Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
Letter to a friend
you wake up this day, Rising long before first light of awakening day casts orange shade of early morning sun, contemplate
joy of life discarded; Love -
Life lived in shadow of decaying love; Matured marriages greying, Love that
dwindles into a shadow of its former vibrancy, Although ever present, yet barely acknowledged-
Romantic love over
time, Has become an irritating assumption of shared concern best underplayed-
Life, it would seem, Is far
too demanding, to make room for Acting out mutual affection-
Love for most part, Is a passing fancy, Soon
faded and lost amidst harried existence of daily activities-
So, this day when your husband wakes up, Before
he goes out door, Call to him; "Dearest!" He probably wouldn't respond to your first call Given, you´ve forgotten
when you last used that "D" word-
Tell him: "Man, who I love, You look as handsome this day, as day I first
set eyes upon you, hopelessly falling in love with you"-
Pray that wondering poorman, long denied of your effusive
affection, Having convinced himself he is not hearing things On his way out, does not back into garage door As your
sudden expression of tender love's long forgotten charme, Totally throws of balance his studied concentration-
men! I can imagine him, pausing mid-stride, between a smile and muddied confusion of a mind refusing to accept confirmed
evidence of baffled senses -
Turning on his wobbly heels, he will probably walk smack into nonobvious doorpost
before backing his truck into same old garage door, (Don't spring such surprises often, after all love is
long dead; a concept overrated)-
'Rugged man' is more often than not a baby at heart, Probably, outside odd heart
wrenching movie, for first time since Grandma passed, 'steely eyes' will moisten with overpowering emotions, Do not
underestimate latent power of loving words on a Wednesday morning-
Your tender evocations of suppressed emotions; love's
forgotten call may have long reaching effects, as 'Mr. Steely face' usually with thunder on his face breezes into
office with a sublime smile on his rugged face-
Stern stone face walking with sunshine on his face might easily
be misconstrued as a miracle event by those mildly religious of his workmates-
Don't stop miracle in progress, Reach
out to your teenage daughter, That budding flower of hormone drenched teenage angst all knowing, Delicately balanced
sly on cool, Filled to brimming with undefined emotions-
Tell her in morning rush between a piece of toast and
spilling milk papers flying, rucksack swinging, barely missing your face, in mad dash to avoid maternal affection misconstrued
as 'control" As she dashes out of your life for a time, "Beautiful, you are the pride of my existence"-
She probably
will ignore you, Petulantly throwing together with that look only teenage girls can manage to pull off with dignified ease, "What?!" Yesterday's
harsh rebuke may still be hurting her delicate pride, So, never mind her query: "Mother, are you alright!?" As she
loses herself into the world on spindly legs dashing-
To your little girl, That precocious package of never ending
exuberance, So unabashedly intelligent, perfect delight of brown chocolate; "baby last", Your bubbling delight
of unending joy, light of your soul, Central to your very existence, reach out-
Now, that she is all grown, its
been a while since you wrapped your mother bear paws around her delicate fingers, walking hand in hand, who, would blame
you, harried hurry of life in fast paced modern society, Its daly impositions has all but worn away tender emotions, Turning
every mother-child interaction into mechanical constructs-
Tell her what you feel in your aching heart, "Princess,
Mommy, loves you like no other."-
Poor tender goose, caught off balance by this unusual display of "abnormal" maternal
affection, May probably react in a way only innocence can, Clasp you back in those trusting child's hug saying: "I
love you too, Mommy", Moments before her razor sharp inquiring mind darts forth a question that ought not be asked; "Mommy,
are you alright.?"-
When you are done with disrupting what ought to be a normal morning of what is likely to
be an uneventful day, with love's excessive effusions, Ask yourself, mainly because you can't help yourself: "What's gotten
into me?"-
Now, that you have gone and rolled back time, to a time before thriving joy of life was expiated
by pressing demands of daily existence, and assumptions of "my concern and love is obvious enough" has given
way for once to aching heart's call-
As your dimple cheeks crease into a smile, Rejuvenating your entirety
as a woman, Awakening your youthfulness in a way none of your expensive potpourri of creams and lotions could ever enable, In
awareness of your personal triumph, Maybe, just maybe, an angel may smile with you.
"I love you too, beautiful"