Frederick Kwesi Great
When Jehovah sent His Beloved Son
Sending Him from His glorious
presence to murky darkness
Of man’s fallen state
Far from glory did holy glory of Godhead depart
To restore
unto former state of favour
that which had always been dear to father;
Man lost in despair, afflicted beyond measure;
Lord willingly discarded His glory to take it up again
For man’s sake for whom His great love is incomparable
He descended a hush fell on creation
Measures were being reckoned for creation was about to change-
My soul bemoans my saviour’s great suffering for my sake
heart heavy when I contemplate his undeserved sufferings
Yet, when Father and Son walked between precious blood, spilled
slain Lamb of God
Thus was fulfilled ancient covenant promised from very beginning
That at appointed time was fulfilled-
Son of Man, Lord of Creation
Seated in glorious splendour
right hand of exalted throne of manifest glory
Great enabler
Who gave up His throne in Heaven´s glorious splendour
these depths to descend
That I in Him might receive life
Who stretched out glorious hands of purity to rescue me
me from pits of despair
Thus on rugged Calvary’s ground for eternity was fulfilled
That which broke rusted locks
of ancient afflictions
That for once and forever God’s wrath was lifted from man,
Afflictions´ stronghold emptied
earth’s joy meets angelic choruses
Thus was Heaven’s glory met by earth’s joy-