Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
True Source
From where comes wisdom
Enlightenment that enables understanding
Giving insight to grand nature of creator,
In all his glorious awesomeness, giving evidence of his might
His provisions, his never ending wonders unfolding?
Can knowledge of what is
Be fully comprehended outside its originator?
The Lord, who in full understanding ordered reason, imparting understanding unto men
Structuring meaning in complexities beyond comprehension, gradually revealed
From seemingly non-existent to manifest construct
Giving rendition to myriad wonders -
Which wisdom surpasses that of He who gave meaning expression?
Setting knowledge within comparative boundaries of weighted values?
He who in all knowingness set values and imparted it to His creations
That in their provisions worthiness is ascertained and expressed
He who set order in infinite universes -
Which power is there which surpasses ready giver of strength?
Which strength matches its source of origin?
Before knowledge was conceived amidst mortals it had an origin
A source to whom there is no comparison
He commanded, calling forth all that there is
Setting each element of creation’s infinite composition of unit constituents
Ordering all in settings carved from infinity of undefinable -
He set creation within meaningful constructs
Giving perception of comprehension to His handiwork
That in understanding His never ending wonders
To put them to use, indulging in their unlimited abundances
Men will acknowledge awesome glory incomparable of their Creator -
Who is voice errant that shouts against His Maker?
When sound first echoed in chambers of emptiness filled?
Where is mindless violence finding substance to vilify Creator’s grand work?
When each undiscovered element of constituency seemingly unaccounted for
Is accounted for before its awareness at source of origin?-
Mighty men raised in an instance at Creator’s purpose to show His might
Failing to acknowledge source are made insignificant
Who are those who keep their mouth shut when praise is ordained?
At mighty behest of Heaven’s very glorious presence
Who are thou who lag when Father’s benign presence demands your obedience?-