Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
A Covenant of grace
Could it be that in little of much that man is capable of knowing
God who is bound by His own word could have in His unlimited awareness
Turn unpredictability at moment of betrayal to
Another chance for return to source of benevolence,
To come again into that which was lost to them at very moment of betrayal,
Not of things given but to an understanding that in Him, Jehovah
Is all and there is none other than the Lord -
Could be, He in His awareness long discerned folly's work,
Its aftermath open to Him who knows end from very beginning;
Sad must mighty Father have been
At that moment when man's trust, tested, failed
Yet He knew all along that man had fled wisdom's sure path of true life
Failing and falling deep into throes of ignorance and darkness
A child gone lost in unknown paths who through torment of night lived
Will learn to obey and abide close to Father's homestead;
A Father's worry and a child's cry -
In those years of wandering, certainly, our gracious Lord
Reserved a self choosing remnant to heed call of Messianic command
Filling corridors of time through ages past to lead obedient
On paths of certainty to Creator’s bosom, so,
That which was prepared for man’s wellbeing not be wasted
For sake of ignorant man lost and bewildered
In need of redemption from utter darkness -
Like children, beautiful and glad
Joyous in their innocence receipt of good things thoughtfully enabled
By loving Father, God in His might and power is graceful
In compassion and love incomparable, providing and feeding His children
These children with intellect independent enabled by Creator loving
Hands extended receiving what had already been provisioned for them -
What a marvel of grace that God’s great love supercede His wrath at first disobedience
That at utmost cost to His beloved Son
With whom He stood in glorious morning of eternity and brought into being
These things wonderful and grand, thus
From grace unbeknownst is presented a second proof of redeemable obedience
Praise to loving Father who opened portals of light unto darkness below
For were one to have understanding of Godly proportions
Paradise would have been a bliss sustained
We enquire to enlighten our seeking minds
Yet He who is almighty, omniscient, enabling, giving understanding
Has declared His purpose –
“The voice of the LORD is powerful;
the voice of the LORD is majestic”
Sovereign is His affirmations for ages established unchanging
“Heaven and earth will
pass away, but my words will never
pass away.”
Jehovah has decreed a covenant of love in grace manifest
That remains unchanging for eternity -
A covenant of love and obedience in Christ Jesus forever unchanging -