Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
Brottby, Sweden
Praise be to thee, O Jehovah
Creator of the heavens and the earth
And all that is in them.
Glorious Father most brilliant
Enthroned in majestic royalty
Set between Cherubim and Seraphim
Enthroned amidst holy of Holies, Jehovah El Shaddai,
Jehovah Jireh, mighty and glorious master,
Captain of the vessel of life
Steering creation on a certain course
To you O Jehovah, we pray in praise-
We give praise to thy worthy name
Most worthy Father
Our glorious exaltation in truth arises to thee
A joy resonating that fills your works
You are worthy, Lord God Almighty to be glorified
The heavens, the earth, holy assemblage of Angels in majestic array
Proclaim desirable glory of the Father
Adonai, El Shaddai-
From the heights of heavens
Great Assembly of Holy Angels, did praise
Proclaiming in sonorous cadence
Praise from willing hearts
That they thy Holy Majesty praise-
From isolated places far removed
In quietness of hearts unperturbed
By premeditated violation of His Holy sanctity
Faithful hearts in holy prayer doth praise the Lord
Great is the gathering of thy obedient servants
That in truth and worship praise thee-
Praise awaits thee, O Jehovah in Zion
In thy holy city
Heavenly Jerusalem adorned in precious brilliance
Of incomparable beauty
David's sanctuary of joy
Jerusalem s portals open to holy chant of praise-
Praise upon praise in the far and near places
Among the lush havens of tropical mountain tops
Hearts and minds have overcome compelling trepidation
Rising in unison, calm amidst furious heaving turmoil
Holy indeed is the praise that rises
From hearts circumcised in faith
Rising to adorn the throne of Jehovah the Lord of hosts-
A song of joy lights benumbing gloom of dreary existence
When light of salvation borne on divine wings
Of love infinite in scope of comprehension
Of man's lowly state
From anointed womb
Did by holy fruition gave redemption birth-
David's son exalted in calm composure
Did walk ancient dusty streets of Nazareth,
He by whom little Bethlehem did gain fame
Established forever in heaven's script
Written before time forever
Establishment of salvation wrought in torture and pain
Weighty burden of man’s salvation dragging sorrow
Indented for eternity on Israel’s holy grounds-
My Saviour groaning in severity of man’s unworthy imposition
That once and for all the burden is lifted
That pounded soul of man unceasingly
Relief enabled by compassion that by grace lives
Jesus, the Messiah in glorious triumph did set man free-
The Angels did sing a song of joy
Proclaiming the adoration most generous
When the King of Kings, set to seat in glorious majesty
By the right hand side of the throne designated to glorify
Did overcome death, who in Holiness descended to the depths, rising to the heights in glory and beauty
Preaching a showering message of love in hope
That in love, relief enabled, floods creation
Jehovah be praised-
Thou, O son of David
The Lord's beloved are king enthroned forever
Generations unending shall glorify you
That in the Son most glorious in rulership
The Father is glorified
The heavens attest thy glorious majesty
The very depths of the deepest darkness fall at the knee
When the Lord is magnified in the Lord
Jehovah is glorified in the name above all names
When the saints with a pure heart did pray
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
When they did proclaim
Gloria i excelsis Deus-
Time is meaningless before the glory magnified
That fills Creation’s bowels
From generation to generation
From the beginning to the end when it begins again
When worlds are undone and the end births renewal
Thy holy name in praise shall arise
Like the rising sun of a new day-
Humbled, nations give praise to Jehovah,
He who is jealous in his grace
His glory He will not give to another
Jehovah has ordained praise
From the mountaintops to the depths of the deepest
Holy is thy name raised in glorious praise
Compassionate and merciful Father who reigns
In power, might and glory
You fill willing hearts of men and Angels
With vibrant joy that resonates
And all of creation exults in ecstatic adoration-
The multitudes have gathered in holy assembly
They bring true offerings of true worship
Of that triumphal joy that elevates
Ressurecting dead souls in joyous praise.
To thy Holy Temples
Built on grand assurance of grace
Divine utterance that established assurity undeniable
Irrevocable in fulfillment is thy word in its truth.
In truth and simplicity
Of joyous hearts come to give testimony of divine grace
Offering in joy ancient praise ordained from before time-
Jehovah is adorned in the praise of ye little ones
Who fill these grand cathedrals
Artefact of Heaven’s glorious inheritance on earth
Filling the Lord’s storehouse
With treasures beyond compare
When true hearts render in purity praise deserving
The mighty of the Alpha and Omega
He before whom the very heavens scroll
Yielding to permeating brilliance
Presence of his incomparable beauty
In glory Jehovah be praised-
Thy grace sustaineth who enables
Thy assurance is worthy guarantee
Held in worthy trust by joyous obedient
When you gave the word
Obedience was instantaneous
As multitudes proclaimed given truth in power-
Thy grace is enough
You who in response showered blessings
Upon thy earthly inheritance
You filled the earth with prosperity
You set alight with thy Holy Spirit
Minds that like wick waited for the fire
That cometh from thy presence to set ablaze true knowledge
Sent forth in fulfillment of divine assurance
That in fulfillment redeemeth
Minds lighted in holy delight
They marched forth
Going forth to deliver a message set ablaze
Divine light of the Adonai
To darkest outposts of heathenish revelry
Giving hope expression in faith redeemed-
When the light of truth brought revelation
To the people who dwelt in darkness
Great was the responsorial chant of gratitude
That in being given expression adorned
Exalted throne of Holiest of Holies
When exuberant joy of salvation lighted
With glinting joy of souls newly redeemed by grace
Gave primordial expression of genuine praise-
Holy Angels proclaimed laudable praise of Messianic grace
When Messianic Lord Jesus did look upon his toil
In fruition bearing worthy harvest
Our Lord did smile again-
We who heard your knock
On knobbly doors of our hardened hearts
We awoke from restless midnight stupor of lifeless sleep
Damnation’s strangle hold unloosened
On benign gentle touch of grace manifest
We opened unto you, O Lord, when you did come
We opened unto you with certain assurance
That Calvary's groans have yielded a harvest of grace
Those mighty drops of Holy Blood in seeding this earth
For eternity have borne forth worthy fruition
We in exaltation of this great compassion
Burst forth in thanksgiving-
We praise thee Jehovah, Lord God Almighty
With simplicity of childlike faith
We adorned thy temples of grace
Of holy sanctuary established upon assured rocky foundation
These very stone that proud builders rejected
Hath become unwavering bulwark of unyielding redemption
Against which nothing prevails
In our hearts, where ancient foundation stone is laid
When we, humanity in praise
Did magnificent house of Jehovah
Adorn in praise-
Our God is a merciful Father
Who forgives sins
Who does not remember our sins
For by worthy blood most pure
He wiped these accretions of guilt away
Holding not our iniquity against us
He who sent forth grace out of compassion
Our leaden tremulous hearts
He did not allow steady boat of salvation to sink
He, the Lord, Grand Master of faith
Master Architect who designated
In design most mysterious
Who for mercy’s sake wiped away our sins
When we pleaded our ignorance
In worthy blood most sanctified
When love of divinity's seed
Scattered seeds of triumphal truth
Watered in precious blood
Of gentle lamb of God
Thy toil of love is yielding a harvest of praise
When men did turn with a single mind to receive
His beloved Son as a worthy saviour-
The heavens proclaim manifest glory of God
Even earth in manifold expression
Renders acclamatory evidence
In pressing awareness of Creator's mercy
Day after day they pour forth speech;
God is Holy
In purity enabled He enables
Giving in abundant provision inspired knowledge given
That enlightens in its awareness
We give only as much as we being given
In receiving acknowledge in thanksgiving;
These outpourings of glorious exaltation
To fill his presence
When the faithful did give praise-