My Soul Praises the Lord
soul raises a song of joy to my maker
I stand on sure grounds of grace and
my hearts peels out a praise of joy
adoration to the Great God of Wonders
I stand in humbled joy,
for behold the works of His hands
Amazing things
He has thought of and given unto me
I see infinite joy spreading beyond sight
At such glorious sight my inner being
is moved and
I wonder How great is my God
Who brought into being these things of such grandness
From infinite
precision of smallest complexity
To grandest simplicity of perfect composition
of things that are beyond size
Who, but God can have such understanding?
My soul sings with joy
Praising Jehovah in the light of His Beloved Son
Heaven´s light flooding
creations depth
When He sent light of salvation into darkest depths of sin
To rescue my soul
For He who created
me in His image remembered my despair
And sent light of life to clear a path unto His presence
That through Messianic
glory of Son
I enter my Father´s bosom of rest
I gaze in awe at presence of wondrous glory
When my soul received
heavens touch
Set ablaze in joy of redemptions light
When my saviour descended from glorious throne to these depths
To lift me to Father´s presence in His glorious light of life eternal
Salvation´s task accomplished
He who descended
from heaven´s glory
To wake a somnolent people to His trumpet of victory
Holding keys of life and power over death
and destruction
Áscended to His throne prepared from very beginning
Filling creation with magnificent brilliance of
victory´s glow in His wake
I awake into His glorious presence-