Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
When Christ came in humble disposition bringing redemption to man He was glorious light of salvation's promise
fulfilled Filling creation with His glorious presence, Come to earth to redeem man from sin's stranglehold; For
man sake glorious Lamb of God came, Man for so long bound, held in deceptions' veiled darkness of errors To man thus
in darkness held, Christ came as beaming light Setting creation ablaze amidst new dawn of hope -
Thus, hopeless
despair has given way to grasp for eternal life This mighty onrush to sustenance of life in Christ fulfilled He, Christ,
Messiah long expected, in time ordained fulfilling ancient promise, A beacon of hope fulfilled to whom creation turn for
sustenance Mankind seeking healing touch at Saviour's hem of delight, Surge in joy strengthened in faith unto God's
grace enabled in Beloved Son In Him receiving light of life in message of truth Proclaimed in triumphant acclamation,
sealed in blood covenant of Messianic glory -
Message of truth set in light of life borne by royalty of divine origin
He, Messiah come to earth is Heaven's descent into world of men, Fulfilling God's promise at appointed time revealed
unto men, A worthy promise fulfilled in beloved son, held in highest honour; His father, Jehovah, God Almighty adores
him, Creation from very beginning has hungered for him Angels sing his praise Proclaiming God's loving compassion
made evident in grace of salvation Revealed in Christ Jesus; creation's Lord and judge come to redeem mankind -
expectations of redemption's work fulfilled, Life's price in precious blood of Beloved Son paid Salvation's covenant
fulfilled and sealed in an end to man's suffering Borne on kingly shoulders humbling That through Beloved Son wrath
of God is lifted That ancient curse of accretion removed forever, In grace eternal sealed in blood most sacrosanct
Bringing renewal in graceful compassion paying sins price of dread Eternal life is by grace an assurance of God's
love, willingly dispensed -
Precious blood of Lamb of God, pure and holy, shed Painful outpouring of gracious
redemption upon loving heart borne Poured upon cursed earth for eternal healing That it is restored unto man through
Christ Joy of creation's jubilation proclaimed in unending blessing unto man How great magnanimous love of God that
by grace unconditional Brought restoration to finest renditions of Gods creativity gone astray Man who in falling
fell foul of God, yet great is love of Father benign Redeeming wayward children held by hostile forces now left powerless
Though true nature of loving Father was never far removed from man, Man; His loving image moulded and sustained
by His grace, even In man´s darkest hour of prolonged despair, when man, Restive in severest impositions, sunk deep
in pits of despair, Wailing to only Source of redemption from gloom undesirable, Undesired fate, outcome
of betrayal and disobedience, Waiting for salvation's relief in son of Man -
Glorious light of salvation Blazing
light of heaven Before whom darkness scrolls Sent forth to bring relief to man Coming to fulfil ancient prophecy,
giving, Never ending outpouring of his immeasurably treasures Great love of never ending compassion Filling life's
emptied out chamber Restoring lost children in blessings enabled in Christ Jesus -