Frederick Kwesi Great Agboletey
Brottby, Sweden.
TRANSLATION: Soul in Transition
I My soul journeys, To
the source of knowledge, Driven to ancient headwaters, To purify self and bring refreshing joy In renewal of being. Soul
purifying self at refined pools of ancient waters To find reconstruction of meaning, In refined crystalline pools , Distillation
of all things Made pure in crucible of human angst, Far from flesh-
Mighty waters trickling, Delicately
pooling as pure knowledge, These swarming pools of purity Forming at benign foot of far off high mountains, Gently
refurbishing of ancient candor, Bringing forth renewal, In restoration bracing in its revitalization-
My mind
is a blank canvas, Upon which a motley splattering of colors, Life's colors are being stroked in feathery layering, Till
form assumes shape, And a new reality begins to emerge; Creativity emerging as it were from thin air-
II Some
(people) race with the wind, Others race against uncaring wind, Others are simply borne on wings of wind, I race
with my mind, Taking that which is physically non-comprehensible, Upon feathery wings of passing wind, afloat, Creating
meaning out of thin air -
Discovery is awareness come into being, Creativity is grains of the ubiquitous, Trickling
through narrow neck of time's sandglass Forming patterns on shifting grounds Of minds prepared to interpret its imprints; Emerging
Soul caged in a body Every now and then journeys away To source it goes, for renewal, When it
does return It leaves strains, imprints and mementos of its journey, Imprints of awareness that enlighten, Awareness
mind assumes as its own discoveries, Then mind exults in its creative insight-
Maybe, mind in man Is capable
of turning reality on its head, Maybe it is able to paint on blank screen Of consciousness, Maybe mind is predisposed
by its creative nature to be inventive, After all man is carved in the image of his Creator. Yet, my soul is an adventurer,
seeking. It escapes its body pod, every now and then, Journeying, Seeking enlightenment at source-
Soul, driven
By compelling forces Of densest emotions Let loosed, is ejected, Forced forth to journey Through nether-regions
Beyond being-
Soul sinking into darkest clarity Unbound from body, Ejected to further regions far beyond
being Into pristine darkness passing through narrow confinements; Out of being's constriction it is thrust forth To
source, where pure reason is awareness Revealed in things hitherto too obvious To be seen by uninitiated mind-
is where emotions deepest moods, condensed, Congeal indicatively, revealing, Purest states of perfectly formed emotional
states Finding expression, Condensed, dripping. This is where raw emotions are refined Through fine strainer, Filtered,
distilled and bleached till free of impurities, There emerges beyond being's mood In a place devoid of physical presence, In
reflective domain of almost spiritual, Something new, a revelation that is knowledge; Purity is a revelation enabled
at source-
III Release is a tearing away from body case, ease Ease of(f) assumed states failing to sustain As
discordant rhythm of life that is disrepair, despair, Gains ascendancy. In slippage between changing states of normalcy, Abnormality
assumes a presence most disconcerting, As harmonious co-existence of beings inner states, Is perturbed and shifted out
of harmonious planes Of mutual co-existence-
Unease unseats seat of reason, Violently shaking off restraint,
letting loose, A prolonged violent upheaval rocks emotions fragile ease, Till loosened from its foundations, Shaken,
twirled and tossed on raging emotion's storms, Emotions raging upheaval separates constitutes of being; Mind, psyche,
soul and spirit are raised, Woken from subconscious's bed of harmonious co-existence, In an instant, given conscious
expression, On waves of storms raging within, Encased in casings splitting at seam Split apart, separated-
in free fall, Loosing self in descending blackness, Shot through portals of being, Cast froth as though spewed through
these narrow confinements, Of places that have become restrictive, These narrow corridors Through which soul in
flight seeks exit, Seeking escape beyond body and being To redefine reality in clarity afforded thither, beyond, Of
non-obstructive neutrality of expanding darkness Stripping in its absorption undesired glare of non-sustenance, turbidity-
were soul, psyche and mind one and same, What difference would it make? If mind, psyche and soul were different would
it make any difference? If diversity in unity enables harmony of being, Are these variations on a common theme, In
their individual expression of being relevance relevant? Does it make any difference reason underlies insanity? That
only the situational insane thirst for knowledge beyond the pale? When norm of normality is fast failing, fading, When
obscurity (predominant) in commonality obfuscates reason, Reason that is fast losing its relevance in its unreasonableness, Does
it make any difference at all That genius is mainly insanity Of that will that in striving, thrives against questionable
norm Defined in reasoning of prevailing dominant?-
I know for certainty in my uncertainty that my soul journeys, A
separation occurs, has occurred That has fragmented the being Into shards of conflicting parts, A part of me journeys
beyond, Beyond boundaries of normalcy, Through reasons narrow portals, Soul in retreat to source, journeys Searching
for renewal beyond, In nether regions-
Soul for a time outside time sojourns, Traveling through nether regions
Regions of pristine darkness, Towards source. To headwaters of knowledge, in formation-
Untainted purity
of pristine darkness, These nether regions that soul traverses, Unrestrained and un-distracted, As it heads towards
far removed highlands of knowledge-
Night-less skies, Stark in its impressively imposing silence, To source
where fine trickle Of refined wisdom rain in fine diffusion, Water crystals caught in cold clasp of pure air Streaming
down these cold channels Showers of mountain dew, Rarefied air of imposing highlands-
Cold, cold, air Of
far away places, Places so far from normal, Places so wild in their absolute isolation, Their purity in their separation
is definitive, Beauty that is frightening in its isolated purity Far removed from non-sustaining mundane, A calm
coldness of re-assurance That is impressively sober in its becalming effect These headwaters at journeys end Downside
of weeping soul-
A single isolated soul, Wandering far from known territories, Lost to self, absolved Absorbed
in a mission undefined, yet purposeful, Uncaring of all else, Traveling to places so distant from known territories, Reality
dissolves into imaginary tales sifted From ashes of prior states dissolving, Reality dissolving into imaginary states
Even as imagination's firmer grip overcomes Former imposed restraints irrelevant of soul unbounded-
of soul In states of dissolving normality beyond being, Self of soul in gentle transition Through outer space of
unimaginable wonder, Immersed in fine showers of replenishing dew Purity of cascading droplets Of condensed liquid
made pure, Fine drops of showers, cleansing, When soul in accessing its depths Journeys beyond being-
A river
roils within, Through these ancient -outer spaces Cutting a path through, Far into highlands where few ever reach, Frozen
mass of purified mass, dripping Far in those highlands, Drops of refined sorrow, Perfectly shaped pearls, Smooth
as though inner pain, Gratingly rubbing soul sore Had polished these tear drops Of pearly shapes-
Pain is
severe master craftsman Of downside of dense emotions Patiently grinding its perfect objects, unrelenting, Toiling
to release exquisitely formed droplets; These droplets falling from great heights, From deep within, coalescing, Into
clear pools, Beneath these highlands, At source-
These running streams of sorrow Refined in turbulent workshop
Of emotions gone berserk; Delicately formed perfections of fragile beauty Perfected by rough hands grinding-
handiwork are perfectly cut channels Through which sadness flows, In perfect purity-
My soul journeys Through
quiet places Of pristine night, Darkest night, A black diamond of un-tainted purity-
IV Soul cast forth, Through
narrow corridors constricting, Spewed forth; Through these suffocatingly pale passage ways Un-sustaining in their
impositions On soul grounded in freewill; Soul journeying To find rebirth at source of knowledge, Seeking understanding
beyond self-
V Reason is meaningless beyond being, Soul cannot understand forces Propelling it beyond being. Set
on ancient path, it goes forth, Trust ever further from being; Disharmony has shredded thin thread That holds being's
parts together, Torn from its harmonious co-existence, Soul can no longer fit in being, thus Lone soul journeys, Belonging
is irrelevant to soul self isolated, Immolated Being as it were beyond self-
Diffracted being, Perfectly
split, Separated at natural cleavages, Parts entities onto themselves, Together defining whole; being, Incorporation
that redefines existence, At one planar level, At other plenary levels of discordant existence, One not taking cue
from other, Each redefines meaning at own level-
VI These waterfalls of never ending pain, pouring, Over well
worn rim, Misery pours, Down through dense heavy emptiness Of densest air lacking substance, Then, sparkling
purity Of pain tinkle trickling so sharp in its clarity-
Tiny fragments of droplets, Finely grounded in life's
crucible of ire, Sorrows bowl upturned, Outpouring of ancient lava, Guarded emotion's composing elements Passed
through fine strains of millions of fine points, Of life's sharpest points, These needle points nettling-
strains of finest torments, Deeply embedded in psyche's inner recesses, Accumulated tiny drops, Slowly filling up, Till
these little drops of sorrow, Clearest sorrow liquidly in their crystalline purity Collide and collate into streaming
profusion outpouring From forgotten depths rising, Brimming to top from without; At these lonely heights, Buried
deep within my soul, I am drowning-
Welling upwell well of dewy pains, Inflictions unchecked, Pain experienced,
pain postponed, Disappointments stowed away, Dark cabinets leaking, Denuded sensations overexposed To these
finer points of emotions wrath, Afflictions denied, Elements deciphered in aftermath of fading experience, colliding, Frozen
droplets of purity, These finely refined points of clarity aggregating, expressively, Till these icicles of stored grievances, Work
havoc on these finer, tender sensibilities of flailing senses-
Melting lava outpouring, Eruption of stored fury
unleashed Emotional outburst iconoclastic-
Emotions dam done burst In fiery fury of momentous upheaval, meltdown Shards
of stored grievances torn with mighty blast From icicles melting off icebergs, When being's inner barriers are breached
By ancient accumulations, Reason flees, is fled Temperance is an assumption failed When reality unhinged parts-
VII "Too
long have I lived Among those who hate peace; I am a man of peace, But when I speak, they are for war." (Psalm
VIII Elements of emotion, Collide and collate, Colligating into running streams of refined sorrow, Tears
streaming down my face. Buried deep within my soul, Welling well of pain Dripping with increasing torrents into my
IX "This old building, Keeps sinking, My soul Is got to move" (Lashuna Pace -There is a leak
in this old building - Atlanta born gospel singer).
X There are those who are firmly grounded to the laws of man, I
am affiliated to the laws of the universe, Finding expression within and beyond the being, My reality is a part of a
whole beyond my reality, Soul is a but a sub atomic element circling a black hole, In slipping through slipping edge Of
physical impossibility, My reality emerges, A process beyond senses sensibilities; Existence at another planar level, A
beginning from beyond definable-
XI Some break through barriers Barriers mounted of mundane normality On
an adrenaline rush. I cruise into renewing zones on wings of soul in flight, On mind unhinged, soul set free, gliding,
to source, Soul let loose in reaction to reality and for a reason and reasons, Seeking meaning out of undefinable, Discovery
is that hidden in sight of all, revealed to those chosen; In a flash of revelation, A light flicking amidst dim ignorance-
is divine inspiration, Exculpation of failure manifest in present, A self-redemption from beyond self, Enabling act
coming forth, Borne on wings of awareness By soul has journeyed beyond Bearing knowledge on wings of discovery From
From seat of divine ordination, Inspiration descends, From compassionate source of all knowing comes
awareness Dripping to pool Beneath highlands of knowledge Where source finds expression, Restoration in restart
is breathed upon soul of being Projected to be mirrored among fleshly-
XII These chilly waters reviving, Rippling
through well worn paths ethereal, Pure. Long before they became rapid torrents Garnering myriad streams adjoining, Muddied
by emotions driving force pouring forth, These cold waters from majestic headlands, Salvaging, saving, salves on soul, Soul
hitherto weighed down in its long wandering, Finds succor at source, Uplifted, refreshed, vigorous, vitalized, Soul
in dark places of purity undefined Braces self, Against biting cold of purity Letting forth a mighty howl, Even
as it wades into ancient chilly headwaters-
There is a place for flailing downtrodden, Through these quiet, dark
corridors, Through well defined paths of wide vistas, A place where few dare tread Fewer still know of such beautiful
and fulfilling destination, Far removed places in isolated wonderland of less trodden paths, Such a place, only saddest
of soul dares venture-
Having found it Such is purity therein, Soul can only briefly savor that ethereal journey, Lest
it be seduced to refuse return to bring renewal, These places not defined in sense terms, Places of purest wilderness, Arrest
soul; Paucity of journeying soul-
Revelatory moments briefly experienced, Barely acknowledged , Eternally
inscribed in soul's margin, Lingering in its effect, Changing course of being-
This place, Whence this soul
descends in ascension, Rising in its stubborn isolated departure, Fleeing, Cast forth from emptying shell of being Away
from noisome pestilence of non-sustaining reality On a journey of self discovery, Inadvertently embarked upon-
from self Such souls journey, Further away they distance themselves from being, Till set so far apart, In vast
plenitudes Of quietness vast, These plenary silence, Way ahead is on and thither to source, Where they must go,
These souls-
XIII My inspiration takes its source from dark wells of sorrow, welling, Where sadness is ancient
accumulation of steady growth, Lichens of emotions turbidity in steady growth, A pervasive carpet of ancient growth, Firmly
rooted, well watered, Frighteningly beautiful in their sad appeal, In these highlands of wildest isolation By self-
emotions storms are unloosed, Consoling mind flees inwards in search of soul; Yet it is soul that journeys, To ancient
source of headwaters Entrepot of sorrow, sadness and pain refined, Where renewal of self calls forth reawakening-
battered, bruised in turbid upwell Of being's emotional fiendish uproar Seeks succor beyond self -
Before soul
discovered ancient pathways, I sought solace from common pool of ignorance, Amidst unwholesome pernicious impositions
of normality; Listless madness parading down these corridors of self-destruction, These frenetic aggregations of egregious
errors, accumulating, Misconception of wrong misconceived as norm, acceptable, In these dried pools, in a desert of
ignorance, Dry places that fail to provide assuaging waters, That slack these parched throats, wailing, Amidst bitter
spite spitting out vituperations of cacophonous angst, My ravished soul sought resolution and was sorely ravished-
embittered soul fell into these bitter waters Of social failure manifesting, Grand deception of normality, Shredded
on these rough social strainers, Till exhausted, restless in futility, In unrelenting heat of fumes of madness, Soul
fled, Seeking escape-
Solace is a bursting forth from restrictive social restraint, Out of this social miasma, Into
chilling night of unstained purity, Where soul freed, draws a breath, inhaling-
XIV Soul in retreat, Seeking
self beyond being, Straddling portals of time, Poised upon inter dimensional gateways, As though one of those prophets
of old Perched atop craggy mountain tops in timeless deserts; Sinai's purified heights, Seeing into purity of angelic
hosts, Receiving answers to questions, Their minds cannot formulate, Much more provide answers to-
XV "My
soul finds rest in God alone, My salvation comes from Him, He alone is my rock and my salvation, He is my fortress, I
shall never be shaken." (Psalm 62:1-2)-
"Find rest, O my soul in Jehovah alone; My hope comes from Him, He
alone is my rock and my salvation, He is my fortress, I shall not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on
Yahweh, He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in Him at all times, O people, Pour out your hearts to Him, For
God is our refuge. Psalm 62:5-8)-
XVI My soul bursts forth from narrow confinements, Of severe impositions
that drain without replenishing, Seeking escape to nourishment of purity sustaining That does not defile, Seeking
escape from ruinous constrictions; That narrow existence, Of pale restrictive rules that have all but lost their meaning In
these social miasma of polluted darkness and repressions reprehensible, Impositions of unlimited agony-
Soul in
flight is a flash of joy, Lighting a path through primordial darkness As it bursts forth through narrow confinements
That no longer can hold back buoyancy bursting forth Soul is for once set free to inhale, To take in pure pristine
purity of sustenance In ancient places unsullied by dismal momentary-
Through these fields of primordial joy, To
consoling headwaters, Where creativity is restorative crystalline pearly drops of Perfectly formed beauty dripping, Big
pearly drops from great heights do drop, dripping, Renewal is in these gems of knowledge filling my soul, This part
of receptive whole long denied of its nourishment-
XVII When external impositions, Uninvited, imposed their fierce
presence, Of unrelenting impositions upon my soul, Without consideration for soul's desire, When inner harmony is
rippled, Distorted and broken at its foundations, Then, is my soul expelled, Set free from sarcophagus of crumbling
Long caught in funereal cavorting, Of social slip stream, time passing by, Where passing dead and dying
are self denied, To assume existence in denigrating dissolution Of collective decay, dissolving, In these miasmic
puddle of putrefaction Of fleshly existence; Self denying ignorance-
My soul, for once, forces escape, From
depths of emotional demise From dredged dregs of emotions in disarray, When emotion driven mind state Is contused
beyond recognition. When despair, sorrow, anger and numbness Wrap mind in foil, And restrained mind is no longer
able to sustain being, As though by one final effort at self redemption, Even as being is losing its identity In
swelling sweltering mess, Of collective pigsty of drowning filth, overwhelming, Soul heaves itself in one monumental
outburst of subdued effort, Ejecting itself from corpus decadence-
Soul's journey is not akin to sensory defined
experience, It is a venture undertaken beyond senses, capabilities, Beyond senses narrow confinements of reality, Propelled
by forces beyond "reason"; Reason itself being a constriction Defined by deceptive reality, Imposed upon self by
decaying states On failing existence-
Through seemingly infinite pristine darkness, Towards surreal highlands
of headwaters, Where soul's source derive A melting pool, gathering, A liquid crystalline deposit of refined purity, Spiritually
reviving, mind renewing, soul uplifting. These streams of clarity flowing, Till they become mighty waters Poised
at reality's rim, Cascading over rim-
Waterfall of creativity unleashed, loosened, Taking its source from far
places, Where purity is distilled Of that purer state of refined emotions, Edge of reason, Where pearly drops,
drop, a drop at a time, dripping-
XVIII Awareness is a later realization, An awakening far into soul's journey Of
soul coming into self awareness, Suddenly jolted by exquisite distinctiveness, By which awareness impresses itself upon
self. Perception is sensual, Awareness is realization in self discovery, Away from numbing pollution Of dimming
overcast of decay That soul seeing through being's flesh experiences In prior states of existence-
for man, His days are like grass, He flourishes like a flower of the field; The wind blows over it and it is gone, And
its place remembers it no more" (Psalm 103:15-16)-
In that brief period of fleshly existence, Soul that is not
propelled by driving Forces of perturbed mind blown by raging winds of despair, To seek escape from decadent simmering
oppression, That accumulating angst, of Filth, of simmering social pigsty May not find clear paths to that pristine
darkness, That traverses through nether regions, Wherein journeying soul must traverse to source-
Soul's journey
is hardly planned, contrived or self directed, It is a setting forth occasioned on collapsing edge Of emotion's cataclysmic
tipping off, When aggregation of roiling emotional turmoil, Building up in tottering psyche; Psyche long exposed
to vagrant vagaries of beings existence, Unable to contain and adjust to that un-sustainable, unstable, Decadent fleshly
state, Where feeble minds cavort wildly and fiercely, Or worse still, live oppressive lives of frustration In narrow
configurations of oppressed states, That attenuate expressive nature of human existence, creativity-
Soul's redemption
for self salvation, Lies far beyond things normal, For that which is normal in decadent social miasma Of contrived
human existence is nothing But waning tepidness of crystalline pearls dissolved Brought amidst sweltering masses by
soul's inspired, revived In cold reviving waters at source, Brought to huddled masses by soul's in flight, On a journey
back into fleshes domain from source-
Pleasant darkness of nether regions so pure, It is beyond conceptualization
by senses weakened sensitivity; Configurations of light and darkness, Of purity and filth, Of evil and good, Of
beautiful and ugly, Of peace or lack thereof, It is merely a platform Upon which soul Is enabled a place To
discern In a purer state without distraction-
Awareness is a sudden realization, Of complexly composed unfolding, Yielding
layer upon layer of intertwined elements Composing each pearl of knowledge, Thus, journeying soul is ushered Into
darkness that is pure-
For a brief period, beyond time, Soul; that non-physical element Of human essence is enabled
a pure Setting For instinctive appreciation, A simple analytic comprehension, Seeing into things so obvious, They
are lost on non-attentive masses middling, in Seemingly mindlessly tasks so routine they be numb-
Searching minds,
who seek to, See beyond pale Seek to see And in seeing, to understand-
XX Prophet standing upon craggy
mountaintop, Seeing into purity of angelic hosts, Prophesying messages of doom and destruction to stubbornly unheeding-
from Babylon, Run for your lives! Do not be destroyed because of her sins" (Jeremiah 51:6)-
Hear Ye "Babylon
will be a heap of ruins, A haunt of jackals, An object of horror and scorn, A place where no-one lives. Her people
all roar like young lions, They growl like lion cubs, But while they are aroused, I will set out a feast for them And
make them drunk So that they will shout with laughter, Then sleep for ever and not awake." Declares the LORD. (Jeremiah
In this age of knowledge, A thinker of the age remarks; "The spirit of the age, Is a predator that
starves the soul of truth, While it feeds the imagination with lies." Proclaiming with grand flourish, incontestable
truth Reminiscent of those grand prophets of yore-
The Children of this age "Were like a people without a conscience, Who
turn paradise into hell." Noting with perilous despair, "Fear, distrust and rage, ran like Electric currents through
society, and Every time someone blows a fuse, all are jolted." Ha!-
Prophesying an urgent message of self redemption, To
souls in collective stagnation, Stifled soul's long denied regeneration, Held in fiery iron grips of stultifying pigsty Of
collective failure; Smoldering social cauldron of fleshly nature decomposing; A festering cauldron of ignorance bubbling-
entrapped in Babylon heed ye not the messenger? "Babylon was a gold cup in the Lord's hand; She made the whole world
drunk. The nation's drank her wine; Therefore they have now gone mad. Babylon will suddenly fall and be broken, Wail
over her! Get balm for pain; Perhaps she can be healed." "We would have healed Babylon, But she cannot be healed; Let
us leave her and each go to his own land, For her judgment reaches to the skies, It rises as high as the clouds." (Jeremiah
XXI My soul does not seek for a paradise, Away from this assumed hell, Journeying through nether-regions, Heading
towards source of knowledge purified, As soul journeys through soul defined territories, Paradoxically, is a transitional
journey through realms Bordering on profound spiritual experience; An awakening to self-
XXII Much as mind
has no place In this quest of soul to redeem self, So is spirit of man quiet In tumultuous affairs of soul disturbed. Gentle
spirit, it would seem, Is a non-participating recorder of events transpiring-
Mind is the wild card, Crafty,
manipulative, creative and Indecipherable in many ways. Mind is an interpreter of facts, Actively manipulating data, Generating
images based on its assumptions Of what it receives, from its own activities From everything that together determines
man. Soul is a sure anchor Between active mind and quietly observing spirit, Shaken from its rest, it seeks redefinition
of reality, From new standpoints-
XXIII It would seem, man's spirit is unchanging in its purpose, Its end
activity is predetermined from very beginning, To observe being and keep a record of its activities. Soul is reason's
seat, That non-physical entity clearly defined Within being, yet intangible. Non such is mind, Mind is where will
of flesh Like a flourishing flower Finds expressive definition, When soul has set up a foundation of meaning, Thus
the ancients did say; "God speaks to our hearts, And tries to work through us in the world"-
Soul tells truth
deep into our hearts, Irrespective of our desires and choices thereby aroused, Spirit all this while is quiet, observing, Soul
is animated is its subdued calm, Twirled by emotions motion surging Constantly re-adjusting mind's rectitude-
responds to imbalances in restless mind, Mind, that unless it is tied down by reason, Held in check, Refused freewill
to over-exaggerate In its wild slalom of enthusiastic creativity, Easily gets out of hand-
Such a soul;, May
such there be, Were it not to every now and then, To break bounds of close affiliation to mind In search of refreshing
knowledge, To update mind's data bank Would soon become an agglomeration of Undefined emotions, decaying, Incapable
of bringing renewal when most desired To mind, that free spirit of being, Otherwise bogged down in rut of routine, Straining
at its leash seeking revival in new things Hitherto un-accessed-
Soul is sojourner Going forth Beyond known
paths To bring succor to agitated mind Bringing with it, New knowledge that revitalizes-
XXIV Emotions
are minds expressive response To triggering influences accruing on beings interaction, Mind is collator central in responsive
definition Of fleshly existence. Spirit records and conveys beings acts, Soul is mediator between mind and spirit
realms, Mind mediates between hungering flesh and palliating conscience Moderating conscience itself defined by soul On
quest to update conscience's moral rule-
Soul skirting outer edges of spirit realms Seeking knowledge that it brings
To being's mind to mediate choice of freewill Knowledge resourced at distant headwaters at source Where knowledge
is a distillation of purity, Refined and dripping in pearly drops, Into crystalline pool, purity-
XXV Disturbed
heart within being Sets in motion vibrations That rouse soul, Momentarily dislodged , Tumbling from a position
of pleasant awareness Soul disturbed casts about wildly in its subdued confinement For stability in reason, Finding
none, Its base unceremoniously removed It falls, Cast forth, Through narrow corridors, Soul flees, pushed,
self propelled Towards nether-regions Beyond, wherein is knowledge, yet undefined-
Comfort for peaked soul no
longer comes from being; Beyond being it resides, Far from known territories to be sought and found When driving
emotions that dislodge soul Push flailing soul to seek Beyond self-
Troubled heart that seeks solace In seeming
rationalization at mind state of being. Turning to spirit finds spirit is but a recorder, Observing beings freewill
of choice Without enforcing choice preferences, It teaches what it is assigned to bring to awareness Leaving being
to its choices. Soul does not seek solace as an end But desires resolution to instabilities Bringing to mind from
yonder; meaning, New meaning; Sourcing for relief from beyond being, Thus is soul disturbed a soul on a mission-
XXVI Thus,
it was at that time, When true love's foundations were shaken, Failing frame of weak emotion shredded at base, Scattered
in a moment as stormy emotion fulminates, When roots of salvation were severely shaken, Borne was reason in mangling, Turbulent
winds of ravaging change, Shaking violently foundations long weakened, Till seeds of life's essence, Set loose from
broken commodes Were cast into swirling winds of ravishing wickedness Seductive temptation imbibed that eats destructively
from within Fed from without-
Coloquintida savor, of Bitter herbs These dregs of spiritual idolatry Sprinkled
liberally upon steamy flesh In one sudden un-mediated wash of terror Maddening onrush of burbling instability Set
loose within being Disrupting soul's peace, Separating it from that inner harmonic blend-
When spirit is burdened
with images, Which mind in blinding fury projects without restraint Onto inner wall of being's temple, Images scrawled
with verminous rage Till mind's eye is polluted. Pollution painted on walls Walls of this temple of living God on
earth; Scrawled with vile images, tormenting, When deception rules mind, Idols adorn temple walls, Soul wailing
under portentous assault, Wilting yet not vanquished Marks time and makes a move-
Sadness of some temporary
setback When disappointment colligates As dark storms over emotion's state, In reflexive despair yet unfolding, Rocked,
seat of reason is momentarily shaken In this autumn's raging fury, and Descending cold bites to being's core-
XXVII Soul! Sink
like a rock into miry mud, Mud bath clinging, of, Every offense that upsets delicate balance Breathless in filth
As though under pounding attack, Feel lost, polluted, denied, Then, Refuse to be overcomed-
Light that
shatters frail falsity of infrangible darkness, In a sudden flash , As lightning flashing in fury flashing through soul Unleashes
in its flight, Away from fleshes easy delight, That in its temporary relief Bears in its aftermath Prolonged
sorrow and pain Unmitigated-
When burdened soul, No longer can bear overwhelming burden Of evoked dense emotions
in piqued flesh, Suddenly, it is cast forth, Pressed through narrowing corridors confining, Slippery between crushing
walls, Wailing in darkness, Propelled in unrelenting flight, To redefine meaning at distant headwaters, beyond Far
in nether-regions, Where sanctity of replenishing pools of knowledge coalescing Revive weary soul-
XXVIII Through
pristine nether regions Set at outer rims of spirit world, Thus soul in flight hurries, Distraction removed In
subdued brilliance of purest darkness Through terrains where distractions comes not in awareness, But attainment is
fulfilled at journey's end, At ancient headwaters, Where knowledge refined accretes-
Lightning flashes through
pristine darkness, Through un-hindering darkness, To dip itself in cold, pure waters Of refined sorrow, Buoyed
on awareness enabled, Assuaged of sorrow, Clarity forms as bits of pure thought laced together In chains of brilliance
set upon soul As an ornament of victory-
Enlightenment that renews Is carried before roiling gushing streams,
Bobbing towards waterfalls-
XXIX "Of elevated thoughts, a sense sublime Of something far more deeply inter-fused, Whose
dwelling is the light of setting suns, And the round ocean and the living air, And the blue sky, and in the mind of
man; A motion and a spirit, that impels All thinking things, all objects of all thought, And rolls through all things.
Therefore am I still A lover of the meadows and the woods, And mountains; and of all that we behold From this green
earth; of all the mighty world Of eye, and ear, - both what they half create, In nature and the language of the sense, The
anchor of my purest thoughts, the nurse, The guide, the guardian of my heart, and soul Of all my moral being, Nor
perchance" (William Wordsworth - quote from lines 95-112 of Lines written a few miles above Tintern Abbey)-
XXX Soul
in bondage In a vessel contaminated, Weighed down by false visions Of a reality turned on its head, Is a deadweight
unresponsive To pressing needs to re-orient, To enable sustenance to mind Decaying in its fleshly home-
is a state arising From incoherence Occasioning interaction That disrupts soul's harmonious co-existence With
mind and spirit-
Incensing rising turmoil, Of self-doubt When striking For clarification is a subfusc covering Accentuating
miserable darkness of despair, mounting, In frenzied outbursts of fading relevance-
Amidst impounding Confabulation
of reasoning out meaning Even as boundaries of reason fail And mind collapses on itself Throwing soul in disarray-
a soul exists under an assumption of false reality, Incapable of self-generation at knowledges source, Bringing back
renewal in its wake, It cannot usher in , On waters of renewal Through cleansing, A force revitalizing-
imposes slow denigration upon being Through self-denial that makes corruption of decadence, Gain strength and wear out
being, Spirit in such a being suffers prolonged torment-
XXXI "Is this the city that was called The perfection
of beauty, the joy of the whole earth?" (Lamentations 2:15b.)-
XXXII My soul journeys, Driven towards
far removed ancient headwaters, To source of knowledge To purify self at gathering pools, It goes to find renewal
in that which is refined; Crystalline pools of distilled knowledge That replenishes wisdom's store And awakens creativity
In things so ancient and yet so new-
In this falling dew Of knowledge's pearls in formation Falling from
great heights, Soul is unburdened again As it's old hold lets go as though dams Of old soul's lock are unloosened, Renewal
trickling in delicately formed pearls Of knowledge, filling-
In swarming pool that fills ancient channels Bringing
forth renewal, Restoration is re-birthed, Cleansing away filth that pollutes venerable temple Of flesh, In pools
of distilled purity gathered Gathering in dripping drops at foot Of headwaters, where source comes into being-
XXXIII Herculean
soul, Set to task, Augeas's stable is your sarcophagus; This body you indwell Through pristine darkness of places
less Trodden, physically non definable States of being physically non-conceivable Soul goes To seek knowledge That
breaks apart imposing doors of ignorance Bringing in its wake restoration; Dawning of a new day of awareness In
renewal that is being unconsciously anticipated By disharmonious separates Waiting arrival of a thing bright That
lifts arduous imposition of intolerant ignorance Set afloat on these waters of mighty surge In that other state from
which you were cast forth-
XXXIV From madness, Soul in madness from madmen fled, Escaping into emotion's
abyss To find a foothold beyond pristine darkness, Driven by compelling forces, Extremities of downside Of stupendously
heavy emotions; That drive out, refusing, To contain any longer-
Barriers breached, Dynamic soul in motion, Is
cast forth to seek for meaning, In self discovery of a different nature, At headwaters in highlands where source is, Where
clarity is a distillation re-coagulating of pure composition dripping, Complex drops of pearly blobs In pure states
of nascent growth-
XXXV These drops, Before they become waterfalls Of powerfully redefining capacity, Bringing
renewal in their awesome power, Renewal that cleans the social pigsty of decadence Were but frail constituents of dews Unseen,
unfelt, yet prescient in presence-
Waterfalls tumbling, To breach dams of imposed human limitations, Fluidity
of unrestraint, unarrestable force, Carrying en masse collected collective filth Away on its mighty onrush. Purity
of amassed strength As gentle drops bring forth renewal In wake of their mighty reconstructive force-
clear pools At rarified heights Descent into soul, Spun out on a journey, Furthest from reality, Discovery
of a thing most beautiful Soul returns to give, To that dying breed Encased in decaying flesh; Huddled masses, Constricted
in restrictive binds Of impositions that fertilize decay, Even as life dies, Dying spreading contaminant plague
to inevitably dead, Even as impurity of conflating miasma of bubbling social cauldron Blends a perfect mix of mortality-
tumbling, Cascading joy of renewal, Breaching old dams of human impositions Bringing in things new, renewing-
fulfilled, New states of being ushered in on mighty flow, As revived collective breaths, Filling new cells of mind
reborn With awareness refreshing -
XXXVI "The Lord, JHVH Has vindicated us, Come, let us tell in Zion, What
the Lord our God has done."
Thus is soul that having rediscovered Relevance at source, By clear pools, Wading
in these waters, At rarified heights of ascent In descent of soul Spun out to journey furthest from "reality" Discovers
a thing beautiful, That it returns to give-
XXXVII Babylonic social degenerative state, Facade of false pride,
crumbling, Not yielding without a fight. Decadence of failing state held together by rot. In futility, it raises
its red rotting banners, Moth eaten gory glory, jaded, Faded flags Remnants of past desecration that consumes-
monstrosity, tottering, To its last stance before overtaking tumbling waters, Of change unleashed far away From far
removed nether regions, Through which soul had sojourned A thing bright comes-
Barricades of rotten iron, Timber
turning to dust, A white cloud, this filmy dust, Of deceptive mystery; A film of deception; Haze over ancient
carrion hunters sight, deluding-
Look at these old captains of forgotten wars, Caught firmly in their deception, Vicious
destroyers, They kept dead together with dying Deliberately lingering over death Till overwhelming putrefaction is
all encompassing-
These old heroes, with Honor long dissipated, Adorning their old battle dresses, Dabbing
upon shrunken cheeks red war paints, That no matter how well lacquered, Cannot hide shrunken sunken cheeks-
ruinous army, Is about to fall Before oncoming tumbling waters Gushing forth over waiting rim-
At crest
of cleansing waters most pure, To rim of waterfall At edge Whither mighty water Pauses momentarily in its sweeping
might Descending in whitewash of gushing waters cleansing, Evanescing spiritual filth, swept away, From temple of
fleshly being-
"You who live by many waters, And are rich in treasures, Your end has come, The time for you
to be cut off. The Lord Almighty, Has sworn by Himself, I will surely fill you with men, As with a swarm of locusts, And
they will shout In triumph over you"-
"He made the earth by His power; He founded the world by His wisdom And
stretched out the heavens by His understanding. When He thunders, the waters in the heavens roar; He makes clouds
rise from the ends of the earth. He sends lightning with the rain And brings out the wind from His storehouses." Everyman
is senseless and without knowledge; Every goldsmith is shamed by his idols, His images are a fraud; They have no
breath in them, They are worthless, The objects of mockery; When their judgment comes they perish. He who is the
portion of Jacob Is not like these, For He is the maker of all things, Including the tribe of His inheritance, Jehovah
Almighty is His name". (Jeremiah 51:12-19)-
XXXVIII "The land trembles and writhes, For the Lord's purpose
against Babylon stand; To lay waste the land of Babylon, So that no one will live there. Babylon's warriors have
stopped fighting, They remain in their strong holds. Their strength is exhausted; They have become like women. Her
dwellings are set on fire, The bars of her gates are broken. One courier follows another And messenger follows messenger To
announce to the king of Babylon That his entire city is captured, The river crossings seized, The marshes set on
fire And the soldiers terrified." (Jeremiah 51: 29-32)-
XXXIX Yet my soul in flight Plunges deeper through
yawning darkness, In falling through bottom of emotion's hole of despair, It has taken flight, It ascends to higher
grounds, Heading towards ancient headwaters of knowledge On wings of despair transformed, To those becalming pools, Source
of knowledge, To find meaning-
This knowledge attained through meaning unraveled, Discovered as though by chance A
happenstance designated to occur in its own time, Chanced upon by soul set in flight. Although enlightened me, I
know better than to believe In false assumption of coincidence unfounded-
XXXX O, thou ancient holy man, Standing
upon craggy high mountain Of deserted deserts, Desolate landscapes of frightening beauty, Peering through purity
of holiness, Receiving prophetic utterances Of destructive renewal; Redemption of soul Even as being is consumed, Art
thou like my soul?-
This soul of mine, Like lightning flashing Through pristine darkness of Places infrequently
trod, Through these far removed places, It journeys, In unfolding darkness of understanding Being revealed-
soul-scapes, Where distractions incumbent on flesh, Fall away like old cloth discarded, Visual distortions removed In
deciphering absence of sensual perception, Devoid of disruptive conflicting images, Snares sliced off in an instant
of revelations, Here in this pure state, Discernment finally comes-
Exquisite delicacies of unimaginable beauty,
captivating Appreciation of knowledge in grand revelations, Who as it were, put together this, This complex rarity
unfolding When the clink of knowledge's key Opens rusty portals of understanding And insight is enabled In wonderful
settings As resolute soul is renewed?-
Soul on journey of discovery, In recovery Coming from ancient source,
As it were a rod of lightning, flashing, Fierce, brilliant flashes of profound insight, Creativity's discovery in
understanding thus enabled, Bringing to huddled masses cowering A cataclysmic fire of renewal, In things so new, Yet
so ancient in origin-
XXXXI Strip back those former things, Removing decadence that denudes, Without redecorating
in floral garments of renewal, Scour and make bare mouldy foundations, That we might rebuild a temple of being anew. For,
this soul seeks to dwell in sanctified temples. That upon mind state of being renewed Knowledge cometh from distant
places To find expression-
Hearken ye, Ye gate keepers of assumed reason, In your insanity give sanity a podium, To
proclaim revival borne by journeying soul, On wings of joy; Soul that brings renewal in its wake, Lest in your stubbornness, Babylon's
falling walls entrap you-
Prove yourselves worthy of my presence, For I am the light, In whose presence darkness
flees, The light cannot compromise encompassing darkness, By accommodation; No, The two are incompatible, Light
replaces darkness, In its absence darkness reigns-
Conscience awakened in mind, That troubles soul, Awakened
from spiritual stupor of mindless evil, Jogging somnolent soul, Propelling it through darkness of a different kind. Affirming
refusal of self destruction, When knowledge is attained, And understanding dawns, Remember the Lord thy God, By
remembering to redeem thyself in holiness, For your body is a temple ordained to contain This soul renewed-
the Spirit may abide therein, In time of perturbation, Turn away from contaminating infectious idolatry, Sin that
easily beguiles, Remove those diseased Asherah poles From before beings temple. Cleanse temple walls, Scrub away
Those drawings of spiritual decadence These things that you have borrowed From wayward and wicked minds, Whose
spirits are entrapped in deadened souls. These degenerate wayward You are attracting to yourself, Cleanse away-
that renewing waters Of purity discerned come. Sanctuary is your temple, Sanctified grounds where my spirit revives. You
will come back to me, I am, your maker, Surely, you will rejoice, Even as tangle of confusion is cleansed, And
"Jerusalem" made habitable again-
XXXXII Then, You will exult in self acknowledged holiness, knowing I am
your God, Who purposes you, I will teach you, Leading you in the path of life, In righteousness and truth, Though
you walk through The valley of the shadow Of death and destruction, I will bear you in the palm of my hands, That
as you awaken to truth That is at source, From whence soul returns, Your doubts will be removed-