Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
Wisdom's Lesson
When man looks up to heavens above
What does he perceive beyond all obvious?
When man seeks for understanding
In things set around him is his knowledge fulfilled
In what is and not its source?
Does what Man thinks or accepts change fundamental fiat of creation's laws? -
God has set His purpose
Man has been given a choice of obedience unto blessings
Or disobedience unto severity of unpleasant outcomes
But grace has enabled salvation unto self redemption
Even when man fell -
Is there a worthwhile life outside God's grace
Amidst these works of His hands?
Can anything that is created by God stand outside His grace
If such were possible how will that be
Given that from one source came all and unto Him returns all? -
If men begin to understand that life finds expression only in its Creator
Wherein lies doubt that by same power where creation found existence
By same power every word of God is flawless
In its veracity -
Sin is a falling away from ever present grace of God
Restoration sought through forgiveness
Is to sinner's benefit rather than God's benefit
For Creator stands far above His works flawless -
God created earth as a garden of unending discovery for man
His ordinance gave authority over all things on earth to man
Man by obedience stood in command of His enabled heritage
In being set above all earthly endowed, man's honour lies with God, alone -
How is wisdom's lessons taught
How do men learn wisdom's teachings?
In learning have they turn with gratitude to their God
In returning to their Creator have men appreciated His incomparable grace?