Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
Hearts filled with thanksgiving
We worship out of hearts filled with thankfulness
Overflowing from mouths readied to praise
Does He, the Lord God Almighty who created all things
Out of dispensation of great understanding setting man amongst provisions
Tailored to Man's need really need man's sacrifices?
What has Man to give His Creator?
Can man go on a quest far from God's provisions?
Seeking and finding a wealth that God did not create,
Could man find and offer such findings to His Creator
Experiencing a sense of achievement?
Out of His provisions to man God gracefully provides
A loving father to children greatly cherished
And His delight is in our sense of appreciation
He who made all things has no requirements of offerings
Other than what we give to Him out of love and appreciation
Our songs of praise, acknowledgement of honour in obedience
In truth He needs nothing from us, just our appreciation of His great love
First love that brought forth blessings without limitations
Beauty beyond understanding
And enabled a sense of appreciation to indulge in its pleasure-