Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
Break Down These Walls
off This heavy burden Bring in the refreshing Dawn Of the light That dispels the gloom-
Break open
These confining moulds Of empty heaviness Set me free From these impositions of nothingness Filling me, drying
me up-
Lift me up From these sticky gumminess Of gripping despair Rooting me to stagnation In the burning
earthiness, heaviness, I am trapped by the emptiness-
Something that is nothing Is keeping me from uplifting
The veils of despair in the unyielding glare That is blinding, blinding me In its undesired covering I want to
To be uplifted On the wings of creativity, Borne upon the raging floods of inspiration Driving me before
the surge Pushing everything else away Holding me before its awesome driving force-
Open these doors Clear
the doorways of clutter undesired That the way is open for Free flow Of that unrelenting creative energy The master
of thought seeking expression-
That in the created the creator is realised-
Lead me and leave me Hold me
and set me free O great creator spirit that inspires Give me the freedom I desire to caught in your grip To realise
multiplicity in singleness of thought unrestrained Bind me to the task that sets me free-
These walls of emptiness
are crushing me This numbing grip on my mind Is benumbing, Draining the very flames that light the fire Stifling
the desire to break beyond the prison of emotions undefined-
Let loose The torrents that are vivacious Bringing
forth order in the chaos unleashed Good Lord, Creator unconfined I am your handiwork-
In me is a little of
you Turn those keys in my mind Open the portals of knowledge Lifting the spirit wilting within To reach out unhindered And
in reaching up ,to reach out-
Relishing and sharing that joy The joy of constructing the unreality of the reality In
a myriad avalanche of uninterrupted Diversity, variation, variegations, Set me free Loosen these bondages-
unrequired and undesired ease These clamp on creativity, Let the mind set to task Setting ablaze the forgotten paths In
a joyous dance of reproduction The tangibility of the unrealisable-
When hazy nothingness Congeals into structured
form Meaning arising like mists Rising unseen to shower down Refreshing renewal The cycle in motion-
in its excruciating tease Dangling within reach Yet beyond grasp So, here I come, O Yahweh You created, Give
me creativity-
I knock on your doors Begging in these prayers Unceasing Asking unappeased Until you knock
down these walls Set me free in the task that consumes-
Guardian of the door Doors, that before were not The
bringer of the things that are not yet conceived Bring me joy For I have hope You who conceive out of nothingness,
create in me-
Bring realisation In the lurking murkiness Realise in me something wonderful to perceive That
you are realised You who realise Realising out of the unthought, inconceivable-
Thoughts you set in the stolidity That
is me Break me down and mould the yielding clay That out of solidity softened Intangibility is given shape and form A
thought conceived in the yawning gap-
Thought itself The unrealisable realised The creator unexplained, Your
handiworks are the testimony Of your unending grandeur Unburden me of these restrictions that bind-
That in holding
the desires That is yet undefined Seeking to be let loose The magnificence of your Grandeur Is set within me Realised
on a lesser scale-
In the improbability Of the infinite beauty In the progression of one stroke Of your creative
energy You have inspired into being The things that were not-
That in being; are That out of nothingness Like
the thoughts yet unconceived You conceived a reality That in itself is inconceivable in its being Reality you have
set before us-
Inspiring a certain assuredness Of self realisations A proclamation of creation That is perfectly
self realising In its completeness Who is like You, O Jehovah?-
A Doxology
Oh, the depth of the riches of
the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgements and his paths beyond tracing out! Who has known
the mind of Jehovah Or who has has been his counsellor? Who has ever given to God That God should repay him? For
from Him and through Him and to Him are all things To Him be glory for ever! Amen.