Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
Prayer of the Afflicted
To all those who hurt. All the women about to be stoned, to the prison guards who assault God’s children-
Lord above Holy Father Compassionate and merciful God God who created the heavens and the earth Look down upon
your handiworks See the tear streaked faces of your children Look at the helplessness of the suffering-
Who sees
the tears wept in secret places? Who hears the moans of the broken bodies, Tossed like so many broken bags of sacks
into forlorn dungeons? Who can measure how deep the heart of the abused sinks Dropping like a stone into the depths
of the cold waters of fear When the metal tipped shoes of the guards ring down the dark and long corridors?
can yesterday’s ripped-out tongue pray another prayer?
When men set upon their mother’s, their daughters,
their pregnant wives, Matchets hacking away Flesh flying, gore saturating the dust till the very earth itself vomits
out human blood in revulsion, Soil becoming miry and death is a welcome relief. Who mourns more than You? We are
your children, your handiwork, your pride-
Look at us! Have mercy heavenly Father This is not your will. Let
your will be done, Let some light shine love into this dry and heaving hearts Please God. Be not far removed You
whose eye roams all the earth-
How long will you wait, dearest Father? How long? Where is the relief that only
you can offer ? Where is your love Lord Jesus that must fill the hearts of these maniacs? When madness grips the mind Turning
men into maniacs Demented afflicted afflicting Shrieking fiendishly, eyes bulging, hands tearing-
O, Son of Man,
how much longer?
The weak have no refuge, The innocent find no justice In this earth that you created, your
garden This piece of but a speck in the vastness of the universe That you reedemed with the Blood of your Son Another
day, another drama of blood Another desperate soul letting loose from deep within into the emptiness Silent wails, pleas,
prayers, groanings beyond pain-
How much more blood? When will this rivers of blood, blood of the innocent, Cease
flowing? When will the agony of the weak suffice to suffuse this fires of dread consuming,scorching flesh-
beg you, Jehovah of Hosts We pray for mercy We can’t take it any longer Send forth your Son To come set
the prisoners free Fulfilling the promise you assured will come Our mouths are filled with the ashes of dread Our
When shall relief come for the weak Who are caught, ensnared in another man’s nightmare? So
far removed from the lines of relief, yet you live in us. When relief is sought through gruesome death Yet, even life
you have made appealing Father in Heaven, God on earth, Lord Jesus Look at your masterpiece being slashed into thin
ribbons Of flailing wailing flesh-
Where is hope when hopelessness is an end Where is succour to the patched
throats that are bleeding from crying to the Lord? Who slacks the thirst of the mouth that lacks the mouth to drink
the cool waters refreshing after beatings that have taken every teeth and made the flesh a mush Can we ever be humans
How much more pain? How much more horrors? How many more babies torn from the wombs of tired mothers? Babies
kicked straight from one tired womb to another tired womb. How much more head in the sand attitude? How much can we
show you, Father, That we are not capable of anything without you?-
We are sorry, beloved Father, we really are For
the sins of the Fathers, For failing you all these years. The whole sorry lot of us Living this falsity of borrowed
joy When even the stones on our fingers are dripping blood, When injustice made that we feel we are entitled to Can
we forget to pray; “Father, Let thy Kingdom Come?”-
Can you? Can you forget the forgotten? Can you
feel human knowing what humans do to other humans? Do you feel proud of the blessings of intellect wasted on humanity Bacause
humanity has denied its heritage to love others like themselves Do you blame God, when God is weeping at your iniquities? Why?
Oh God in Heaven, Why? God in us, please, show us mercy-