Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
Somewhere between
dusk and dawn inexperienced, I lost my footing and fell into limbo-
I lost the innocence of hope and goodwill I
discovered the portals to unending emptiness-
By chance, I noticed cynicism and distrust riding the winds of change Stealing
my only source of joy Unending belief in human goodness-
I caught a glimpse that stuck in my mind Images of
despair without relent The terrifying eternity of hopelessness accepted, I saw the cheerless misery of humourless souls
In the bleariness I noticed how pain vainly expiated its bitterness Upon the masses huddled in compassionate
unison All lost, accepting futility as an end to exploit-
I felt the cold, cold clasp of bone-chilling unrelenting
evil, Of beginnings so ancient as to be immovable by frail human emotions. I saw souls in chains of despair so staunch
they lack lift Bedraggled humanity in supervised confusion-
Joys long expiated are plastered on flustered steeliness
of ice carved visages, Till even the smile of ludicrous humanness lacks warmth A cold snakes’ tongue flicking
mindlessly through carved mouths of lost emotions-
Fatality gliding like forbidden condemnation through living dreamscape
of unending misery-
The purified air clogs the lungs, The blue skies blind the eyes, The lush greenery is uninvitingly
beyond reach, Silent ghouls and pale ghostly figments Interchangeably dwell by night and day In places so quiet the
silence weighs heavy-
Sterile purity of filthiness beyond imagination-
A world beyond worlds in situ Strangeness
so common it is unnoticeable, Pervasiveness so commonplace the contrary is rejected, Wickedness so inbred it has ceased
to horrify, Till itself it defines morality-
Morality so appropriate in its inappropriateness, it is riveting-
minds held between vice and grinding torment, Till mindless and emptied out, Empty vases of loneliness inconceivable
drift along, Out of touch, unable to reach out-
Here was no laughter, Just the carved smile plastered on emotionless
faces, No warm hands clapping, just clutches in the darkness of the devoid, Cold, cold, coldness, till cold burns like
fire, Fire that burns till the very core ceases to exist-
Bitter landscapes of refined pain, Pain as an art form Perfected
in the crucible of ire Ire at the very essence of life and being Burning rage, raging uncontained Torching to destroy
every and anything in its path Fire that taints and contaminates Leaving only bitter ashes of despair in its path-
landscapes gripped in unrestrained death grip Wrangled to its knees Choked and left breathless Heaving with quiet
desperation, waiting For a final blow of unexpurgated corruption-
Purity turned on its stomach Till purity is
turned into contaminating filth Poison in layers of atmospheres Hanging like old draperies seen yet not noticed Taking
away all the beauty with its avulsion-
Silent tears frozen on desperate landscapes Of faces lacerated by pain ingrained
and accumulated Till these layers of pain have assumed definitive shape Coatings of placed anguish over layered time
and again Till pain and quite desperation have assumed a face-
A face sculpted through sustained anguish Over
contorted backgrounds of grotesque grimness. These faces are set, they lack emotional volition; Ashen and fallen-