When she moved
She moved with a mighty presence
A grand dame of grace divine
With sturdy certainty of old mountain woodcutters;
Rugged souls unyielding in calm certainty
Of such strength that comes over time,
Of patient waiting in His presence
Gradual, tenous and defining
A strength divinely inspired that comes throough
Only patient grappling with faith held in sustenance-
She with grace of divinely inspired lightness
Glibly steps amidst restive masses
She, rendered in statesque proportions
With heft of a mighty mountain
A strong woman, powerful of faith
Inner born sustaining all-
When she sang
It were as though she breathes a stormy calm
A sudden hush, descending, captivating;
A stillness that like tensile tense calm preceeding mighty storm
Shatters noisy boisterousness of crowded places
With piercing tones so sharp
Even most troubled souls are pierced to a stillness
As peace in powereful waves of heavenly presences impresses awareness
Of a coming into being of something divine
A holy presence-
She sang out of places deeply buried in spirit
Of spirit's enablement
Far removed from earthly distractions
She gave adoration out of response
To calls far removed from man's world
Thus, when she sang
Heaven is brought ever closer to earth-
In a world removed from worlds
In sumptuous feast of joy unimaginable
Set free from hindrances of tedious earthly existence
In ascendancy to heavenly realms
Opening before enlightened mind set free to worship
She ascends ladders of glorious steps
Into divine presences-
Lips cleansed by fire of holy remonstrance
Removing any lingering vestiges of doubt
Faith awakened to obedience
In obedience free willingly enabled
In obesaince accessed
She bows before store house of songs
Receiving gift of grace
Of songs breathed upon spiritually cleansed
Living fires breathed from Source
Bringing life to hearts of masses gathered in awe-
When she sings;
When she lets loose those pearls of joy
Heaven peels and earth awakens
Angels peek into a place far away
Yet so near,
A smile lifts joy from beneath
From a thousand tired faces joy beams forth
Rising to His Holy presence-
She sings joy of unseen beauty
Of Holy radiance in gatherings of utmost purity
Where the Divine is exhorted and worshiped
Only in voice of a mind borne far from earth
Returning from pearly gates of Heaven with a message in song
Thus, can she burst forth with joy
Her voice filled fufilled in song-
Her song is a manifest presence
Of things grand and pure
Her song evocates majestic gloriousness
Of gentle firmness
Grand assurance of certainty
Mighty winds blowing in a voice
Scaling through low notes and shattering high notes
She breaks hardened hearts
Melting them to sorrow of recognition
Redemption's song sung to relief
Relieving burdened soul of weights borne, belabored
Gentle whispering of healing spirit of holiness
A firm arm prodding frail gentleness of purity
Walking these paths of traps-
She wails man's sorrow amidst respledent glory
She breaths a touch of heavenly presence
Upon cold masses gathered
Caught in warm embrace of
Something grand in its wholesome impressiveness
From heavens inspired grace
She showers blessings upon downtrodden masses
From sadness beneath glorious light-
She sings wailing sorrow for divine breakthrough
Knocking on heaven's door for mercy for
A touch of divine compassion for
Befuddled and lost mankind
Whose wandering souls lost in grip of deception
Wanders ainlessly in needless affliction
She brings from heaven's open doors showers of blessing
Healing songs of wondrous praise
That lifts souls long weighted down by severest impositions unjust-
Daughter of Heaven
Sent forth to awaken sleeping masses
Birthed in a town that evoked poetry
A soul long in preparation before its Creator
Long before time readied to minister Heaven's mercy
To people in need of redemption
Lost in darkness of worldly existence
From worlds far removed from God's earth
She with her song
Has come to bring weary souls home to relief
In His presence,
Lost souls buffeted by life's storms
In these life which is no life to life are they awakened
Upon solace of song backed by angelic choirs
Filling -