Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
We who fear the LORD
We who fear the LORD JEHOVAH abide in his
We do not stray neither do we fall who are
sustained in glorious Father
We who fear and honour in trust our living
God, Jehovah of hosts
We abide in pleasant provisions of God's
We never miss our reward
We who fear our merciful Lord Jehovah
we abide in prosperity, lasting happiness
and favour-
When we look back on past generations seeing
his blessings in our midst
We acknowledge that no one who has trusted our Lord Jehovah has ever been betrayed or disappointed
Those who have stood firm in faith with
giving Lord have never been deserted by His glorious presence
Our Lord has never neglected those who prayed
to Him
Who lift willing hearts of prayer and praise
unto Him
For our God is merciful and compassionate
Father, who gives more than we can ever ask
has made all things for our benefit
If you men will not give stones unto your
children who hunger, how much your Father in Heaven who created you?-
Your Lord, your God has forgiven you your
Enabling you unconditional salvation by
faith in Christ Jesus
Whose blood is eternal provision for man's
Woe to you feeble hearts, who have no faith
Your lack of faith leaves you unprotected
Why have you given up necessary struggle
of retaining faith when your Saviour is within arm's reach?
Why have you given up on yourself when your
Redeemer calls?-
Those who fear the Lord, Jehovah never disobey
His words
All who love him and are dearly loved, keep
to His ways
Those who honour their Creator try to do
His will
They keep to His ways
Those who love Him steep themselves in His
Those who fear omniscient Lord are always
With a prayer on their mind and a song of
praise on their lips-
Behold ye humble in spirit who pray to acknowledging
Those who keep to His ways
See how rich they are in spirit and in flesh
Filled with brimming light overflowing of
Christ's presence
They live in pleasant fulfillment of enabled
They give out of willing hearts, gifts of
Receiving more than they can give or seek-
For these are they
who in abiding in mighty Lord of wonders
blessed in majestic mercy of God's compassion beyond measure