Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
Sacrifices of praise to deserving God benign in favour
You have restored man to his former place
Master of all you made set in his earthly garden of delight
You set him in a pleasant place of rest amidst a garden
Earth of bounteous provisions and unlimited possibilities
Setting him above
all that you made to enrich his endowed earthly heritage,
Even Man you made in your image, breathing your spirit of life into him
Filling his heart with gladness to gently nurture utmost love of Heavenly Father
Till the first evening of disobedience
When night of shame like a cowl fell on purity's innocence tainted -
Long was man in demise, confounded, with no way out
Till this season of celebration was ushered in
With sacrifice profound in gravity
As untainted Lamb of God poured out His sacrosanct blood
That, man who is tainted by first disobedience
Sweltering in waiting for salvation’s way to be shown
Expectant way in Christ, who gave up his heavenly glory for man's relief,
For ancient promise to be fulfilled in Son of Man
He in obedience humbling himself before Heaven and earth
In obedience to honour glorious Father,
Taking upon his holy shoulders heavy burdens of man's accumulated sin
That out of obedient son disobedient man is saved –
Christ the Messiah, comes to redeem wandering flock
Scattered and ensnared
Of crippling, cumbersome burdens
These obstacles of defilement strewn across these scraggy landscapes devoid
Bruised, burdened and unrelieved, great was salvation’s relief
Our praise rises from hearts filled and running over with gratitude
Our songs are composed in glorious light of salvation
Reflecting on incomparable grace,
Compassion enabled relief beyond comprehension
Liberating man to true destiny of joy enabled out of love
Created to inherit this haven of joy unconditionally –
Obedience betrayed first time
In price of salvation’s redeeming power
Obedience heralded glorious presence in second chance
For love of Father's encompassing understanding;
Your former commands stand unchanging -