost is taken from that community
without distressing their economic viability is the testing of leadership proficiency. There are points of deduction in any
community that can be taxed for amiable ease of resource transfer for projects that are of mass benefit. Identifying those
points and not over taxing them in a greedy desire to stuff money in hidden recess is the test of leadership adeptness. Locked
away resources do not serve any direct benefit for leaders in dynamic system per se. Revolving capital that keeps the socio-economic
system active is what is most relevant, and when fresh resources are infused into such dynamic systems they are absorbed to
create products and services that are readily consumed by a desiring consumer base prepared and enabled to spin resources
in ever widening productive cycles of inter-dependent wealth generation. To be able to conceive the idea as a perceivable
image and work to fine tune its points of variables active in its implementation is a taxing role that many leaders are incapable
of conception caught as they are in existing notions that have proven to be only partially effective, leaving many potential
inhabitants outside their benefits.
Housing, health, transportation, education and training are fundamental to social stability, how they are conceived,
structured and presented within physical constructs has been indicatively inconclusive for many developing nations. There
are in reality no free education, housing or training programs anywhere in present human planetary resource management approaches,
what in reality exists is to maximise access and deduct cost at a central nexus of resource exchange that imposes least strain
in cost coverage. Emphasising this obvious fact will allow communities to emphasise utmost quality for services that are paid
for from the collective purse rather than accepting mediocre project implementations given that a community’s resource
held in trust ought to be managed by only the best minds in that community or society and not allow to be wasted through less
Contained communities in developing nations and emerging economies transitioning to modern, more urban settlement
developments are those who need to ensure that they are constantly monitoring intellectual channels of technology evolution
to take advantage of newer insights but more importantly of trying to evolve more efficient use of resources taking a cue
from precedents of those who have developed along those same paths to eliminate costly mistakes and enhance quality of rendition
and implementation. This calls for fastidious leadership approaches rather than a laissez affaire acceptance of what is. What
is is costly because they have been improperly configured to serve mass needs in regions where better, longer lasting and
easier to be acquired, accessed and managed is demanded.
What is admirable in other societies and common place was in many cases a counter reaction to accept the obvious
and focus on developing local resources to enhance the sense of architectural elegance that has over time made them appealing.
"A desire presupposes the possibility of action to achieve it; action presupposes a goal which is worth achieving.
" Ayn Rand
A community must have a purpose; a nation must have an idea of what it has to offer its people and the human specie.
Nations like Ghana stand at unique positioning to become a base of knowledge; training knowledge workers and exporting them
to other African countries, as teachers, researchers, while attracting into them wiling minds ready to take advantage of the
educational systems to develop and become driving forces for intellectual growth within and without. That idealism will not
be evolved on present structures that need to be significantly widened and developed to make this idea a reality for national
identity. Taking advantage of French and English educational possibilities in its border regions, attracting and retaining
youth hat will otherwise be uneducated takes a lot more effort that wishful thinking.
Preparing and monitoring export of knowledge workers by offering them support and protection through wilful registration
and export worker management systems require more sophistication of wilful participation that existing poor government machinery
has not been able to evolve.
On the other hand not all services need to emerge from central government machinery but in the sense of communities
and society’s, structuring a business development environment where private sector investments can provide optimum quality
of service and generate tax revenue for a system is even a better option. The administrative of leadership is best a highly
focused directing role that takes provides the foundations for growth and engages in those necessary activities needed for
community growth and which ought to be passed on to private sector where it becomes an attractive revenue generation source.
Governments do not aim to profit monetary through the provisions they enable for the growth of their communities (this will
set a systems directing leadership in competition with its inhabitants and business sector, a flux that is only of short term
benefit) rather they provide communities that are economically viable and are those directly benefiting by resources made
available for further growth and broadening of existing base of activities and provisions needed to keep the society vibrant
and evolving.
Supplementary development of services and initiative management of productive means by a community leadership direct
investment to keep an emerging system on even keel is in any case necessary. In which case they are no pure system approaches
just an evolving blend of mutual supportiveness with the interest of humanity benefiting the end determinant.
For products and services that are cyclical consumed it is in the interest of governments to attract industry to
establish on their own communities, that way the employment generation potentials of production on location are accessed and
employed to add to economic viability. Finding new means of capturing and retaining redundant labour is of great importance
and might mean creating new activities that in gaining ascendancy generate a productive base. Developing efficient public
urban trains and encouraging recreational cycling, both motorized and un-motorized will add health benefits to a community,
while creating new employment generation activities, going beyond the acceptable to create new values that are transferred
to the masses is critical to leadership success. Leaders are the elated and endowed minds set at the head and core of social
viability. The leadership realms are not meant for narrow minded opportunism; rather it is where the truly brilliant are positioned
to add utmost value to each era of a community’s existence. Finding the right minds supported adequately to give all
they can to add value to a community is a collective responsibility.
Urban development is not necessarily massive concretization of nature; rather it is fine tuning the possibilities
inherent among a grouping of humans to yield optimum value. The peace and tranquillity of a farm dwelling set by a rice paddy
if integrated into the benefits of mechanisation and industrialisation is incomparable to any mass housing project that forcefully
sets people in a undesired concrete tunnels. Finding the right balance and creating human value as humanity transits from
total dependence on primary cultivation and animal raising is what urbanisations challenge is about. It does not require total
casting away of the tranquillity of the pleasantness of the countryside just for a poorly conceived urban drive. By creating
amiable environments in urban setting communities develop with a tranquillity of inhabitant retention and property value worthy
that has long term potentials.
Employment creation in urban settings may at times require huge capital investments and cathedral like factory
and production plants, it might also be a cosy hall where like minded persons produce goods and render services upon which
a community defines its socio-cultural essence. Finding the balance to make both possible is what effective contained community
development is about.
A contained community is a proactive engagement to fathom an idea and progress to realise that idea as community
providing highest quality of living standards for its inhabitants. Nothing has been achieved by complacency and these adages
are needed as constant reminders to leadership that a worthy idea will not find self expression or self rendition, hitherto,
unless an idea is giving expression in writing by a worthy mind it is a dream live by the self and not shared and not likely
to add value to the collective well being. Along those same lines to realise optimum quality of material existence in a community
that is optimum creating employment for its inhabitants, a determined recourse should be made to attract industry and service
and create an economic environment where they are sustainable in the long run. The easiest are those products that are daily
consumed and can find a ready consumer base, the harder are those that will serve other potential markets. In the long run
if socio-economic systems evolve to optimum efficiency in a region, the supportive counterbalance of production will meet
most demands without undermining economic viability. However, until that utopian state is attained by present world standards,
each community has to self define its core needs and maximise degree of productivity within community.
There is a limit to the degree of realisation, for instance, while every human in a community will need scarf,
it might not make economic sense to invest in a mulberry eating butterfly, silk farm. However, it makes every sense to develop
a hardy industrial hemp farm on the edges of that community which processes its textile raw material base in a small textile
production unit and create clothing materials that will be sewn into jeans, shirts and other costumes for the community. Communities
developed close to the ocean and lagoons, rivers can manage sustainable fish farms or other aqua culture productive activities.
Other hand, they might be totally dependent on imported fish from less healthy environments, it is all a question of choice
and resource management. The planet is a closed system where nothing per se is wasted likewise large human gatherings offer
a degree of discharge that in being recycled can generate new forms of energy utilisation, and resources recycling that are
only possible in urban settlements with adequately large number of people. What can be and ought to be is merely the idea
capturing capacities that a community’s leadership can engender.
A contained community must be an efficient socio-economic machinery that is constantly adjusting to seek perfection
through its core to its edge. Its pursuit for efficiency in resource management begins from resource definition to creating
stable values around which these resources can be evaluated and creating the productive, service and cultural mechanisms that
give its viability and pulsating livelihood. How loud it pulsates depends on the orientation of the people who dwell therein,
in some cultures a quiet subdued sense of appreciation is desirable and maintained in others a youthful exuberance of explosive
energy contained from being disruptive gives cultural creativity an enviable boost.
For a large organisation building in one massive location will minimise cost of production and increase profit
margins. That is the corporate perspective, for the community getting a piece of the manifold levels involved in the production
process might mean a packaging and servicing business that will significantly create required employment, sustainable by the
fact that those products find a ready consumer base in the community and its neighbourhood. It becomes a contained community's
leadership responsibility to employ its position of authority and resource control to make manifest an economic possibility
for mutual benefit.
As new technological breakthroughs are made newer approaches to enriching and adding buffer to enhance comfort
to existing material life quality. In the area of energy use, adopting solar energy technologies, roofs and car parks are
likely to be roofed with massive sheets of solar panels that serve a dual power generating and roofing function.
Community development as contained communities require a sense of economic adaptability that requires leadership
in such communities or those spearheading from a national level the developments of those communities to be abreast with technological
and intellectual developments that when adopted can not only improve quality of material existence but also significantly
enhance local economy. From a structural management perspective and resource management perspective everything that significant
lowers operational cost, repair cost and building cost is worth its while for consideration.
Generating community power through renewal natural resources such as community solar farms and roofs clad with
solar panels may become more commonplace as well architectural refined windmills generating power in areas with steady strong
winds, however they extent to which these are adopted and made commonplace requires the leadership insight to define the field
rather than follow what is prevalent.
How can worthy ideas that require significant capital investment which if implemented can change radically the
quality of life of a people find a champion to propel into mainstream community? The answer simply requires a reassertion
that nothing that is good is too good for humanity from a monetary point of view. It is this misunderstanding of the monetary
economy that has for far too long foisted allowed human progress to be far too slow especially among the deprived and materially
neglected. The challenge is more how to make it happen in terms of idea development and implementation and in gaining root
becoming possibly profitable. Profitability itself has a wider dimension than what aggregates on figures in the saving account
or intermediary monetary resource interfacing implementation. Profitability also requires the critical dimension of value
added to community sustainability in the wider possible conception.
When a society allows inefficient and environmentally damaging energy use such as preparing food using charcoals
and firewood and would not activate a more efficient approach that is environmentally less damaging. What becomes obvious
in consequence of inaction is that while many persons cannot afford 400 dollar electric ovens and immediate value cannot be
put on trees and undergrowth destroyed due to charcoal winning, the overall, collective environmental cost due to long term
inaction is incomparable to socio-economic management strategies that would have enabled alternative approaches to environmental
resource use. Yet, how easier it is to let monetary values determine what are mostly incalculable values wise in immediate
returns on investment. Whatever money and profit on investment has to social stability they certainly are not intended to
undermine human progress as the case seems to have been in may instances for lack of understanding and effectiveness in management
of the monetary medium; a human medium controlled and given value for human benefit and social stability.
Most leaders lead by finding a point of consensus between what they think the society needs and what the people
expressively demand, truly great leaders anticipate their society and its growth needs by a generation or two and are so specific
in setting an agenda that is so convincing in terms of overall benefits to their people that they are appreciated as true
leaders defining a path into the future for their society and nations. These are the leaders that intelligibly manoeuvre their
nation’s resources and the means at their disposal to create possibilities that lesser minds will not dare confront
and overcome. It is those who push the boundaries of acceptability in the positive direction breaking away from old beliefs
that hold stale non viable approaches that barely sustain crumbling systems that are celebrated as the future catches up with
their farsightedness. Of these, only a few have arisen in Africa, but in those lands where they do arise they are harbingers
of great change.
On farms and grazing ranges, the individuals is in close contact with a fragile eco-system and works to ensure
the supportive value of that eco-system to ensure his survival. In urban settings, masses of people aggregate and try to define
economic sustenance by taking jobs through others initiative and the central authority’s efforts to create economic
systems that generate adequate employment to stabilise those urban societies. The urban system makes itself conducive to control
from urban planners, developers and system managers. It is easier to configure people into roles and manipulate the system
to fulfil their role expectations through effective integration of humans into socio-economic roles to enable them realise
their ideals of and life expectancies. This assumption of a need for administrative authorities to make their societies capable
of creating the role sets that people expect to be available for their occupation make the urban society a unique environment.
When humanity is handicapped, through disasters or utter system failures, anywhere on the planet it is a call forth
of the qualities of great leadership to emerge, for those without a roof over their head, it is calling forth for laying a
thin veneer of humanity’s intellectual capabilities in structural compositions of grace to adorn the human spirit calling
forth for respite. This is the level where great leaders working together provide guidance for the specie in its resource
management and planetary intellectual capacity coordination. There is a depth of lack of appreciation of working together
as specie that must enhance its planetary survival and an excessive overemphasis on differences that are superficial and competitive
forces that ought to drive collective progress become undermining forces working against the specie collective. At stake is
only one human race finding characteristic expressions in different locations, the bond of specie shared end is a far stronger
pull for working together.
Working from positions of weakness community leaders can call forth a more profound human value as they work to
integrate economic viability in their communities appealing for a greater insight of the human essence to empathise with the
needy and equip them with the tools that sustain the rudiments of a stable micro economy than short term aid benefits. These
are appeals directed towards investors who must be awakened to latent economic viability of large consumer readied markets
and production inputs with an emphasis on the human intellect to be tapped into. Just because a large mass of humans are unemployed
or under employed by no means lower their unique human values that can be turned into productive elements of a viable socio-economic
systems. Aids are emergency measures intended to sustain the system through a particularly rough patch, the greater question
is what structures must be developed to stabilise a society over the long term.
Contained communities in their design and implementation responding to normal human tendencies in settling to enable
fully functional settings where all the inhabitants need to settle and live normal lives, create modern urban communities
with a high degree of focus on employment integration and employment generation potentials integrated into the community.
This is not to de-emphasise that these communities will be established with existing employed and the likely existence of
larger organisations and manufacturing setups accounting for large scale employment provisions. The uniqueness and importance
of the contained communities are that they are taking nto consideration the peripatetic nature of human organisation in poorly
developed urban environments here the assumption of primary provisions somehow expanding to absorb all the needy humans is
insufficient and altogether far too frustrating. These existing models or the lack thereof have impacted socio-economic growth
strategies altogether and have to be addressed and resolved through reactive responsive urban development models finding implementation.
As it exists presently most urban housing projects are developed as residential centres lacking adequate service and economic
centres integrated and actively developed as part of the projects. If a society invests massively in developing new residential
centres in urban slum areas with high unemployment, low education and no access to training and further education, it has
solved only a part of the problem and leaving the other aspects of urban development unresolved will inevitably derail the
potentials of urban residential development. In France, modern urban housing have failed in what will have been urban slums
because adequate integration of employment, education of highest quality to turn human resources into national assets and
training programs to absorb and develop interest and talents of human in transition between education and employment or one
employment to another have not been adequately considered and stabilised as part of urban community management. It does not
take long for physical infrastructure to be seen as a given and human socio-economic sustainability over the long run as the
major challenge of urban management.
The same primary needs that underlie rural economic activity, which essentially are harnessing natures resources
to meet primary needs and secondary needs of human sustenance is what is expanded and widened to assume wider dimensions and
higher degrees of complications to satisfy the need of a larger population mass. The same attention to quality, the improvement
of production through adoption of machinery to speed production processes and lower burden of production on humans, the existence
of a ready market to absorb what is produced and the openness to seek improvements through interaction with the rest of the
human specie is what will be the variables interacting with economic factors to stabilise a communities socio-economic viability
over the long term. While these are obvious what lies behind the crippling poverty of developing nations is only partly accountable
to a lack of monetary resources given that what resources are needed to develop a community are for the most part locally
available and the major challenge is how to coordinate the existing intellectual resources in a locality to manage and employ
these resources to enable a more organised settlement for humans. That failure is no more emphasised than in certain areas
of nations like Nigeria where the full benefits of oil based economy has not led to expected improvements in communities especially
in those communities that are located even at the source of exploitation of these natural resources. It is leaderships ability
to define a clear vision to be realised that underlie social failure more than lack of resources. Compared to economies operating
based on similar oil resources such as the Gulf region countries and Libya, Egypt and a few others the difference is remarkably
evident of how well positioned leaders with good intent and the vision to develop ideal societies have succeeded comparatively.
In every society where organised communities have triumphed in stabilising society long well defined lines of improving
quality of life of the people under consideration, the proactive nature of leadership in pushing the barriers of assumed possibility
to encompass all of a humans in society has as been at the centre of defining and driving this success. A passive assumption,
that basic preparatory levels and acceptance of vague ideology such as capitalism over socialism will be the basis for a society’s
development is grossly inadequate as evident in many instances of society development and growth. Ideologies do not resolve
those who have not been effectively integrated into a development scheme that progressively opens opportunities for further
development. Any successful system has to have opportunities for state provision to propel its citizenry into a production
mechanism while allowing private initiative to exercise its capabilities in adding to collective welfare. Welfare as a social
support mechanism to push those who are not set within productive mechanism to be more effectively equipped and settled to
be productive members of society has to interact with purely private initiatives.
Urbanisation is an alignment of opposing elements, struggling to satisfy their demands through limited possibilities
in limited space. Urban dwellers in unrefined urban settlements seeking to realise common goals through limited opportunities
are often set into conflict which defines barriers between those who are more enabled and those disabled by social system
resource accessibility. It requires massive social engineering for urban settlements to be successfully manoeuvred to become
stable environments anticipating the needs of their inhabitants and creating values ahead of popular awareness and interest.
It is the lack of this highly focused social engineering effort that leads to urban slums when decrepit systems
lack agility of response to push provisions ahead of the needs, to the point where urban needs and infrastructure lag behind
the pressures for system expansion to provide for ever increasing needs. Properly understood, it is an interesting challenge
to employ the human intellect at leadership level to continuously identify what elements in their environments can be developed
to add value to quality of life of the inhabitants, what can be sustainable in deployment when introduced and how to continue
to manage the society as a dynamic system responding to its unique environments and driven by variable forces that need to
harnessed to the benefit of the society.
That existing urban developments have failed to meet the needs of all their inhabitants in what accounts for failures
on the edge of planned urban settlements. On the other hand unplanned urban settlements are just unresolved problems for which
proper planning will have to be activated to resolve the lack of coordination between inhabitants, resources and matching
demand to provisions, which comes forth from planned urbanisation. This is enhanced as planned contained communities seek
to define the needs that underlie functional urban settlements and how to integrate those needs into the communities developed
within that context.
The development of contained communities as a response to uncoordinated urban under-development has beneficial
consequences far beyond the contained community, one of the benefits of urbanisation is that it enables development of dependent
economies that feed the urban dwellers. Empowering and enabling increasing and widening scope of purchasing power through
employment generation for urban dwellers means that feeder economies such agricultural sector has been enabled added room
for increasing production through employment of technologically enhanced methods or maximising through environmentally friendlier
processes production on existing land.
Urbanisation is a crafted outcome of nation development and no more so than in the developing societies where natural
predisposition and educational development sets the higher number of the populace towards primary agricultural work or lower
level second tier economic activities such as buying and selling. In these situations, concerted effort has to be made to
develop a sophisticated sustainable service and manufacturing economy that is able to support urbanisation as a well planned,
carefully delineated and successfully developed project in national human resources management effort.
Consistency in planning and development of constructs based on those plans and the modification thereof can explain
why basic provisions like waste recycling and waste treatment are only realised at basic levels of inadequacy in unplanned
settlements denying all the potential resources for re-use in these waste being only basically realised in undeveloped urban
settlements. It explains why obvious resort to energy saving mass transit does not automatically evolve in response to their
value benefits in developing societies unless a dedicated effort is made to realise them within a planned scope of social
system development.
The strategic alignment of resources, ideas to match and preferably supersede humans needs in a defined territorial
location underlies the notion of planned communities, it draws on all existing knowledge to ensure that human settlement development
takes into consideration the provisory enablement as much as possible to ensure a stable predictable, preferred environment
in harmony with its natural character. It is an assumption based on the awareness that given the collective progress attained
in human development adequate knowledge exists to develop communities that are based on identification of the core elements
required for a stable urban community to be established...
Just because a social system is highly planned and made predictable does not imply that humans are coerced to assume
roles they are not naturally predisposed to by present interest open to assume. A planned social system provides opportunities
based on existing knowledge that allows adequate opportunities for all interests to find meaningful integration into the existing
and potential socio-economic machinery that underlies community survival and socio-economic functional dynamism. The dynamic
nature of social systems imply that they are not stagnant or tied down to maintaining an attained exalted state of perfection
realised rather they are constantly evolving, adopting to internal and external influence and changing in response to forces
that orient aspects of the system to reflect current dominant interest and orientation, while stable as structured communities
with man and nature in balanced co-existence.
The success or failure of a community and its administration depends solely on those to whom leadership devolves
to maintain the integrity of those communities. They are by role responsibility responsible for collective resource management
in the widest possible conceivable form. They are the authorities through whom the laws of a community find expression and
have the sole responsibility for ensuring that knowledge and idea inflow into a community continue to enhance community viability
while taking direct responsibility for some of the provisions that in the absence of private sector investment the community
would have to directly provide.
In any given community a few major structures identify infrastructure that meets the collective needs, the majority
of the remaining structures are housing units independent set within gardens or stacked on top of one another as apartments
blocked provided with enough enticement for people to prefer living in these type of housing units. They are linked by pavements
and roads and parks, with one a few huge plazas that allow large gatherings outside the sports arenas. These are linked to
other communities in a network of communities by mass transit transport network of busses, trains and airports. Within this
physical infrastructure are the industrial, manufacturing, business, services, education and training centres, health centres
and any other conceivable emergence of human intellectual evolution around which services and provisions have developed. The
ideas that correlate these needs and the infrastructure in which they exist is what define a contained community on the one
hand and any urban settlement on the other. It is a critical factor in overall national development that there is an effort
at maximisation.
The urban settlement is the expressive height of human civility in every nation or human society. It is where the artistic
aggregation of architecture gives a collective expression to a communities self attained development and how such a community
over time has developed to maximise resource management to optimise the quality of life of its people. This architectural
delight is greatly treasured and deliberately developed.
"I would give the greatest sunset in the world for one sight of New York's skyline. Particularly,
when one can't see the details; just the shapes, The shapes and the thought that made them. The sky over New York and the will of man made visible. What other religion do we need? And then people tell me about pilgrimages to some
dank pesthole in a jungle where they go to do homage to a crumbling temple, to a leering stone monster with a pot belly, created
by some leprous savage. Is it beauty and genius they want to see? Do they seek a sense of the sublime? Let them come to New York, stand on the shore of the Hudson, look and kneel. When I see the city from my window - no, I don't feel how small
I am - but I feel that if a war came to threaten this, I would throw myself into space, over the city, and protect these buildings
with my body." Ayn Rand.-
Cities are grand expressions of human achievement, a display of civilisations knowledge, the heights of grace and intellect
of a culture. In the developing nations of Africa for the most part, where are these heights of great leadership finding expression
and definition? Are the leaders of a continent rising building the greatest resources; their human resources settling them
in great cities to prepare them for the work of a thousand years, to link arms with the rest of mankind celebrating the abilities
of human intellect? Are there such leader’s who have ideas set upon a tablet displayed in the sight of their people?
A message of hope set high above the crumbling past to usher them into emerging new era?
Given that this is a noble aspiration of society why does a society permit its most important resource its human
element to continue to abide in slum habitats (given that refugee camps are identifiable temporary camps where the persecuted
dwell and will eventually return to their homes or be resettled in permanent communities)? Is it for a lack of understanding
that great urban developments evolve around their human constituents or a total loss of leadership orientation. Why a nation
permit disease would infested environments to thrive with noticeable plan of reconstruction will wasting scarce resources
in importing medicine to threat disease endemic in these filthy dwelling areas? What justification does those who seat over
a nations resource for depriving their constituents? More importantly what can be done to address these problems?
Why are idle youth and human talent allowed to wallow in want of deprivation when nations remain only barely developed?
What s the critical lack to link eagerness to work to earn and living and the added bonus of building beautiful cities and
the leadership that coordinates labour to resource to implement coordinated community building on a long term basis?
While there is an orientation in modern times to democracy and the choice of the masses to rule and govern in our
era, what is more critical as relating to who governs to realise idealistic contained communities is the intellectual, idea
generation capacity of leadership. The people are voting for ideas that would enable their societies to progress, develop
and evolve to meet their pressing needs and open new horizons to make their material state of existence more appealing. The
functional question beyond choosing what appeals to the majority is what ideas have those who set themselves to be elected
to govern. That is what nations have to critically examine in voting for their leaders, for a people who need improved agricultural
practices to support expanding populations, they should seek answers as to how their leaders intend to resolve those problem
areas in their society and compare which of several options proffered is pragmatically realisable. For those in need of employment
and training how these needs are practically going to be answered is what should determine their choice of leaders. In that
way, given the central, primary role in coordinating the idea development that underlie successful community development,
leaders are chosen who manifest a collective party or ruling group capacity to generate the ideas and bring to focus the resources
needed to realise expected goals of a nation and its community development efforts.
Contained communities must necessarily project a notion of a collective resource held in trust for all, where there
is no assumption of a central body who exercise uncontrolled power and offers social support as welfare system to support
those who cannot for any of a diverse number of reasons find effective integration into the socio-economic productive mechanism
of a community functioning to sustain and widen its scope of capabilities. There are no per se free services offered in any
community on earth, what does not find direct private investment is paid for by the collective purse maintained through government
investments earning returns on investment and taxes deducted from the inhabitants overall earnings. Within that context, the
contained community must develop to assume a sense of shared responsibility that it operates to provide opportunities where
each individual becomes a productive element in a shared ownership which is the community in which they dwell.
Just as a farm or landed property with an owner, in his own dwelling creates a palpable sense of shared engagement
in the outcome of his household, supporting those who are not capable of independent productivity while providing the tools
and ease of access to those matured members of the household who must contribute to the sustenance and upkeep of their farm
or landed property, likewise a successful contained community project must engender a sense of shared responsibility and collective
ownership, for it is this spirit of shred involvement that sustains a community making it a place where people are involved
in maintaining rather than an allocate dwelling space to which they have no attachment.
"The basic need of the creator is independence. The reasoning mind cannot work under any form of compulsion. It
cannot be curbed, sacrificed or subordinated to any consideration whatsoever. It demands total independence in function and
in motive. To a creator, all relations with men are secondary." Ayn Rand
The more community maintenance becomes paid employment avenue the less the stress of existence, the more each allocated
task is a means of resolving unemployment worries. People are dedicated to their duty to collect scrap off the community’s
lanes, streets and parks when it is along term employment form supported by adequate gear of vehicles and mechanical tools
that give decency to the task than when an assumption of collective ownership calls for voluntary labour to clean the public
spaces, which are consequently left uncared for.
The ideas that evolve out of a power source of determinant decision making define the eventual outcome state of
a society or an organisation. If leaders do not a clear concept of how their urban settlements ought to evolve other than
a concrete juxtaposition of conflicting interests without a long term determined effort to realise ideas evolving from a centre
of intellectual engagement then even newly constructed parts of growing urban settlement will be nothing more than a flash
of brilliance in a sea of urban despair. This has to change and must change first and foremost through leadership articulation
of ideas that have arise out of a shared vision of how humanity ought to live.
The management of a society is a complex delineation of massed concerns that must unravel to generate solutions
for. Present concern in most developing nations is the creeping grip that urban decadence is gaining with not much effort
being made to eradicate these scars on the landscapes. There seem to a gradual acceptance of the inevitability of urban slums.
However, these are unnatural to normal human desires to dwell in decency and clean environments. The leadership mindset in
developing nations that over these passing years has allowed dirty environments and under desired standards of living to prevail
all these years. Allowing urban slums to gain footing and remain will not likely change unless a new perspective is brought
to bear down. New perspectives must lighten the despair accepted as a norm of urban lives in emerging communities that have
not yet found an exact idealisation as to how to evolve and reorient community development efforts in these nations. It is
not enough to desire pleasant urban settings but to think through the idea of self sustaining contained communities feeding
and absorbing resources from neighbouring communities and a larger planetary integration that requires an ideal development
that hitherto has been lacking and must necessarily be developed to respond to the needs of developing nations.
"In order to live, man must act; in order to act, he must make choices; in order to make choices, he must define
a code of values; in order to define a code of values, he must know what he is and where he is i.e. he must know his own nature
(including his means of knowledge) and the nature of the universe in which he acts; i.e. he needs metaphysics, epistemology,
ethics, which means: philosophy. He cannot escape from this need; his only alternative is whether the philosophy guiding him
is to be chosen by his mind or by chance." Ayn Rand, "Philosophy, who needs it?”
Humanity is defined at various points in situ and over time by its thought aggregation that articulates a clearly
defined ideal that becomes a goal that defines what is worthwhile for attainment, a goal that becomes a driving purpose for
achievement for any society or subsets thereof that determines the eventual outcome of that society given a benign supportive
nature that does not disrupt human progress by catastrophic interference. However even recovery from catastrophe calls for
a directive agenda for end states desired. This occasions every aspect of human nature and the management of human communities.
The community is a living entity rendered in concrete and greenery and ever other material in between. It has a life that
finds palpable expression in the ideas of those who live in it. It is responsive to their demands for change and adjustment;
it is not static just as its human inhabitants are not static. The leadership that manages the community to ensure its viability
is a well concentrating the thoughts and ideas that swirl in that community for consideration for idea development and implementation.
In which sense it must be a leadership that is open to bring the brightest minds wiling to contribute to ensure its long term
development and diversification along many fronts. The essence of great leadership is not in having many great projects to
manage but realising many things through effective distribution to willing participants who invest heart and mind in their
little share of the collective responsibility.
Continuity and identifying the point of an end of one thing and the beginning of another in contained community
development require a long term planning constantly being revised to reflect changing modes. A responsive indication of collective
engagement in ensuring that the pattern developed is followed to lower long term costs to due to correcting errors of non-
respect to planned developments. There is little doubt that by allowing non-authorized structures to be built with an assumption
of temporality has inveigled long term costs that can by avoided by ensuring a preferred selection of appropriately developed
Plans that underlie urban development must remain in the public light for these plans are the basis upon which
a community develops and evolves, they are no documents developed to be hidden in a ministry drawer removed from the people
for whom these plans were developed to improve. When communities provide highest quality infrastructure comparable to those
any mind is likely to conceive as ideal, they lower the drive for the landscape to be carved into a splattering of half evolved
ideas of ideal in architectural rendition.
"For the wheel to the skyscraper, everything we are and everything we have comes from a single attribute of man
- the function of his reasoning mind.." Ayn Rand
A society can plan its communities to meet high specifications that extol the spirit of humanity or by default
allow chaos to reign. Any effort to realise beauty in form and structure requires disciplined dedication to a course of preference
that is methodologically realised. The plans that steer growth and development are best designed to be open to attract willing
participants rather than rigid enforcement to impose an idea that is not given enough openness to enjoy shared ownership across
the society where it finds emergence. In some society’s strong entrepreneurial drive over the ages have crafted a powerful
business class group of investors who are willing to respond to competitive drive to push their societies and the rest of
humanity beyond the norm, giving wider dimension to human existence on its planetary heritage as intelligible specie. In other
societies, power has devolved to a group of leaders who have the option to use their initiative to add value to their fellow
human quality of life or build castles and forts to shield themselves in oblivion to the interest of their own kind. However,
a society that is not open to create competitive pressures will remain a consumer of the toils of other societies striving
through openness to invite more participants to human intellectual growth and development and undermining the potential of
their own stewardship.
A society depends on its leadership elite to realise its collective dreams, when leaders lack focus they must be
cajoled to find their focus from those who they lead, in which case it is in the interest of a society to ensure that those
they elect to lead them project clear agendas of leadership priorities in bringing their societies further up the ladder of
progress, adding to what their predecessors have achieved. A society must enable its leadership elite to remain focused on
the work of leadership by rewarding and securing their future for services rendered for that society.
"An Asian peasant who labours through all of his waking hours, with tools created in Biblical times a South American
aborigine who is devoured by piranha in a jungle stream an African who is bitten by the tsetse fly an Arab whose teeth are
green with decay in his mouth these do live with their 'natural environment,' but are scarcely able to appreciate its beauty.
Try to tell a Chinese mother, whose child is dying of cholera: 'Should one do everything one can? Of course not.' Try to tell
a Russian housewife, who trudges miles on foot in sub-zero weather in order to spend hours standing in line at a state store
dispensing food rations, that America is defiled by shopping centers, expressways and family cars." Ayn Rand
Our world is a given, a pastel and the resources we have over time through dedicated effort come to appreciate
as resources are the paints with which to raise our art works of magnificent dwelling places, this our endowment as intelligent
beings and we have no choice but to maximise that capability as we progress through the eons. What we refer to as resources,
reward forms and desirable ends were all inventions of our exploring minds confirmed by our senses.
When man faces a problem he has a few choices, the one is two pretend the problem does not exist, the second option
is to flee away from the problem, most at times, the problem tends to take flight in quick pursuit and the last option is
to define the problem, reduce it to its components parts and resolve the problem. The last option is what intelligence allows
men to do.
"Intellectual freedom cannot exist without political freedom; political freedom cannot exist without economic freedom;
a free mind and a free market are corollaries." Ayn Rand
"Just as man's physical existence was liberated when he grasped that 'nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed',
so his consciousness will be liberated when grasps that nature, to be apprehended, must be obeyed - that the rules of cognition
must be derived from the nature of existence and the nature, the identity, of his cognitive faculty."
"The action required to sustain human life is primarily intellectual: everything man needs has to be discovered
by his mind and produced by his effort."
When societies look to other societies to resource the outputs of their developmental drive, it must be noted with
particular attention that idea generation, idea management and production from idea source lies at the root of human progress
and becomes a beneficial output for others to seek and pay for. In which case, a society must seek to integrate self sustenance
into its overall development strategy to ensure that the resources that it spends to acquire what can be locally resourced
become resources to used to increase domestic consumption needs to export to others less efficient in fulfilling similar demands.
For developing nations a fundamental question remains, which remaining unanswered has been the bane of frustration
for those who are unable to wrestle success out of a poorly coordinated society, what are the ideals that drive the growth
of that society and how does each and every one in that society find a place for expression through development and training
and opportunities for economic self sustenance in the socio-economic mechanisms evolved for resource management and resource
distribution in that society.
A desire for pleasant communities that edify the soul and spirit of man are desires that when articulated and projected
can be developed and constructed. Just as people admire other societies and are exalted by achievements of humanity in other
settings, likewise their leader and the people must desire and be dedicated to developing communities in their own societies
that are expressions of human sense of creativity and beauty ennobled in architecture.
A society has various needs and at different points in time various areas of leadership focus. Any of myriad that
a society faces is challenge that must be thought through and solutions derived to solve, the solutions are ideas reflecting
various point of view taking their source from various points of visionary perspective and experiential source, it these ideas
that enable a response to resolve a society’s challenge. Urban development is a challenge that revolves around the simple
challenge of how to house and provide economic sustenance for a large number of humans, how a society analyses this problem
area of growth and resolves it remains at the centre of a nation’s long term growth and stability. There is however
no ambivalence or doubt that unless urban developments are matched to employment provisions for any defined group in a nation,
a society remains unstable.
While the lack of integration of persons into the productive machinery has been a thorny area difficult to resolve,
the problem is not the inability to create forms of work activity for employing available labour but willingness to invest
in humanity as an end resource by leaders unable to configure true human value into the production and reward system evolved
through time. All of what constitutes a society revolves around its human specie content, whatever else exists as intelligent
and capable of restructuring in its environment to yield expected ends apparently exists beyond a human realm and therefore
of no relevance and hitherto in all of human history nothing but humanity as specie has emerged as responsible for its earthly
heritage. What this implies is that for developing societies and nations, there will be no change and no material redemption
for its suffering masses unless a concerted effort is generated at resource management level of leadership to proactively
engage creative processes to make available what is desired at individual level but is not attainable for lack of access to
resources to make it possible.
While there are many approaches to resolve unemployment issues for developing societies, there is inevitable a
need to match infrastructure development to a capability to live and pay for that infrastructure when large scale community
developments re under consideration. These projects are necessary to make a renewed urban experience a successfully entry
into modernity for developing nations, in the absence of integrated employment generations projects into modern housing development,
these communities will be nothing other than catering for those who can afford the expensive structures being built by a central
resource management source, while leaving unresolved the people dwelling in squalor because they lack the where withal to
improve upon their material state of existence. If a community project constructs modern cities and re allocates urban slum
dwellers the long term sustainability of that community project will depend on inefficient employment activities that are
resource wasting because of the lack of finesse in effective coordination and matching resources to needs to streamline productivity.
Thus while people might still engage in traditional activities of small trading, food preparation and petty economic and service
activities as existed prior to a modernisation drive, these activities lack the mechanisation, industrial management integration
to ensure that over the long term sufficient employment is generated to enable the expanded economies required to keep a community
A contained community development is a total makeover that takes into consideration as much as possible all the
variables needed to integrate a functional population into planned economic activities living in planned urban environments,
a developmental effort tat will ensure that in a generation or two the introduced population and its offspring are capable
of generating dynamisms of growth and expanded development that will keep the community socio-economic viable.
Humans necessarily must be occupied in either learning, training or working to enable them be harmonious in their
living states. It is the way humans are structured to live, providing environments of pleasant settings without enabling a
form of occupation and a sense of accomplishment will be only of short term value as again has been evidenced in emigrant
communities supported solely through social welfare in some Western European nations. Humans want to earn their living through
some form of productive effort, enabling them purchasing power to acquire the materials needs and live their expectations.
There are no planned social welfare efforts that can allow this and even if there were they still leave the occupation element
that keeps the mind active and engaged.
A planned community has much to benefit by ensuring that virtually every viable employment generation form is formalised
and registered and made taxable. For what is not directly provided by private investment to be paid for by user must necessarily
be paid for by the community through its resources. An efficient economic mechanism requires that monetary mechanisms are
within optimum management control of community management to ensure that the risk of inflation is lowered while ensuring that
adequate monetary resources are realised to ensure development. From cradle to grave the community has to keep a tab on its
human constituents and how they are integrated into the productive machinery of the community.
Throughout modern history human settlements have arisen to provide a dwelling place for one industry towns, however
there is a subtle process of diversification and economic expansion that allows these one industry towns to expand and sometimes
outlive the original industry upon which these settlements find development. A large single enterprise may provide a large
employment avenue and the demand of its products may be strategically linked to a consumption cycle that may make it invulnerable
to a lack of demand anytime in perceivable future. However, the small diversified enterprises that comprise small and medium
labour consumption have an ability to successively start, function and fail spread sporadically enough to become an important
element of a society’s economic under pinning. In a reverse process a society must be able to develop economic relevance
around its human constituents and applying creative intelligence in managing human resources and community development integrate
a palpable sense of permanency in these settlements. It is this reverse process that contained communities intend to meet.
A contained community is a complex interdependency of human and construct and structure that when fully defined
is so closely interpedently and interrelated that from the least of its components that is electronic tagged and capable of
being valued and set within a value system at central administrative and resource management as a resource of community value
to the humans that can be a community resource by the spending power that is generated through them to keep the economic viable
and the community functional is a self supportive system and self protective because of the shared awareness of interdependency
its composites components share.
Humans are a resource that under many considerations are rare and of very limited supply. They undergo a long period
of growth and learning to make them ready to be economic resources to add value to their communities taken from a purely material
perspective. It is easy to assume that there is over supply of humans because there are so many not properly configured into
supportive socio-economic systems in the developing nations, yet, taken from another point of view how easily can...
Educating human is a complex process that yields varying results based on quality of input as well as how preparatory
mechanisms predispose those being educated to assume the relaxed and engaged frame of mind that allows them to absorb and
integrate the education that is being passed on. In the current digital age, a process of effective communication of education
and teaching via audio-visual networks can be integrated into existing teaching practises that allow some of the world’s
best minds to directly teach and interact with a global audience of students. Properly developed a national education system
could benefit from best experts in subject areas teaching thousands via a sophisticated but simple over the air generated
teaching medium. Quality is a given and the receiving institutions then have to enable the most effective medium for teaching
material reception, storage and use. In a traditional classroom setting a lecturer or teacher stands on a podium or before
a blackboard and delivers the subject material systematically as possible; individual differences and ease of understanding
means that some teachers are more effective at reaching the understanding minds of their students than others, widening the
breadth of scope by widening the audience capacity of students using multimedia tools is what will bring the benefits of this
unique teachers to all willing minds set within the controlled environments of educational institutions to receive and be
supervised to make use of the teaching emanating from this educational sources of intellectual growth.
In Introducing new ideas and attempting to push a society forward there is the critical need to review and verify
certain local practices for effective integration into developmental drive that over time has been tested and relied upon
for community sustenance. A practise, a cultural orientation or a traditional practice might appear crude and unappealing
but it may have great relevance for local sustainability and must be critically evaluated before being replaced by progressive
alternatives. An idea that has a majority support will have long term tenacity than one that is forced down upon a locality
that is it is intended to improve.
. "They're in for some more knowledge. There's that housing settlement for the workers of San Sebastian. It cost eight million dollars. Steel-frame houses, with plumbing, electricity and refrigeration. Also a school, a
church, a hospital and a movie theater. A settlement built for people who had lived in hovels made of driftwood and stray
tin cans. My reward for building it was to be the privilege of escaping with my skin, a special concession due to the accident
of my not being a native of the People's State of Mexico. That workers' settlement
was also part of their plans; a model example of progressive State housing. Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged-
In developing communities to spread the collective wealth, there is also the need to social engineer a sustainable
spread over tax regime that allows these services and productive units to be viable over the long term.
There are no excessive impositions on any community or nation to do more than is required to keep its socio-economic
machinery functioning at full capacity. This requires a close interaction between public and private sector investments to
create idyll states for community developments. Public projects are paid for by the tax regime, made effective through vibrant
private sector investments providing the revenue generation capacity that is taxable. Given that private sector investments
are primarily geared towards profit generation, there are unavoidably certain aspects of community development that will not
be taken on private sector investments; these however are needed to ensure that the community is upgraded to function at peak
efficiency level.
- For education, every child needs unhindered access to education to tertiary level.
- School meals prepared by large catering firms will ensure not only healthy and predictable meals for school children
but also be a means for generating steady employment for a large number of community members. Considering the link of logistics
and transportation involved in fully realising meal deliveries year round.
- Drawing from a Swedish example every child has a monthly deposit to enable them acquire basic needs of school
children irrespective of parental income.
- These and many more are examples of direct resource distribution that is nothing more than redistribution of
Of course the critical challenge is how high should the tax level be? From experience of other countries beyond
18% of income tax, a higher tax regime becomes resentful and antagonising irrespective of what wealth redistribution is achieved.
- Universal health paid for by community tax is a tried and tested preference in many developed communities.
- Public transport is another area that needs to fully developed especially environmentally mass transport systems,
these are important as employment generation sources and ensure reliable transportation networks that allow ease of safe and
reliable movements in any largely populated community. Green urban transport networks necessarily must have electric trains
both beneath and above ground to enable large transit of huge numbers at a time. This form of transportation poses least risk
to environment and has by reference in usage highest tenacity against heavy usage over extended periods.
A planned community is an idea realised its final rendition is very much an outcome of how richly and sophisticated
the idea sources orchestrating its conception and realisation are. Its eventual expressive state is determined but how focused
the idea originators and implementers are to change the status quo to approximate a height of human possibility not available
in a prior state from which changed is being desired to a richer developed socio-economic environment. Our lives revolve around
simple conceptions of the places where we dwell, how we are educated and where we eventually work. As humans we need to be
entertained and when we fall sick healing places where our bodies can be healed. These assumptions of physical living states
are realised in groupings of humanity sharing common space. If requires that as intelligent species all our capabilities and
intellectual resources be brought to bear down on the raw planetary heritage to coerce civility out of raw resources. This
is how the collective indicates its intellectual capacity. The species cannot continue to exist somewhere on its planetary
heritage in states of destitution when the means exist for changing those primary states to be more comfortable and supportive.
It is a vision of a better state of human material state of being that aggregates all existing knowledge to heighten the quality
of humans dwelling in shared environments. How to tease usefulness and artistic beauty to make human physical dwelling a combination
of efficient ease and enduring quality reflecting human intellect becomes a watermark of how a community colligates its intellectual
resources at leadership level.
Who cares for humanity? Who is responsible for rescuing despairing souls perishing for lack of sustenance? That
obligation has been given to each person and for ease of social coexistence passed onto the leaders that define the course
of human lives in their organised social settings. The aggregations of these leaders assume a care and responsibility role
for the planet. Whether they are capable in meeting the challenges of the task set before them is evident in the physical
existent outcome of the poorest and the weakest with responsibility accordingly laid upon which of these aggregation of leaders
has the greatest power and possibility through disposition to change the planetary resource management and distribution.
In the era of true knowledge when men have become confident in what human intellect is capable of, it beats the mind
to order why eco-community development stops in a suburb of Germany when the whole world
is open grounds for developing some of the most attractive self sustainable cities and communities that humanity in this era
is capable of. Who placed a barrier to infrastructural development and human ingenuity when a third of the world still lives
in sub standard housing? Who will change the state of human physical existence when the tools and means have been handed to
men to effect change and affect it on a planetary scale? Who lives in the barrios of Mexico, the slums of Nairobi, the favelas of Brazil? It is humanity; it
is humanity that has failed its self and not some faceless poor individual. Those who dwell in undesirable environments apparently
have no other choice and given an option will sooner leave those dismal environments. The fault lies with those who permit
this abuse of the communal space and environment to persist. This specie, the human specie has intelligence and owes its intelligence
accountability for wasting that resource if it cannot come to terms with its planetary responsibilities.
The nature of social organisation imposes an element of required coordination that has significant impact our how
human communities find definitive expression. In lawless and unconcerned states of material and physical development of communities
those who are positioned to benefit from society as it exists can develop their private infrastructure to meet their requirements.
Modernisation and increasing inter dependency requires higher levels of coordination and large scale planned development to
ensure efficiency in resource use and minimising of stress engendered as uncoordinated struggle for material acquisition undermines
social states and creates barely contained chaos as is evident in poorly developed nation systems.
The duty of leadership requires a capability for realisation of mutual needs of a society and its inhabitants.
It is not a sacrifice on the part of the leader to develop society to highest possible standards, it the expectations of their
office for which they are adequately rewarded. A complacent society that tolerates inadequacy of inferior quality leadership
compromises its future and present development. Since the outcome of any community is an exercise of human will and desire
to reconstruct nature to meet a desire end, it must necessarily be an outcome of careful plans realised. It does not and will
not under any circumstances in the affairs of men come out of the blues. Men by concerted will ought to achieve higher states
of enlightened existence because it is within their capacity and abilities to realise these states of improved physical existence.
Since leaders serve the interest of the led and their failure by dint of their unique positioning is a reflective
outcome of what that community identifies as its most enlightened endowed through proffered arguments to meet their expectations,
their failures in managing the human grouping is a failure of the society who has failed to identify in their midst the enlightened
minds capable of progressively improving their states of existence. It becomes obvious that good leadership calls forth great
idealisms, idealisms that are grounded in pragmatism of the realisable, for men expect of their leaders doable actions by
which they assess progress in their societies. They expect of their leaders constructs within which their society can express
meaningful growth, it is a concept of community, society and national development that goes beyond development plans. For
plans not activated, tried and adapted are just old papers turning yellow in cardboards in hidden recesses of government ministries
and departments.
The framework of growth as defined by a community’s leaders is not an imposition for a community to provide
all that its inhabitants need from a socio-economic perspective, it is however a facilitated environment both legal, economic
and infrastructural within which willing investors can invest their resources with a profit incentive that directly or indirectly
bears upon the factors instigating wholesome growth in a community. It is an idea framework of hope projected within which
the spirit of human productivity finds ease of expression unhindered.
In the socio-economic sphere there are no vacuums, where structure formulated by leadership does not serve as guide
to ordered existence, it is ordered chaos that reigns as each intended good mind of conflicting ideas sporadically gives expression
to what suits their interests irrespective of the collective benefit. It is to ensure stability centred on the overall collective
that requires an open system of ideas to be critically evaluated in the open forum for implementation.
The values around which a community accretes are critical in defining what is appropriate and not appropriate,
for many there is the false assumption that collective engagements coming from the common purse of governments is somehow
different from what a private sector interest invests. That is a dangerously false assumption, the renditions of government
are paid for by any society or community, just as private investment must have a direct benefit, mainly measured in terms
of profit, likewise public investment must have a direct benefit in terms of benefit accruing to the collective. Were monetary
value to be placed on all public derived efforts executed by leadership on behalf of a community or society, it must be of
some decisive benefit to the overall social system. The responsibilities of producing ends from the public purse are more
demanding for they are evaluated by all of a community directly or indirectly.
A community elects leaders who best capture and express the collective ideal, these are individuals who are paid
to run a government that is answerable to a knowledge public, if there is an interest other than managing the community for
the collective benefit then such leadership with a self centred agenda independent of what is in the interest of the collective
is a criminal manipulation of the community trust and must be dealt with as such. An advisory grouping of elected leaders,
representing the common interest, serves to protect the community against such rapacious leaders and not to permit their leadership.
A government that manipulates its power base to usurp the common values is nothing short of a group usurpers undermining
social stability for their own selfish ends. The angst that many suffer in society for a lack of direction and the seeming
lack of avenues for meaningful engagement in the development of their communities is a consequence of poor leadership decisions
or the lack of ideas of how to expand existing scope of possibilities to create economic dynamism. Since modern society has
evolved around paid employment, it becomes a condition of leadership to provide the basis for social stability by enacting
laws and creating conditions on the ground that allow ordered growth through multifaceted engagement by all those, irrespective
of their planetary location that can add value to that community. This requires a proactive engagement rather than a placid
acceptance of existing states by a community’s leadership.
Sources of idea generation find are spread all through the specie and these ideas cellars need not only to be resourced
by also a community has to create multiple idea generation and idea collection points for use for its progressive development.
Open systems predispose themselves by their organisation to enable sources of contribution to their overall development at
multiple points by their constituents. At the community level, the level of engagement ought to be higher since benefits are
realised closer to the target groups for which end use is purposed. Making those avenues of engagement possible and easy to
access to engaging ideas for collective development will widen the scope of ideas cellar from which to evolve growth and progress.
Ideas are the driving mechanisms of human progress. Its ideas nurturing in predisposed and reflective minds that
change earth into steel. It is ideas cultivated by ready minds that give wider expression to human creativity enabling a depth
of comprehension to the individual that lifts the collective.
It is ideas that will turn social management of community into employment generation ends. For example, the un-tempered
individual will that leads to spouse abuse, should not end with an arrest by a the police but a caring community will ensure
that counselling is recommended and made required for first time violent offenders and psychologists working with community
police as consultants and the church as mediator offering an alternative will ensure that help becomes a curtailing tool to
forestall future disaster to families exposed to negative influence of misguided spouses. It enables a wider dimension to
community management and peace keeping and creates relevant employment avenues for psychology postgraduates. It is ideas that
match the seemingly inconceivable to the barely possible and usher in new things.
Ideas are valuable, that is why they are patented and made to be a financial blessing to those who are given divine
insight to realise their full potentials. For good leadership, ideas are to be harnessed through multiple access points and
evaluated for usefulness. Ideas given free room for expression do not hinder community development neither do they undermine
any leadership elected to serve the community interest. Far out ideas must be given expression for evaluation and eventual
acceptance or rejection by the majority.
Societies that have under employed the full potential of human intellectual capacity ought not to accept as inevitable
their current states of inadequacy, it must become a motivation for collective engagement to realise higher possibilities
drawing all the willing minds of what human creativity has enabled as tools for improving human state of existence.
The notion of voting a leadership body into office is completely different from creating the structures that permit
open and committed engagement by a community interested in ensuring its growth and progression. The community has to create
a basis for awareness through practise that it is actively involved in promoting its constituents interest. In developed systems
this may be obvious or it may be lacking where infrastructural provisions are manifest independent of collective engagement
in community growth and development. For contained communities in developing systems, it is the leadership ability to combine
infrastructure and citizenry in a combined effort at progressive development that ensures community sustenance in the long
run. In situations where material provisions stand independent of the constituents, the commitment to define own growth and
progress is poorly matched at interface of infrastructure and human constituents. This may probably account for infrastructural
decay even in the best of developed communities. An involved community protects its human base and maintains its materials
state of definition, continually expanding upon existing provisions to provide added sustenance in an ordered manner through
To every community development challenge there is a solution, the trick is unravelling the mystery that make the
simple complex, most often it is the layers of neglected unconsidered elements that constitute the overall situation faced.
A community’s tax regime is supposed to pay for all its needs. Education, health and other social amnesties could be
provided and paid for directly through tax deductions or be provided for by private sector investment and paid for by willing
users. It is a simple as that, for community provided services and needs, the more a community can integrate its human subjects
into economical viability the larger the largesse available for paying for community projects. Again, it is as simple as that.
In seeking to widen the scope of employment activities in a community there is the need to be overtly creative
and give a wider dimension through additive technology to make tedious tasks simple, appealing and complementary to individual
interests in a community. The qualitative and productive difference a mechanised street sweeper makes to keeping public areas
clean cannot under any circumstances be compared to the employment creation enabled through the use of human labour with brooms
sweeping streets and public places. However, the addition of a van and a few mechanised gadgets to the task of gardeners responsible
for maintaining public parks and passage ways lifts this tedious task to a level that makes it appealing to well educated
persons who may be interested in gardening as a hobby. In the first instance the wasted labour of illiterates who need education
and training and thus can be groomed through education to be important links in the economic chain is simply overlooked for
simpler and short term solutions. A community that cannot conceive human development from a sophisticated perspective enabled
through simple provisions will under value its most valuable resource at many fronts. How a community conceives value in its
human potentials is critical to what resources and accommodations they make for human resource development.
Communities evolve and broaden their scope of possibilities by open leadership that creates a socio-political environment
of open, active participation at many levels and varied fronts all feeding into the end purpose of adding value to the overall
growth of the community. The community invites participation by all and from all fronts by defining the medium within which
projects realisation constantly improves and meets the defined expectations of growth. Growth itself being a multi faced effort
from both public and private interests to ensure overall community development.
Successful community development eliminates the rough edges where the society frays and dissolves into chaos because
of mass dissatisfaction arising from too many frustrations combining to a destructive of dissolution. By identifying and making
available those provisions fundamental to meaningful and pleasant physical existence and by integrating the collective engagement
into maintaining those provisions at various levels through enabled employment, the habitats are in tune with their habitation
and determine its state of realisation.
A community ought to experiment and advance employing full resources of all the available accessible knowledge
and technological insight to constantly improve the state of its human dwellers. If devised economic systems hinder or set
unnecessarily severe barriers to development, growth and improvement, the immediate impression is that these economic devises
are ill matched to overall human development and must be re-considered for revision.
I've long argued that one of our most critical environmental issues is the challenge
of making our cities attractive, enriching and safe places to live. The best cure for destructive sprawl is to build cities
people don't want to abandon, places where they can live healthy, fulfilling lives in densities that don't devour our landscapes,
pave our wilderness and pollute our watersheds, air and wildlife. To achieve this, we need to invest in urban schools, transportation,
parks, health care, police protection, and infrastructure that make cities great magnets with gravity sufficient to draw back
the creeping suburbs. - Michael Bloomberg –
Mayor Bloomberg realizes that a better future for New York will not be constructed on jobs or
housing alone. It must also include cleaner air, safer drinking water, more green spaces and a healthy, accessible Hudson River… His visionary PlaNYC commits New York to plant 1 million trees, slash greenhouse gases 30% by 2030 and
achieve the cleanest air of any big city on the continent. Mayor Bloomberg has stepped into the breach left by a Federal Government
that has abdicated all leadership on global warming. With his pragmatism and boundless energy, he has shown that a city can
be both great and green. If that idea can make it here, it can make it anywhere.. - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. –
The notion of an idea that can radically transform communities from barely surviving to thriving is the thought
at the centre of this article. A possibility to combine all resources and combine factors identified and defined as central
to meaningful human urban and sub-urban community dwelling is an idea that ought to be carefully thought out, elaborated and
made realisable in community development for marginalised humanity struggling to find meaningful existence in developing nations.
Resources, like ideas are inactive and by all conditions accessible, to be discovered, acted upon and made usable elements
of collective wealth of a people in any society.
When governments of emerging economies begin to see self sustainable work creation as an essential socio-economic
aspect to stable government, they have made an essential intellectual jump to stabilising their communities. A socio-economic
perspective to work creation ensures that a community’s leadership and for that matter a society’s leadership
perceives work creation and its affiliated infrastructural support provisions as a critical element to meeting a fundamental
need of a modern community, a means of economically engaging its human constituents to meaningful occupation that not only
provides for their economic self sustenance but also provides a regulated means of keeping its humans occupied in contributing
to overall system productivity. What stands out in this argument is that, first and foremost a leadership has an expectation
of its community to provide long term means of employment, which requires attracting external investment as well as creating
new formats of occupations that add value to that community and its human value taking a cue from what resources the external
world has to offer as well generating local initiative to expand scope of existing possibilities.
A private business investment has limited responsibility to individual and collective well being, as its primary
goal is profit making, a government has as its primary responsibility sustainable management of all physical and non material
resources within its scope of authority to ensure system long term sustainability if it can be done in a manner that adds
resources to community and society as a whole so much better off is the collective.
Our urban settlements are planned realizations of expectations of a certain ideal state. How that ideal state finds
equivocation and rendition determines how initial constructs of community development find expression and over time long term
adaptability as they mature and became stabilised or unsupported and decay. Both options are constantly possible and do occur.
Weather a community evolves around industries or industries and businesses take advantage of a large settlement to develop
and evolve, their interdependency is a tightly matched consequence for future viability.
Our planetary heritage is a clean slate of resource rich possibilities that we, humans must use ingenuity to restructure
to yield optimum results for our collective benefit. How great minds gifted to thin through human development can conceive
and enable fulfilment of our social growth needs is a test of great leadership. How a nation’s leadership can conceive
utility value in developing a littoral stretch of several hundred miles into functional integrated communities with sustainable
technology is a task that sets intellectual curiosity into active solution derivation mode. It is the some desire to solve
challenges of bridging gap of human development from simple states in urban slums as desert camps of displaced humans. In
all these instances and any problem state identified in between, leadership has to conceive attainable ideals from existing
states, projecting far into future states and construct an admirable reality that is self sustainable and a driving machinery
of productive growth to a larger social medium in which it finds existence.
For many emerging nations redefining their economies in terms of modern cyber economies of global interactive engagement
to realise common ends, there is a need to abandon failed past and its baggage’s of foiled leadership failures and begin
a redefinition of a future that will be developed from existing present to meet their collective aspirations of highly improved
life quality for its citizenry. It’s this focus on future defined from present stance that has projected desert nations
such as the United Arab Emirates that are projecting into cyber communities that altogether has uplifted community,
country and region into a place of global interest.
How does one deal with resource limitations? Simply put irrespective of limitations of resources, which mainly
has to do with intellectual procreativity to push barriers of existing possibilities, a every human community has to harness
available natural resources to construct shelter, redefining that process to enable planned communities with expanded possibilities
beyond peripatetic individual effort is what success in community development revolves around rather than excusing planned
development with lack of resources. It is a simple breakthrough in leadership conceptualisation that maximises resource use
and catalyses collective developmental progress on a scale incomparable if such resource harnessing and management is not
attained and employed. This planning of system resource use is what definitively separates good leadership from poor leadership.
To enable a planned realisation that is continually evolving is key to long term sustainable development. Letting plans slip
and loosing track of maintaining progressive plan realisation only turns progress back as systems decay and crumble to basic
nature states.
Total lack of national housing policies leaves way for slums to develop, hap hazard developments scar benign landscape
robbing developing nations of taking advantage of progress made in developed economies to fine tune relation between virgin
environments and modern communities. Irrespective of factual existence of settlements in developing nations for thousands
of years, modern communities are just emerging and must be well planned to be in synch with future prospects.
Myriad indeed are identifiable failures of developing nations, such weaknesses are in some respects identifiable
characteristics of under developments, however to progress beyond existing states
requires a total reconstitution of reality and designing new systems to replace old states that have proven completely inadequate.
Why has there been such a slow take off to full implementation of such basic requirements to community development?
While factors can be lined in hundreds as accountable, one simple overriding explanation is that nation’s have accepted
what is characteristically sub human as accountable to material poverty when in all instances it is accountable to intellectual
denial that awareness of a thing as unacceptable automatically requires an action mode to change that to a state of collectively